I finally got around to builing my trellis that i have been putting off for the last few months. Its been damn windy down in Slobart over the last month, which has put me off to some degree.
I had some ~3m lengths of gal pipe 45mm OD lying around from and old fence. I wanted to mount them onto my paling fence but couldn't get any Ubolts long enough, so i had to get creative. Supercheap auto had jockey wheel clamps for 13 bucks each which fit the bill perfectly. $2.50 for the fixing bolts, nuts and oversized square washers per clamp made it $30 bucks or so for each post. two posts $60 in total (plus twine and posts which I already had).
Removing the trelis from the fence at the end of the season will be a snap too. take all of 5 minutes once the bines have been disentagled.
I wanted to be able to lower the cross piece when it came time to harvest too. I read a few times that using pulleys causes issues as the hops tend to go bushy at the top of the trellis and they jam up the pulley or they climb around the cord when it goes back down, meaning you cant lower the boom.
My workaround was to have the rope go up the inside of the gal pipe and then out the top, and then tie onto the boom. This eliminates moving parts such as pulleys and the return rope is held away from curious bines. Works a treat. I can raise and lower it by myself.
I went with three cords per plant. the one on the right has brown 'camo' cord as i ran out of yellow. fixed onto the boom with eye bolts at the top and tied off onto a screw, screwed into an offcut of an old sleeper at the base. I hope its heavy enough.
I've got a chinook on the left, cascade in the center and columbus on the right. hopefully they get as excited about their new trellis as i am. I doubt it.