Sandgroper Xmas 2007 Recipes And Tasting

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Vlads Transvestite Pale ale:
Well Ill be buggered, I thought this was a brambing corss hopped english beer, but I now recall certain similarities to the Bel pale I made a few years back,
Very nice with no faults.

Recharges Rural Khazie Golden Ale: Pretty nice light brew, with a english hop hit and a touch of diacetyl.
It's Christmas Eve and I am just warming up... may wax lyrical about a few before the night is over...

A Summer Ale
At last: an ale from the king of lagers. It pours with a big head and you can smell the hops straight away. Well carbonated, though the head somehow drops away quickly. Unreal hops aroma, big fat hops flavour, deftly balanced against the solid malt background with a gutsy bitterness swelling up at the finish. Its a full beer but with nothing big or bloating about it. Nothing sticking out. Trying to think what to write about it and keep thinking, Balance. I am blown away by this beer. More please.
deebee... what happened to warming up? thanks for the review, it's pretty much spot on to my impression of the beer except a little more generous.

I'm dipping into my case now, unfortunately a lack of fridge space means I have to feed them in and out of the freezer. I'm just pulling them out of the bag at random at the moment.

First up is Randyrob's halfluck apa, unfortunately I didn't cool it for long enough so it's a little warm (and I put a couple ice cubes in it too, sorry rob). Very good balance of malt and grapefruity bitterness, carbonation slightly on the higher end. Strong enough that a couple cubes of ice do not diminish the beer (sorry rob).
Christmas Day, and I am thirsty.

4 down, 17 to go.

Spritzy carbonation, bit murky, couple of beers the night before light yellow pee colour, nice fine head and lacing. Clean dry crisp malt but still with some soft malt presence. Creamy texture, citrusy and floral hop character. Dry lingering bitterness, in winter maybe a little too bitter in the finish, but on Christmas Day, just perfect for waking the tastebuds up. Clean crisp dry balanced refreshing beer. Very nice, I know the rules say anything above 500 ml is fine, but I would have liked a much bigger bottle of this on Christmas Day. Mind you, I did have Fetchs bottle (Fletch, you missed out big time), unfortunately not cold though.

Asher Junctyard Nelson
Spritzy, a bit murky, may have been my pour, quite a few beers the night before dark yellow pee colour. Aroma is grapes and stonefruit. Hop driven flavour, there is enough malt there to back it up, but it takes a back seat. Overall, a delicious, hop driven, grapey fruity beer, with an absence of cats pee and kerosene. The bitterness lingers on the side of the tongue, and is strongly present, but is not harsh, and for summer drinking is well balanced.

Amita Wit
Strong carbonation, pillowy head on pouring, which hung around for a while. A few beers the night before medium yellow pee colour. Reasonably bright. Aroma is mostly sweetish malt. A very drinkable beer, went down well with Christmas dinner. We all know that I dont do wheat beers, but from my general impression of wits, I imagine this beer could be improved with 1) less malt flavour, 2) lighter colour, and some wheat protein for cloudiness, 3) more of an unmalted wheat tang, 4) a bit more citrusy spicy character. But since I dont know anything about wheat beers, I enjoyed it as it was.

Doogiechap Kolsch
My PET bottle was a bit squishy, lowish carb. Fruity aroma. Colour is man I had a lot of beer last night dark yellow pee. A bit murky but not that bad. Pours with a reasonable head that didnt hang around in my glasses, mostly related to the low carb I think. Nicely malty, no real caramel, no biscuit, more soft malty. Grapey character, with the right amount of bitterness for the malt. Overall, very well balanced, subdued malty, grapey, not too bitter, quaffable beer. The only other Kolsch I have ever tried is Colonial, which is more hop driven and grapey winey, and the creator says he wouldnt actually enter that as a Kolsch, so dont know how close it is for style, but I like it.
Spritzy carbonation, bit murky, couple of beers the night before light yellow pee colour, nice fine head and lacing.

I like the description but between the murkiness and the head, perhaps you need to consult a urologist?

I'm already getting my beers mixed up, thought I was tasting doogie's koeslch and was about to criticise it for being too hoppy like Colonial's koeslch, then realised I was drinking Asher's NS summer ale. Very nice, and a lot better balanced than the Knappstein archetype. Fairly close to that beer though, just more bitter and has a bit more sherbety freshness on the hops.
OK bit of time at work to add the recipe (Yes on Xmas day)

Rural Khazi's "Golden Ale" (Partial)
In the mash
1kg wheat
800g Kirin Pils
500g Marris Otter
250g Med crystal
100g Melanoidon
50g Choc
Coopers Bavarian lager kit (end of boil)(21IBUs)

20min Protien rest then mashed at 67 for an hour
Total boil volume constant 12L
Amarillo 8.9% 15g 20mins
Amarillo 8.9% 15g 10 mins
Amarillo 8.9% 10g 1min
Amarillo 8.9% 10g into NC Cube
Total IBUs (buggered if i know 21 + whatever the above gives in 12l boil and eventual total volume of 21L)

Yeast US56 from yeast cake

OG 1050
FG 1008

Hope this helps.

doogie's koelsch

More koelschlike than asher's summer ale, funnily enough. Clearer than doogie was suggesting, the haze is only mild on the first pint. Still a bit yeasty though, reminds me of a mild hefeweizen on the bready yeasty flavours.
GL's Bramling X Bitter

Hop flavour dominates a hazy amber-gold beer with good malt backing. Low carb(onation), herbal and grassy in a good fashion. Again good balance though I'd dangle another 5 IBU in there to suit myself.
Vlad's tranny ale

Nice amber colour. Lots of banana and bubblegum on the nose that stays on the first sip. Candied sweetness remains as that fades. Low bitterness and nice soft rounded malt. Seems to have a good tart-sweet balance rather than malty-bitter.
Strewth - hottest Xmas day in WA since 1915 (or something)

Much food was eaten = bloat ensued - took dogs for a walk - feel alive - what better than a beer to kick off the evening precedings.

