Hi Guys
I have a Dual Pressure Reg on my kegerator (Harris Dual Pressure Reg) but as it is only new have only been using the first reg for the past few weeks untill I had 3 kegs full ready to go.
I filled 3 kegs last night and hooked them up with the plan to force carb at 275kpa for 24 hours. I have 1 line splitting into 2 off the first reg and a single line off the second reg. The first reg went to 275 easily and stayed there fine but the second reg was a real issue to wind up to 275 and once it was there the bolt just kept unwinding itself... as though the pressure was pushing back against it and unwinding it... I tried locking the nut but that just kept getting unwound too... After a little while it unwound itself the whole way so had 0 pressure runningt hrough.
Really not sure what the issue is with the second reg? This doesn't happen with the first one so not sure if I am doing something wrong with the second reg? Am I meant to do something in a different procedure when using the second reg? I understand that I have to have the higher pressure on the first (obviously so that it will let the pressure through to the second).
Any help greatly appreciated!
I have a Dual Pressure Reg on my kegerator (Harris Dual Pressure Reg) but as it is only new have only been using the first reg for the past few weeks untill I had 3 kegs full ready to go.
I filled 3 kegs last night and hooked them up with the plan to force carb at 275kpa for 24 hours. I have 1 line splitting into 2 off the first reg and a single line off the second reg. The first reg went to 275 easily and stayed there fine but the second reg was a real issue to wind up to 275 and once it was there the bolt just kept unwinding itself... as though the pressure was pushing back against it and unwinding it... I tried locking the nut but that just kept getting unwound too... After a little while it unwound itself the whole way so had 0 pressure runningt hrough.
Really not sure what the issue is with the second reg? This doesn't happen with the first one so not sure if I am doing something wrong with the second reg? Am I meant to do something in a different procedure when using the second reg? I understand that I have to have the higher pressure on the first (obviously so that it will let the pressure through to the second).
Any help greatly appreciated!