In the fridge tonight are #21. 6 9 , 8.
#21--Peter80 - Hobgoblinish clone West Yorkshire 1469.
Fruit on the nose, and low malt, maybe a result of age. medium-thin body and medium carbonation. Malty taste with caramel and roast in balance, some balancing bitterness and low-moderate fruit. Easy to drink, and a lot easier than Hobgoblin. Some residual brewing salts on the palate. Holds and retains a moderate persistent head.
#9 welly2 - English Best Bitter - Huge fizzy but rocky, persistent head. Huge caramel, malty, stone-fruity roasty-toasty, toffee-coffee aroma. First taste, too dry and papery-dry. Nothing but stale hop or oxidative astringency.
Shame, as the aroma held a lot of promise. Could not drink. Sorry. Should have consumed fresher.