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Mattress, I don't know why, but your 'grain cupboard' makes me want to go to Kmart and try on jeans.
Well, the possum wars continue.. Ive had at least one possum in the roof of the cave ever since we moved in, after having the roof replaced Ive been trying to out the bastard and I think Im slowly winning the war.. I clad the eaves not long back in an effort to narrow it's ins and outs, I then had chicken wire on the other side (see photo what is now the CF Sheet) but the little bastard made short work of that.. so Ive pulled the wire down and replaced it with CF Sheeting and then screwed up a barrier between the rafters..

will see tonight if my efforts have made an impact and forced the bastard to find a new home :ph34r:

Possum Proofing.JPG
Atleast you didn't kick the little bugger out in the middle of winter.
the score so far is.. Possum2 / Yob 0

this fight has been going a while and this is my most serious attempt at keeping it out of the roof space. I might consider making it a box up in the corner so as not to completely un home the poor little begger ;)

Besides, I rekon the bub would like a live in Possum to feed in a year or so too B)
Possums are the worst things to have in your house, rats and mice are saints compared to them. Be stuffed if I would be building them a house. Kill the sucker, it's a pest. Ring tale possums on the other hand are cool little things that don't wreck your house.
In saying that, It is illegal to kill all possums in Australia, so I do not condone the killing of possums.
It's the shed.. but yeah, im not fond of them either but if I can evict him from the roof space with little fuss, both SWMBO and the bub will be happy.

I (allegedly) used to shoot them with a .22 for the farmers when I was growing up, they would get into their grain silo's so Id make a pretty penny helping keep the numbers down.

must pop out and see if Ive trapped im in or out as I closed the only gap last night and didnt hear him leave ;) last thing I want is a dead one in the roof over summer :icon_vomit:

Make him a house in a tree near by. Put spent grain in there, apples etc. Nice and warm and cosy. Basically making it more appealing than the shed.
Cube said:
Make him a house in a tree near by. Put spent grain in there, apples etc. Nice and warm and cosy. Basically making it more appealing than the shed.
And then blow the tree up?
well thats the problem cube, more comfy than my new roof and snuggly soft insulation? Im not spending that much time on the fecker :lol:

Ive pretty much got the roof closed off now, he'll have to break something to get in.. er .. or out as the case may be.. ;)

Ive been out here just on Dark for 10 minutes, not heard the usual scratching so will have another couple of IPA's and if I hear nothing will be pretty confident of keeping him out.

I just hope it's not a 'she' with little'uns up there.. could make the brew area a little stinky..

...if we ever get a summer here that is ;)
bradsbrew said:
And then blow the tree up?

At our old farm we used to feed the cattle molasses, once the cattle got to the bottom of the open top tank, guess what was black dead and sticky at the bottom, many many possums. Poor suckers were drowning in it like quick sand.
I ran out of room in the garage ... And yes I am still a hb'er, loud and proud ... ImageUploadedByAussie Home Brewer1389176152.241557.jpg
Don't wanna get me in the shot ...
Councils here in Melbourne don't let you kill possums.

We had one in the roof - big bushy tail - some years ago. Ignorant of possum amnesty, I asked my wife to go ask the local council about getting rid of it.

She came back with council brochure: How to Live with Possums. WTF.

I didn't want to live with it. He would get down between the stud partition walls and scratch his claws through the plasterboard - hang there during the day snoring, with his big toe claw poking through the bedroom wall. He had to go.

So borrowed a possum trap (big wire box with a side trap door), baited it with mixture of over-ripe fruit and peanut butter, and put it in the roof space near the man hole.

Waited a few hours and - snap! - and all hell broke out above the ceiling - banging and scratching. Big angry din.

Waited till he quietened down and climbed quietly up the ladder and cracked open the manhole cover to take a peek.

The bastard pissed at me! Bright orange stinging piss. Horrible stuff. Bastard.

Threw an old blanket over the trap, and waited till about 11pm

Then in the dead of night I put him in the boot of the car and transported him to the top of Mt Dandenong and parked in a layby near the TV transmission towers, and set him free.

Ran off like a guided missile and straight up a big tree.

He was a tough old poss. Hope he made it up there.
It's illegal to kill them everywhere in Australia, most cities it's also illegal to trap them without a permit, and even the you are not allowed to go and release them into the bush, you have to release it where it was, so literally trap in house, release in backyard. It's stupid.

But like the fruit bats, they both turn up in our cities due to us being disgusting humans and them feeding on our food scraps, then we can't get rid of them because 'they have been here for years', which is a Greeny spin for 'yay we saved another annoying regurgitating, fluffy animal, but don't tell anyone it really has only been here several years'.

Again, over to that eastern island we know as NZ, things are more realistic, hey I have a possum in my attic. trap, kill, dispose, fixed.

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