Nickb's Nanango Brew Day - 19th June

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Sorry to hear it Pete. At lease we won't miss your stench wafting around the place ;)

As for backing NSW, what State of Origin game??!?? Forgot it was even on to be honest! Will just have to keep up following the Mighty Bombers in the real football ;)

Sounds good Thomas - still up for splitting that batch?


PS: Thought you were tough, Pete... :ph34r:
Nick won't be getting there until later on in the day. Plus will be driving home that night but still good for the eggs. :icon_cheers:
Hmmmmm..................................... WTF Chappo?

If you're not Full 'O' Shit and am actually contemplating driving home Chappo, I'd be VERY careful - the cops are pricks around here - especially on Saturday nights.....

Just about to head out to get the bacon, one or two kgs? Just wondering what the actual numbers are now, seeing the high fly drop rate I'm beginning to wonder if just a rasher or two might not be enough! LOL

Come-on guys: I'm doing this on Endone with a doc's note not to be vertical at all for the next two weeks (bulging disk impinging on my spine, so lower body function is impaired) so what's your excuse? :ph34r:

edit: yeah Nick still keen to split the batch.....
Don't need an excuse Thomas. Was just giving Nick a touchup. :lol: I'll be there. :party:


Just ribbing ya :lol:, good thing my back is playing up too, this way I won't feel the frost bite knocking off my toes!
Won't be that cold! was positively warm last night!

I'm sure you've been but I reckon 1kg will be heaps.

Will work on that recipe tonight after I've finished my job-hunting :rolleyes:


PS: I'll get ya Pete, watch your back :ph34r:
Won't be that cold! was positively warm last night!

I'm sure you've been but I reckon 1kg will be heaps.

Will work on that recipe tonight after I've finished my job-hunting :rolleyes:


PS: I'll get ya Pete, watch your back :ph34r:

Mmmmmm jobbing beer......

1Kg acquired, so all is well.

Silence Smithers!

Release the Hounds....
Silence Smithers!

Release the Hounds....

Speaking of hounds, you need a prize winning rootster? :ph34r:

All kidding aside, my CB order didn't arrive today, and as tomorrow is the local show day I'm not sure if it will be delivered, so probably won't be bringing any EKG.....
That's cool, will work on the recipe and get it to you tonight or tomorrow. If you can maybe cover the grain I'll cover the hops? We'll work it out!


If your rooster is anything like the one up the road here, he'll be going off at 2AM. If I ever find him I'll be eating well...... :ph34r:
That's cool, will work on the recipe and get it to you tonight or tomorrow. If you can maybe cover the grain I'll cover the hops? We'll work it out!


If your rooster is anything like the one up the road here, he'll be going off at 2AM. If I ever find him I'll be eating well...... :ph34r:

Sounds good.

We ate his brothers, tasty birds they were too!
OK, thinking this way - based on Dr. Smurto's Landlord...

Recipe: Brew Day Best Bitter
Style: 8B-English Pale Ale-Special/Best/Premium Bitter

Recipe Overview

Wort Volume Before Boil: 56.00 l
Wort Volume After Boil: 44.00 l
Volume At Pitching: 42.00 l
Final Batch Volume: 40.00 l
Expected Pre-Boil Gravity: 1.036 SG
Expected OG: 1.045 SG
Expected FG: 1.011 SG
Expected ABV: 4.5 %
Expected IBU (using Tinseth): 36.9
Expected Color: 22.3 EBC
Mash Efficiency: 75.0 %
Boil Duration: 60.0 mins

Australian BB Traditional Ale Malt 7.500 kg (86.2 %) In Mash/Steeped
German Munich Malt 1.000 kg (11.5 %) In Mash/Steeped
UK Pale Chocolate Malt 0.200 kg (2.3 %) In Mash/Steeped

UK Admiral (10.6 % alpha) 45 g Loose Pellet Hops used 60 Min From End
UK Kent Golding (4.7 % alpha) 30 g Loose Pellet Hops used 20 Min From End
UK Kent Golding (4.7 % alpha) 30 g Loose Pellet Hops used Dry-Hopped

Other Ingredients
Gypsum 7 g used In Mash
Koppafloc 2 g used In Boil

Yeast: No Yeast Chosen

Mash Schedule
Mash Type: Full Mash
Schedule Name:Single Step Infusion (65C/149F)
Step: Rest at 65 degC for 60 mins

Whaddaya think? Was looking at the 20min addition directly to the cubes, and then dry hopping with whatever amount you like.

OK, thinking this way - based on Dr. Smurto's Landlord...

Recipe: Brew Day Best Bitter
Style: 8B-English Pale Ale-Special/Best/Premium Bitter

Recipe Overview

Wort Volume Before Boil: 56.00 l
Wort Volume After Boil: 44.00 l
Volume At Pitching: 42.00 l
Final Batch Volume: 40.00 l
Expected Pre-Boil Gravity: 1.036 SG
Expected OG: 1.045 SG
Expected FG: 1.011 SG
Expected ABV: 4.5 %
Expected IBU (using Tinseth): 36.9
Expected Color: 22.3 EBC
Mash Efficiency: 75.0 %
Boil Duration: 60.0 mins

Australian BB Traditional Ale Malt 7.500 kg (86.2 %) In Mash/Steeped
German Munich Malt 1.000 kg (11.5 %) In Mash/Steeped
UK Pale Chocolate Malt 0.200 kg (2.3 %) In Mash/Steeped

UK Admiral (10.6 % alpha) 45 g Loose Pellet Hops used 60 Min From End
UK Kent Golding (4.7 % alpha) 30 g Loose Pellet Hops used 20 Min From End
UK Kent Golding (4.7 % alpha) 30 g Loose Pellet Hops used Dry-Hopped

Other Ingredients
Gypsum 7 g used In Mash
Koppafloc 2 g used In Boil

Yeast: No Yeast Chosen

Mash Schedule
Mash Type: Full Mash
Schedule Name:Single Step Infusion (65C/149F)
Step: Rest at 65 degC for 60 mins

Whaddaya think? Was looking at the 20min addition directly to the cubes, and then dry hopping with whatever amount you like.


Sounds good....

I have the BB, but not the others, I think (I'll have to do a physical inventory,need to anyway), I might have some Vienna (Weyermann), but I almost certain I don't have any choc. I do have 25kg of BB pilsner malt though.

The hop schedule is about right, been meaning to get a Landlord going sometime soon anyway so very timely!

I'll let you know exactly what I have and how much in the way of choc/dark malts, but my stout/porter binge has really hit those stocks hard of late. Hmmm I do have a a couple of kg of carawheat (weyermann) not much in the way of colour though from that malt.......

Yeast: I have a slant of Thames Valley II somewhere. Could start breeding it up in the morning if you're interested.
That's cool, I have the Munich and Pale Choc, so we can use those. If you could bring the 7.5kg BB Ale, I'll cover the other grains and the hops? We can use my mill if you like :)

Don't worry about the yeast for me, I've got a couple of strains here, will most likely go the Ringwood I think!

Oh, Pete, do you have any vials of yeast you'd like to swap?

OK, have 1099 Whitbread Ale, 1187 Ringwood Ale, 2001 Urquell Lager, 1084 Irish Ale, 1007 German Ale, 2247PC Euro Lager, 1056 American Ale. All in vials, I usually split into 10 per smack pack, like you taught me :)
