2015 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hop Garden!

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-_- sadly no hops for me this season...

After my cascade and chinook got ripped out of the ground in their early stages by the dog (twice, despite two fences)...
The cascade did not survive.
As for the chinook, evidence is below...coupled with probably some less than attentive farming i have 7 foot bines with no hop movement and foliage is a bit off.

It will be moved onto a proper trellis structure (new pergola) which gets more beneficial sun than their current position. Need to work on non-dog related fertilizers.

Should get a decent second year crop hopefully.

Good luck with the new dog.

My Chinook (left) and Cascade (right). Grape vine middle.


Chinook close up from the ground.


And close up of the cascade the other day.


Both first year zomes. Chinook is kicking the cascades ass. Cheers Yob. ;)
They are indeed works of art Mofox, Ive never seen first year plants so smothered.. especially the Chinook

yes, Yes, frickin trouser sniffing YES!

Basically grew up on these guys. Although, wrt to clip, wtf you trying to say? You had like 10m^2 of Chinook growing... Surely there's at least a couple of cones in there... ? :p
168g cascade this year. Will pick the same in the morning with the kids since they helped water them most days

My first year Goldings are coming along nicely


Nice! Where are you located? (Sorry, on my phone) Where did you source your rhizome? A lot of us haven't had huge amounts of luck with Goldings, that's why I ask.
Hey Mardoo, I got my rhizomes from Hoppy2B on here and I'm located on the Southern Fleurieu Peninsula in SA. Very close to the same latitude as Canberra and 235m above sea level.

Now, to be honest, I've looked back over the pics that I took of my hops and I'm not sure if this was Goldings or Victoria. I'll have to have a close look again tonight to confirm as I planted 3 varities way too close to each other. However, I've definitely got good cones on all varities, all being first year rhizomes.
Did a little bit of harvesting on the first of my Chinooks. Got 213gms wet from one first year plant. Pretty happy with that. They come out really green in thep ics due to using the flash. They're nice and papery with good aroma and break easily in your hands.


Picked another harvest last night, this time it was the Goldings.


I also finished drying the Chinook and reduced the weight down to 108gms. The aroma coming from the Chinook is delicious. REally looking forward to brewing with it.

My Victoria are looking very close and will probably come off over the next couple of nights.

I'm so stoked with the success I've had with these that I'm seriously thinking of doubling my numbers this year and getting a few more varieties in. I would love to expand year after year and have enough to start a little supply ring in SA.

Are there guys out there that are interested in buying quantities of fresh/green hops?
I'm sure there would be plenty. I'd love to grow enough to have a little bit of a hop swap happening.

But I don't think it will be this year looking at the current crop. Was planing to harvest my tettnang today but think I'll give a few more days.
ImageUploadedByAussie Home Brewer1425114183.115563.jpg

First year chinook. 68g wet. Can't wait to pick the victoria. :)
Exciting stuff - both the cascade and chinook are starting to feel a bit papery (& smell great!). Still smell a bit.. grassy?

Also not yet falling apart when I scrunch a cone... guessing that means wait and be patient. lol.
mofox1 said:
Exciting stuff - both the cascade and chinook are starting to feel a bit papery (& smell great!). Still smell a bit.. grassy?

Also not yet falling apart when I scrunch a cone... guessing that means wait and be patient. lol.
Mine were papery and smelt nice. Still slightly grassy. Was worried about the storm coming so may have been slightly early ? Also noticed all five different varieties I have growing smell very similar. Will the smell change as they are ready?
Second harvest gave me 346g wet Cascade and only 86g wet Goldings. I noticed that the goldings didnt produce flowers until a higher point than the cascade.

Hop Harvest Feb 2015.jpg

Pretty stoked I should have enough cascade for a batch. Anyone have good simple recipe that lets the homegrown hops shine?

Bonus pic of an Assassin bug found crawling on the cascade. (Good predatory insect)

Assassin Bug.jpg
Mardoo said:
DU99 those are verrrry close to picking time, if not already there.

Let your feelings go DU99...
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