Xmas-in-July Caseswap 2013 (SE QLD)

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Sitting here at the computer watching the Tigers v Devils (Qld Cup) when it occurred to me that we could well be creating a world first by attending a Christmas-in-June? :blink: :lol:
Not all that long now! :party:
Cheers Perry. :icon_chickcheers:
Hang on - that's already in a month?

i better get stuff organised then.

Not sure what beer to bring yet, kegerator has been dry for a few month now. Got a few cubes ready, just gotta start fermenting.
Looks like i might either bring a Cascade Pils or a 2% APA.
Wasn't the last one in June as well? July is full of Beer judging , good beer week, etc. that many of us will be attending hence the June date. I think SWMBO is intending to do some roasts this year to avoid the wear and tear on the dunny caused by curries. :rolleyes:
Florian said:
Hang on - that's already in a month?

i better get stuff organised then.

Not sure what beer to bring yet, kegerator has been dry for a few month now. Got a few cubes ready, just gotta start fermenting.
Looks like i might either bring a Cascade Pils or a 2% APA.
A 2% APA???? No wonder you are always the last man standing...
Still quite a large list of swappers in the meet. Hopefully we font get any more as I only have 1 keg of it ha ha.
aydos said:
Still quite a large list of swappers in the meet. Hopefully we font get any more as I only have 1 keg of it ha ha.
Plenty of time for the final adjustment aydos. We sometimes see them ---

Dropping Like flies.jpg
Brewed my swap contribution (for the second time) yesterday. A porter roughly based on a meantime London porter clone, except with 600g of home roasted MO instead of smoked malt. I was aiming for brown malt but it ended up a lot drier and more bitter (upon biting) than TF Brown in a side-by-side. Adjusted the hops down a notch to counter the bitterness.
well june is going to be a full month of drinking for me,full weekends for the whole month, glade i have a small stock pile of beer to drink,,,,,,,
1. Winkle - Saison Noir
2. NickB - somewhat beery-like substance with hops
3. Tazman1967 - Rye Saison
4. Rowy - Couldn't out Florian Florian so it will now be a Stout!
5. Parks - American Pale Ale
6. King Brown Brewing - something big and really alcoholic- Rowy
7. BPH87 - Imperial Brown/Stout
8. BenKen25 - Dark Saison with lemon myrtle
9. kegs23 - double chocolate coffee stout
10. bradsbrew- Aussie Old
11. the goldclub (the gold coast local united brewers)american pale ale (kegs23)
12. Lukiferj - Oatmeal stout
13. TheCarbinator. Not sure yet
14. Aydos- Belgian Blonde Ale
15. Liam - something dark.
16. scoundrel_rogue - St. Jude Porter
17. Womball - Altbier, or a big nastly American Brown Ale...dunno yet.
18. Beersuit - currently nursing a Belgium Stout.
19. Gav - likely APA
20. Craig - Gavs mate - Likely double chocolate porter if ready on time

1. Florian
2. Dougsbrew
3. Bonj
4. TidalPete
5. Sqyre... I better give that cranky scotsman his hat back...
6. Gavo... will sign up now, have to go to the big smoke some time
7. Scottc (probably not swapping, but may bring a keg)
8. Damien13
9. Roverfj1200 (May jump to swap if I have something good)(And some bottles to share)

Bradsbrew- Throw in for pizza. Bringing some chilli Jerky Eggs for breaky
Rowy - I'm happy to throw in for Pizza. I'll bring some Bacon for Brekky
TidalPete - Throw in for the pizza. Hash browns for brekky.
scoundrel - chuck in for pizza, chipolattas for breaky.

Kegs on tap.

Bradsbrew- Victoria's Secret Bitter Lager
Rowy- Either a Saison or my Mosaic AIPA
TidalPete - Dumper Bay Dubbel (6.7%)
scoundrel - either a black xmas braggot or an IPA

updating the list.

will be bottling mine during the week
Hey King Brown I just read your beer! I resemble that remark you prick,
Rowy said:
Hey King Brown I just read your beer! I resemble that remark you prick,
Ha ha ha. Hey, are we on for synchronised brewing this weekend ol' chap? I gotta get an order in to a mightly hungover Ross.
1. Winkle - Saison Noir
2. NickB - ****** - somewhat beery-like substance with hops
3. Tazman1967 - Rye Saison
4. Rowy - Couldn't out Florian Florian so it will now be a Stout!
5. Parks - American Pale Ale
6. King Brown Brewing - something big and really alcoholic- Rowy
7. BPH87 - Imperial Brown/Stout
8. BenKen25 - Dark Saison with lemon myrtle
9. kegs23 - double chocolate coffee stout
10. bradsbrew- Aussie Old
11. the goldclub (the gold coast local united brewers)american pale ale (kegs23)
12. Lukiferj - Oatmeal stout
13. TheCarbinator. Not sure yet
14. Aydos- Belgian Blonde Ale
15. Liam - something dark.
16. scoundrel_rogue - St. Jude Porter
17. Womball - Altbier, or a big nastly American Brown Ale...dunno yet.
18. Beersuit - currently nursing a Belgium Stout.
19. Gav - likely APA
20. Craig - Gavs mate - Likely double chocolate porter if ready on time

1. Florian (Safe from Beaudesert RBTs up this way mate)
2. Dougsbrew (In possession of Gympie's communal banjo)
3. Bonj (has hair like a girl)
4. TidalPete ( me old mate :super: )
5. Sqyre... ( keeps spending my child support money on brewing bling) I better give that cranky scotsman his hat back...
6. Gavo... will sign up now, have to go to the big smoke some time
7. Scottc (probably not swapping, but may bring a keg)
8. Damien13
9. Roverfj1200 (May jump to swap if I have something good)(And some bottles to share)
10. InCider. Swap whore, not invited, will arrive late and sleep with pizza on face and smell like flatulence. Does a cracking rendition of Khe Sahn as long as Zizzle stays with his filth seppo mates and doen't break the bar door... again!
I think we'll cap the swappers at 20. If you want to swap but missed out put your name down as reserve(s) and you can take the place of somebody who drops out (and that will happen).
Don't forget to bring a drinking vessel along with you on the day - smaller is better if you intend staying up with Florian ;)

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