I'm no political science major, ********* ( But im about to spell out world politics in truth, completely factual from stuff I've read on the net, my personal opinion, even though I've never been to those countries ever, and really, it's just stuff people have known for years. No need for proof, enough people believe what I'm about to write so it just has to be true ) *********** but my biggest problem is people simply do not know, at the end of the day the world is a conundrum. The truth may hurt but that's no reason to lock yourself in the cupboard or behind your TV screen being spoon fed garbage and celebrity gossips and it's really eaten at me with the war in Syria and Ukraine.
The US are funding militias in Syria that are lopping the heads off civilians, and for what? Assad is a zoo keeper and maintained peace among a vast variety of religions.. They ousted Gaddafi and now Libya is in chaos. They've installed puppets across the globe this is no true political system, it's aim is a one world solution. You've got once again the Iranian revolution which was about oil, and deposed a democratically elected government, but these are the good guys..
They aided in the coup against a democratic Ukraine and have created a civil war with an IMF loan looming, yet they are the good guy. Words such as 'Russian missile', 'Rebel-held territory', are all phrases the media have used for this tragedy but they don't mean anything. All the missiles are Russian, Ukraine has been Russia's brother and is the home of early Russia they have Russian weaponry. America has no right sending "foreign aid" like they are helping it is simply that Ukraine is their asset now.
We could go on to discuss the war in Syria and that the US are funding militias there that have been lopping the heads off of civilians, Assad is basically a zoo keeper he managed to keep a lot of religions at peace until foreign money armed extremist militants. Gaddafi was praised in the 80s with cheap oil for his people, and state funded food stores now after NATO had it's way it is a lawless state and heading for another civil war. This is no solution.
NATO is basically a US puppet, if it ever had any major backlash for something it had done it would just dissolve and the next global alliance treaty would be made. All shiny and brand new.
To go to your first question, political ideology is hard because people simply are not the same in ideas and wants. I'd prefer a society more geared towards Anarchy and Collectivism, but it's because I feel I could thrive and engage in such a world other might not. It's the way we've created this world around us that has people see Democracy/Capitalism (possibly soon a plutocracy?) as this driving force and greater solution. Though we are simply destroying the planet with these ideals. The fear I have most is a one world solution and prospect of an Orwell 1984 with the added help of technology, which could rid 'free will'. *Sorry this is a derailment and only my view*
At the end of the day no one solution is correct but there's hypocrisy in the world and something very questionable about MH17. Israel is another topic yet one that is extremely intriguing