technobabble66 said:
Out of interest, who organised the last one? Was that you, Martin?
Yeah, I put the recipe together & sourced most of the malts, but basically left everyone who had gear there (since they already know their kit) & was willing to help, actually execute the plan & just get on with it....Apart from Voldemort's interjections....
I stepped-in a couple of times to offer suggestions, coordinate & make "executive decisions"

, but it pretty-much worked itself-out.
BTW guys, as of today, CB can source C-180 Candi Syrup if you want it. I was kinda-sorta hoping we could get a bulk supply to reduce costs, but it'd be just too hard to coordinate a split on the day (not to mention messy!), so it's gonna have to come in 450g sachets. They're pretty exy (probably about $15-$17 per pouch-TBA), but we can do it.
We're only planning on getting-in the dark & light syrups (ie. not the full range), so if you want some lighter stuff, lemme know & I'll see what I can do for you.
I'll need to know interested numbers ASAP, as our supplier is about to place an order & we need to jump on the opportunity before the event.