The poor old hot house (sans roof) had to go, about a month ago, me and a mate put a "lid" over it with the idea being that I would knock out the end wall to make a shed 'extension' out of it.
Mostly for gardening stuff and general storage to free up space in the brewery side of the shed for more important things.
Part A was to build a new Bench and grain storage in the brewery side, to get the grains out from under the bench in the Cold side part of the brewery, I wasnt milling in there but I would often weigh the grains out and it was starting to bug me... so the old couch that was on the wall (only ever used at case swaps) has been (sadly) ditched and a new bench installed.
Grain Storage
Then came the demolition
Had the sparkie in last week to install a light in the 'extension' and so after a little bit of framing, cutting some Cement Sheet and some shelving brackets Ive got
Ive still got to do a similar job to the other wall and add the shelving, rebuild the benches in there, level the floor around the massive old tree stump the hot house was built on (takes up half the floor area in there)
Clearly it still needs a good tidy up, but hay, its a building site and a work in progress.. as the whole house has been since we took possession (but we wanted that)
Following that, I'll be doing the side wall of the shed, also adding benches and storage etc. and then replacing / renovating the whole face of the shed... hopefully before September or it will have to wait till 2017