I want to get elected!

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Ducatiboy stu said:
Yes...the correct weapon is required. Fox shooting is done generally with .17 riffles. Very high velocity and gteat ovet long distance in a padock. Roos gen need 22-250 or even better .243. Pigs you need . 3030/308 cause of the thick skull
Foxes are .17HMR up to a .223. Anything bigger is a waste.
I wouldn't advocate shooting Roos with less than a .243 (considering .243 and .270 are the minimum legal calibres for deer hunting, this makes sense)
Pigs I wouldn't go smaller than .270 or BB 12G
Gryphon Brewing said:
Some times you dont have a choice.
Yes you do. Don't put yourself in a position where the coppers are going to have to shoot you.
practicalfool said:
That's pretty much the point, there isn't another mundane use for a gun that justifies them.
Spot on. There's nothing mundane about letting off a shot with concentrated precision and hitting a paper target 300 yards away. Hoo-******-rah!

YoungOne said:
(snip) Most hunting rifles of a consequential calibre can be shot once or twice and then need to cool down for a good 30 minutes before you can shoot them again.
Not really a valid argument. My 30-06 sporter has put out countless rounds consecutively on a 36*c day. Doesn't do much for the life of the barrel and throws MOA out by a few inches but works reliably nonetheless.

bradsbrew said:
So what are you calling a heavy barrel, anything over .308? And how can it be a hunting rifle if you only shoot off one or 2 rounds every 1/2 hour. A 22/250 is regarded as a nice light rifle. At least the Roos will be safe with your hunting rifle.
My .17 HMR's barrel is twice as thick as my 30-06 sporter. The '06 throws a 220grain pill the size of your little toe @3000FPS whereas the .17 HMR's 17gr bullet is smaller than a Tictac and travels at only 2550FPS. Heavy barrels relate to accuracy not calibre.

manticle said:
( snip) Why are you talking about hunting rifles though? The suggested ban is on handguns isn' it?
Personally I fail to see the difference between the two. The people I have met who own handguns are members of pistol clubs whose memberships are not easily obtained. They use these firearms only at the range in competition and for personal pleasure ( the same way we get a kick from hitting our numbers and making a cracking beer). Their firearms are stored at the club under secure conditions and they don't use them for any form of killing. They're entitled to their passions the same as anyone else so who has the right to tell them they're unfit to do so? If you wanted to go postal it would be easier to source a blackmarket weapon than jump through the hoops already in place for this very reason.

I love this thread, I could talk guns all day. Fish yer got mah vote.
I don't see how he's going to stop the greens though. The majority of the votes he gets on this fishing and shooting ticket are going to come from the LNP's base, surely? Which if anything is only going to help the greens.
Ducatiboy stu said:
Police pistols are not used to kill. They are to stop and wound an offender.

Well thats what they tell you.......
Yeah, somehow I doubt you would survive being hit by a 40S&W. It would have to put a big hole in you.
I think it has what the americans call 'stopping power'.

brewbienewbie said:
I don't see how he's going to stop the greens though. The majority of the votes he gets on this fishing and shooting ticket are going to come from the LNP's base, surely? Which if anything is only going to help the greens.
Maybe. I've previously been a greens/labor voter.
I'd rather be hit by a .40 than a .357 anyday. Well I'd rather be hit by neither. That's why I don't drive my car while carrying a knife. That **** will get you dead.

From what I understand, law enforcers aren't trained to wound but to aim for the big parts till they're no longer a threat. And so they should, given the position they put themselves in.
Camo6 said:
From what I understand, law enforcers aren't trained to wound but to aim for the big parts till they're no longer a threat. And so they should, given the position they put themselves in.
Camo6 said:
I'd rather be hit by a .40 than a .357 anyday. Well I'd rather be hit by neither. That's why I don't drive my car while carrying a knife. That **** will get you dead.

From what I understand, law enforcers aren't trained to wound but to aim for the big parts till they're no longer a threat. And so they should, given the position they put themselves in.
That's correct. You are trained aim for the biggest part of the body as you're less likely to miss, especially important in close quarters as you may only have time to get one shot off.
bum said:
Can we get an IP check up in this bitch?
This is what I thought after reading the post below.

YoungOne said:
after a while it all starts running together in my mind. They just want to get rid of everything.
That's the most retarded name for a political party I've ever heard. What next, a 'stop the stop the greens party'? This could get out of control. :lol:
if you wanted to stop any party, wouldn't you just not vote for them or any party which preferences them?
Kill 'em all & let God sort it out - bigger calibre the better!

Perfect for bunnies.....

...and Greenies ;)
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stop the greens is the catch cry and how we have registered for this election. the parties real name is the Outdoor Recreation Party.

Oh ok. It's a gimmick of sorts.

Question on your policy:

"We aim to counter the political influence of groups (such as the Greens) that seek to limit public land access to a privileged few."

What public land areas have access limited to a privileged few? The only ones I can think of are catchment areas, military sites like weapons testing ranges and aboriginal lands. I think there's very good reasons why the public are restricted from those places.
MartinOC said:
Kill 'em all & let God sort it out - bigger calibre the better!

Perfect for bunnies.....

...and Greenies ;)

C'mon, let's be practical. Would you carry that thing all day for a bit of underground mutton?

Now the is perfect bunny medicine.
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fish13 said:
Really Dave?

Just remember that YOU started this thread....'just wondering how convicted you REALLY are to your initial/ultimate cause.....?
MartinOC said:
Really Dave?

Just remember that YOU started this thread....'just wondering how convicted you REALLY are to your initial/ultimate cause.....?
Come on Martin, pay attention, he was replying to Phoneyhuh.
Reading through some of the LDP's policies. Holy shitballs! :blink: And they have the temerity to call the Greens extreme? Some of them would be utterly disastrous for this country. It's little wonder why they only received less than 2% of the vote in 2010.
phoneyhuh said:
What public land areas have access limited to a privileged few? The only ones I can think of are catchment areas, military sites like weapons testing ranges and aboriginal lands. I think there's very good reasons why the public are restricted from those places.
The greens would love to be able to lockup and lockout National Parks and anywhere else that had trees and small fury animals. Their sister party is the Banana Party ( Build Absolutly Nothing Anywhere Near Anything )