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1: Yob #2
2: Danwood #2
3: Mardoo #2
4: djar007 #2
5: davedoran #1
6: Mattress #2
7. Black n tan #1
8. Billygoat #2
9. mckenry #1 - what with the hashtag? r we tweeting this now??
10.Scooby #3
11. Camo6 #2 - subject to price yada yada
Running total - 17


1: Yob #1
2: Jez #1
3: djar007 #1
4: black n tan #2
5: mckenry 1
Running total: 6

This hobby's gonna kill my marriage!
Double post. AHB slooooow.
just curious - what price target are people after? any other factors that people want in a stainless fermenter?
Bout $100 for me would be good. Ideally a hole bit up from the bottom for a valve. Can always drill one myself if needs be though.

1: Yob #2
2: Danwood #2
3: Mardoo #2
4: djar007 #2
5: davedoran #1
6: Mattress #2
7. Black n tan #1
8. Billygoat #2
9. mckenry #1 - what with the hashtag? r we tweeting this now??
10.Scooby #3
11. Camo6 #2 - subject to price yada yada
12. lynchman 2
Running total - 19


1: Yob #1
2: Jez #1
3: djar007 #1
4: black n tan #2
5: mckenry 1
6: lynchman 1

Running total: 7

1: Yob #2
2: Danwood #2
3: Mardoo #2
4: djar007 #2
5: davedoran #1
6: Mattress #2
7. Black n tan #1
8. Billygoat #2
9. mckenry #1 - what with the hashtag? r we tweeting this now??
10.Scooby #3
11. Camo6 #2 - subject to price yada yada
12. lynchman 2
13. Bridges 1 or 2 price dependant. (see page one of this thread!)
Running total - 23


1: Yob #1
2: Jez #1
3: djar007 #1
4: black n tan #2
5: mckenry 1
6: lynchman 1

Running total: 7

1: Yob #2
2: Danwood #2
3: Mardoo #2
4: djar007 #2
5: davedoran #1
6: Mattress #2
7. Black n tan #1
8. Billygoat #2
9. mckenry #1 - what with the hashtag? r we tweeting this now??
10.Scooby #3
11. Camo6 #2 - subject to price yada yada
12. lynchman 2
13. Bridges 1 or 2 price dependant. (see page one of this thread!)
14. pat_00 1 or 2 depending on $$$
Running total - 24


1: Yob #1
2: Jez #1
3: djar007 #1
4: black n tan #2
5: mckenry 1
6: lynchman 1

Running total: 7

I asked for some internal photo's which I got last night and they showed a seam (pretty significant one too), I informed him that that would be unacceptable and he's going to send more piccies of a seamless one they supposedly have, Im aslo investigating some insulated vessel options with tap fitted so not sure which direction this'll go yet.. lots of details to sort out.

Working on it in all my spare time :p ;)
Started doing some research today on getting some fabricated to our specs. Looks like it may be within range of the numbers we're talking about. With your expertise are you able to work up detailed drawings Yob? Willing?
no idea how detailed you need. here's a stupid simple drawing, so probably not helpful. but maybe?

truncated cone.png

here's a calculator you could use to figure out the dimensions for your desired volume.
This is from Yob's post in the 30L SS Fermenter $177 thread:
Yob said:
I dunno about 30l for an FV, headspace would regularly be an issue for me, been looking into 35l for that extra bit of space
I'm happy to do some research on getting something fabricated. As Martin mentioned in his SS Fermenter thread the Mangrove Jack's ones are slotted for most common kit-sized brew. What would we really want? It seems most of the folks here are interested in a simple SS fermenter, and I think we should keep this thread to that for now. If we get somewhere with the notion of fabrication I will of course do due diligence to make sure it wouldn't be **** stupid to ignore having some conicals fabbed instead.

Form factor? Square vs rectangular. Two Jerry cans fit side by side in most fridges morse easily than two cylinders.

(Love) Holes: Bung? Airlock? Tap?

Volume? I too would rather something along the lines of 35L

Double walled? Any reason to justify the extra expense.

Seamless or sanitary welds? Seamless is likely much more expensive. We'd need to find a trustworthy manufacturer if welded.

Agent? Might be worth the extra cost to go through an agent who already knows the territory.

Total price all inclusive?

These are off the top of my head and my phone's about to die. I'm no engineer but I AM interested in being part of making something good happen for all interested.

Whaddaya all think about these questions and what did I miss?
SS FVs have caught my gaze after readings Cocko and Screwy's good feedback on the beer made from them over plastic FVs.

Reading through, I must be missing something but why are people so keen on 30-35L FVs? isn't that a sort of un-achievable volume with regular homebrewing equipment? Wouldn't it be either a single batch (25-28L FV) or a double batch (50-56L)?
Mardoo, currently looking at some insulated 35l with a tap... Might be worthwhile you being involved and getting quotes to compare?
I'm pretty sure its roughly the same reason as you mention. If you get good efficiency from ag and get 23L put it in a 30L fermenter to allow headspace. Smaller fermenter = can't go bigger. With larger you can go smaller easily.
Cool, it's probably because I've used pretty tame yeast thus far and haven't had anything jumping out of my FV (yet!), so the 30-35L sounds like a good option to allow flexibility with bigger beers.



1: Yob #2
2: Danwood #2
3: Mardoo #2
4: djar007 #2
5: davedoran #1
6: Mattress #2
7. Black n tan #1
8. Billygoat #2
9. mckenry #1 - what with the hashtag? r we tweeting this now??
10.Scooby #3
11. Camo6 #2 - subject to price yada yada
12. lynchman 2
13. Bridges 1 or 2 price dependant. (see page one of this thread!)
14. pat_00 1 or 2 depending on $$$
15. DJ_L3ThAL - 1 subject to price
Running total - 25


1: Yob #1
2: Jez #1
3: djar007 #1
4: black n tan #2
5: mckenry 1
6: lynchman 1

Running total: 7
Interesting point by Masters from another thread:

MastersBrewery said:
Just to put it out there a 50L keg new from keg king will set you back $120 it has handles in built, soak with pbw, or sodium perk, star san and your done for cleaning, add $20 for the dip tube fitting, you then have the option of pressure fermenting
Definitely interested but price dependant


1: Yob #2
2: Danwood #2
3: Mardoo #2
4: djar007 #2
5: davedoran #1
6: Mattress #2
7. Black n tan #1
8. Billygoat #2
9. mckenry #1 - what with the hashtag? r we tweeting this now??
10.Scooby #3
11. Camo6 #2 - subject to price yada yada
12. lynchman 2
13. Bridges 1 or 2 price dependant. (see page one of this thread!)
14. pat_00 1 or 2 depending on $$$
15. DJ_L3ThAL - 1 subject to price
15. OBWK 1 or 2 depending on $$$
Running total - 26


1: Yob #1
2: Jez #1
3: djar007 #1
4: black n tan #2
5: mckenry 1
6: lynchman 1

Running total: 7

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