So in my best Boris Pickett accent

Vlad the Impalers Transylvanian Pale Ale

By my own admission and despite having been to Belgium on several occasions - Im not au fait with Belgian Pale Ales - but if this is what they are all about I will be.

Colour is amber/red - low ish carbonation - sweet candy nose with a spicy note. Toffee's and spice again on the palate - there is something else I cant pick - Kai says banana - I dont get that - maybe bubblegum - but more obvious candy/lolly flavours linger.

In all a really appealing beer - will definitely have a crack at something similar.

Great effort.

Oh and a mery Xmas to all on AHB land

amita's wit

I get a sulphury tinge upfront that fades a little but not too much. Beyond that the peel and coriander are in nice balance between each other but neither are shining through. I think it is a little more malt orientated but unfortunately I do get a lot of sulphur on my bottle.
amita's wit

I get a sulphury tinge upfront that fades a little but not too much. Beyond that the peel and coriander are in nice balance between each other but neither are shining through. I think it is a little more malt orientated but unfortunately I do get a lot of sulphur on my bottle.
I got sulphur as well when first opened, but it disappeared during drinking.
Goat's hefe

Tangy clove finish on top of a nice mild fruitiness. Nice low tart breadiness and low carbonation. Did you use WB-06? It tastes similar to the last hefe I brewed with that yeast.
recharge's golden ale

Leaning more towards an amber than a golden. very solid malt backbone with a light and delicate hop flavour that leans towards passionfruit and melon. I'd tag it as a nice sweet american amber ale unless I got the wrong beer again.
Beer by David:

Very nice, dry and malty. I like it.
Kai's CAPA

Pours yellow with a light haze and long lasting medium white head. Nice visible fine carbonation. Slightly bready aroma, with honey notes too. Faint butter & apple stew notes in nose upon warming. Flavour is quite clean, with a honey-like malt sweetness and slightly citric hop flavour. Finish is dry, with a light spicy bitterness. Soft, almost silky feel in the mouth, though not heavy. Alcohol is also well hidden considering the 5.3% ABV.

Really enjoyable beer on a hot day like today. Very refreshing and like GL I would have liked more. I detected very slight diacetyl and acetaldehyde flavours once it warmed up, but not enough to detract from the beer in any way.

Amita's Wit

Pours a golden colour, highly effervescent and clear. Short lasting white head on top. I also picked up sulphur in the aroma, but this did fade as the beer warmed. Flavour is light straw/hay, with pineapple like tropical fruit esters. Dry finish, almost a little watery. Faint citric like zing in aftertaste.

Overall quite a refreshing, easy drinking beer, but could do with more flavour as I found it almost like a South American lager! I could be way off, but I suspect this was brewed with a decent proportion of simple sugars?
View attachment 16876

Amita's Wit

Pours a golden colour, highly effervescent and clear. Short lasting white head on top. I also picked up sulphur in the aroma, but this did fade as the beer warmed. Flavour is light straw/hay, with pineapple like tropical fruit esters. Dry finish, almost a little watery. Faint citric like zing in aftertaste.

Overall quite a refreshing, easy drinking beer, but could do with more flavour as I found it almost like a South American lager! I could be way off, but I suspect this was brewed with a decent proportion of simple sugars?

Amitas Wit recipe:

for 50 liters,
1,5 l Wheat Malt
1,5 l Light Malt
1 l Glucose
800 gr Dextrose

sort of mini mash with:
250 g Caramalt
250 g Munich Malt
400 g Wheat Malt

70 g Kent Goldings
40 g Saaz

10 g Corriander seeds
5 g Cummin seeds
30 g orange peel zest(seville)
3 cloves
1/2 tsp cinnamon

yeats : Wyeast Wit beer.

I am happy with how easy it drinks,miss more body and yes I also have the sulphur taste but it wasnt there earlier on.
I was also hoping for a cloudy beer and am surprised how clear it is.
will have another go at it when I have re-arrenged my brewery.

happy brewing in the new year to all,
cheers amita
OK first 2 off the ranks for me. Whilst i don't feel nearly qualified to judge i will however post my comments as objectively as i can.

Ashers - Mine was quite cloudy with a big fluffy white head that lasted the whole glass. Flavour and aroma for me were definately a dominant grapefruit with a pleasant bitterness that lasted for ages. Very nice beer. Thanks.

Amitas Wit -Mine was actually a bit cloudy but this was because the bottle fell over in the car.Minimal head. I found this beer to be quite lite in flavour but had a definate kinda soft fruity aroma and flavour. I did get mild sulphur but only because i was looking for it. Pleasant easy to drink beer. Thanks.


Amita's Wit:
Pretty nice number this one, very spritzy and fresh tasting.

Ashers Summer ale: Found this one quite surprising, very strong flavours, witha sort of citrusty zing, very pleasant.

Goats Hefe: Really good tasting hefe, didnt pick up any of the Mt Hood, Ill definitly give this dried wheat yeast a go after trying this on

Kai's cream ale: Not a style I have tasted before, but after this Ill certainly be giving it a go, very nice summer quaffer,