Welcome Back Chap Chap Brewday 05 June

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Probably July, any good beer on Norton Street? :)
and no, not a-da Peroooni

universale hotel above norton st plaza sometimes has hoegaarden on tap or some other feature beer

you'll find a few of the JS beers on tap at a few of the pubs, but not much to mention,

i know you are a big fan of polenta, so any of the many italian restaurants will happily serve you peroni
Sorry i couldn't make it guys, stuck here in the brewery doing paperwork :(
Great to see you back Chap Chap, look forward to catching up for a beer before too long.

Cheers Ross
Not as big as DKS'

That thing is like an anoconda.....

A big. Black. Rabid. Anoconda.
These balls....urgh...hurt my chin...

Stop it, Daz, Chappo, Winkle, Sully, Florian.

Ouch my arse tooooooo....
Bwahahahaha Nick, you call yourself a man with that thing....
Sully just hung his cock out................anyone ever seen as half chewn musk stick before?
Ok so who had a lazy $100 with sportsbet on a boil-over?????

Top day, well done Brad (and its probably best to log out of AHB on brewdays ;) )
I hope the foil hat helps, Chap Chap.
Top day guys, glad I pulled my finger out and came along... Should of come with a designated driver too though!

It was good to get some feedback on a couple beers.

Thanks for hosting Brad.

Had a great day fellas. Did not enjoy all the unprofessional pointing and bad advice. Its a good thing I know just how good I am. I am glad myself and chap chap were able to remove all the surplus wort foam at the start of the boil, some of the inexperienced brewers thought it was a boil over, but it was soon pointed out that this is a necessary step that is part of brewing a to style perfect beer, which in my own opinion was achieved today despite all the poor advice being given at the time.

:lol: Had a great day. Was great to see a few of the regulars and some new faces.

Cheers Brad
Sooo, where's the photos?
There was some quality posing going on, funny stuff indeed.
On Topic - What volume did you end up getting Brad?
Some photos, to prove it did happen.... (settle Perry......)

Ummmm, the can opener doesn't go there, Chappo...

Sully being Sociable, Muckey agreeing.

StillScottish (Campbell) looking normal, as per usual

Beerish looking stuff....surely not.

Winkle (Perry) suitably pointy

Has no idea what's going on....

Chappo trying to jump start the pump

Ouch, noisy. My ears. Poor diddums Trent.

Boilover...? What boilover?

Beery package testing....ahem. Muckey looking jealous.

Darn! Bradsbrew foiled again!

More pointage. Impressive!

Chappo, ensuring that his brain waves are not intercepted....

Despite DKS' (Daz's) best efforts, TV reception was lacking

Gone nigh-nigh. zzzzz.

Thanks for a great afternoon Brad. Impressive beers from you (except the shit ones :p) and great to catch up with everyone again!

looks like a good day, unfortunately i was working :(. see yas at xmas in july swap.
OK , SWMBO was impressed with how I was cleaning up all those half finished bottles. Then I shat my pants and all of a sudden I'm the villian. You just cant predict these women. Anyone know how to get dried shit out of anal hair????
looks like fun was had lol. also good to put faces to some names. Wish I was closer and could make it! my day was great had to look after a screaming baby all day damn teething kids lol. didnt even get to brew and I got a keg and a fermenter of beer thats it looks like VB times next week or so (not!! couldnt go that low surely I can afford a carton of coopers at least)
OK , SWMBO was impressed with how I was cleaning up all those half finished bottles. Then I shat my pants and all of a sudden I'm the villian. You just cant predict these women. Anyone know how to get dried shit out of anal hair????

Hmmm, you need a splash guard in your undies or a pair of InCider's adult diapers for these type of days. So are we going to pencil in your place for the Xmas swap then?

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