Hi Guys!
I'm a bit "calmer" & less pissed/pissed off than I was last night. I've got
severe osteoarthritis in both feet & spending 2-3 days on my feet working like a dog for something that I love doing still hurts like hell. No-one heard me complain about it.
This was without doubt, the worst things have ever been for Vicbrew. Increased entry numbers, lost/missing entries (despite being checked & re-checked multiple times by the organisers), lack of judges & stewards to handle the 11 concurrent tables being run that HAD to be run to get through it (of the 9 stewards who committed to turning up, only 5 did). We could've run it with 9 at a push, but to then have no-shows just pissed me off. There were a number of other things that went wrong that added to the problems that I won't go into. What should've been a fun weekend turned into a real pain in the arse (& feet!!) for me & everyone else who had to pick-up the slack. We did it & actually managed to finish the judging. That in itself was a complete miracle.
The only thing that got me through it was my sense of humour. If you can't have a laugh whilst the world is taking a dump on you..& I just love yelling at judges.
There's been some valid points raised here & I've made a note of them for Committee discussion during the debrief. I was also making a lot of notes during the event itself (as I always do), always thinking "How can we do this better?", "How do we cope with these situations?" etc..etc...
This competition is run by a hard-core of VERY committed & experienced volunteers that work together like a well-oiled machine, but this year has shown that even 'though we've got everything down-pat, there's always going to be problems that we just have to deal with. When I found out just how bad things were going to be, I said to myself "Suck it up Princess - You've got a job to do & everyone is relying on you to do it. Get stuck-in".
No plan, however well thought-out, survives first-contact with the enemy. This year the enemy was a
huge increase in entry numbers, combined with a lack of manpower to accommodate that increase. We (ie. the Vicbrew Committee, the clubs & the Victorian Homebrewing community in general) now has to have some severely robust conversations about how we're going to HAVE to deal with this, or something's going to give. I for one am not going to throw my hands in the air & give up, resign & leave it to others to deal with. I'm not a quitter & neither are the other members of the committee. You can be assured of that.
All the keyboard-warriors out there obviously have absolutely no comprehension of the massive level of committed effort that goes into organising & running this competition for YOUR benefit (for instance, I have a 3-hour round trip just to attend committee meetings. One member drove/rode 850 Km over two days to pick up a handful of entries), all for your $8/entry. None of us gets paid for anything we do & no-one is reimbursed for their costs. Something for you to think about.
On the subject of costings, just so you guys have an idea:
Venue hire for the 2 days would normally cost $10K. Obviously, we can't afford that & we do get a discount from the venue (I won't mention the figure, but it's considerably more than the $1K Andy mentioned above), because we put so much over the bar & in meals. It's a loss for the venue, but they do it to support us.
Vicbrew pays for the meals for all judges & stewards - at LEAST $2K, if not $3K. That's our way of recognising folks that volunteer their time over the weekend.
Trophies - Over $1K
The cost of sundries & consumables (ie. printing/stationery/nibbles, glasses & jug purchase, covering the inevitable breakages etc...etc...) is an unknown to me, but it's paid-for. Sometimes we can't get enough sponsors for some categories, so Vicbrew does it. Vicbrew also supplies cheques to the novices in each of the sanctioned competitions throughout the year & that's about to increase to $100.
It's not about the costs, it's more about the TIME.
Like I said before, I do this 'cos I love doing it & I don't expect to get paid. I don't even do it to accumulate BJCP points (I'm not qualified, don't intend to be & I think I'm entitled to 2x/3x[?] the points a judge gets, for being Chief Steward). I do it for you guys & the love of good homebrewed beer in Victoria. The rest of the Committee is the same.
What I'd like to see is others turning-up to make it happen without it turning into a stress-fest for those that put-in. It's meant to be fun, not a chore for those that do it. I mean seriously, guys - it's a whole weekend of drinking free beer & talking **** with like-minded beer geeks. What could be better? Actually, no-one need answer that question......

Things WILL be better next year (one way or another). That's the eternal optimist in me.
I'll be there next year & commit to you that I'll work my guts out to make this competition happen, no matter how tough it gets.
Will you be there?