Dollar Reaches Parity...

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UK LHBS seem to charge even more than here

typical good sized LHBS

I expect it's just the way the wholesale and retail trade is structured - I don't know whether large suppliers such as our sponsors buy from the likes of Peterbaugh Farms, but I doubt it. They would get their supply from hop merchants who would buy from farms and and hold stocks of a big number of hops, so the sponsors would pay a premium for this security of supply. Then the sponsors, when they get their five kilo foil bag or however they come, have to run their premises, and pay staff to weigh and repack and label and store the individual foils of hops.
That way we home brewers get a fairly guaranteed 'smooth' supply of dozens of hop varieties.

Then when we as individuals decide to put in an order with Ellerslie or Peterbaugh we are delighted at the price, but at the end of the day - if Hop retailers like GnG or CB didn't exist and we had to buy direct, we would be flying by the seat of our pants - "sorry, Fuggles out of stock till next season call back". However having previously worked for years in wholesale / retail, five times does seem a bit rude on the face of it, it would be interesting to get some retailer views.
The overcharging aussie brewing shops are really adding a surcharge for offering an almost complete range. I think this is worth paying for ... sometimes. I do think the PoR should be half the price of the Amarillo though...


Don't forget we're comparing farm-direct bulk weight prices of only a decent range of hops in another country, with smaller packaged shink wrapped products in Australia stored the right way and with a much bigger range available.

I do agree though, I don't get why Australian and NZ hops aren't cheaper.
Exactly what I was thinking BribieG ;) The mark-up's (5x :eek: ) almost demand an explanation IMO
Put my order in last night, and have already received the confirmation email with postage:

Cascade Pellet Hops 1 lb. $ 8.75
Columbus Pellet Hops 1 lb. $ 12.75
French Strisselspalt (Alsace) Hop Pellets 1 lb. $ 9.75
GR Perle Pellet Hops: 1 lb. $ 11.75
US SAAZ Pellet Hops: 1 lb. $ 9.75

SubTotal: US$ 52.75
USPS flat rate parcel (6-10days) US$ 43.45

So US$96 all in for 5lbs of hops, should be here before the end of september (maybe). Last time the foil bags were over-filled by 80-100g / bag, so should come in well below A$4.80/100g. The last time I ordered the box was opened by customs, but they didn't break the foils once they saw what they were. One can only presume that the hop farm stores their hops "properly" too...

:icon_offtopic: Anybody used Strissellspalt before? Added it just to try, it's hardly going to break the bank!!
Strisselspalt is used in Northern French Beers such as Kronenbourg - should make a great Pale Continental Lager :icon_cheers:
Judging from the info in the book I've been reading [ ] we may soon overtake the US $ and this will last for a while and if we don't start making stuff here again and exporting it and follow the US into becoming a service industry based economy full of consumers instead of savers and producers we will also be f@#%3d. See also The Ascent of Money.
Sorry for temporary hijack but the point is things may get even cheaper, jacketed temp controlled connical , come to daddy :)

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Judging from the info in the book I've been reading [ ] we may soon overtake the US $ and this will last for a while and if we don't start making stuff here again and exporting it and follow the US into becoming a service industry based economy full of consumers instead of savers and producers we will also be f@#%3d. See also The Ascent of Money.
Sorry for temporary hijack but the point is things may get even cheaper, jacketed temp controlled connical , come to daddy :)

I read in the sydney morning herald yesterday, some economic guru was predicting it to max out in the high .90's by the end of the year, and then fall down to around 83cents by mid next year. It's China's demand for our resources that is driving our dollar.

Im thinking about selling my Aussie shares and buying US shares, 15% return in 6 months aint bad! (if that guy is right).
Actually off to US in 10 days so very interested in this topic. Just confirming, you can bring back pellets as long as you declare them?

Get a blichmann therminator - picked one up in July at HB Steinbart in Portland. Only US$200, and a great piece of gear. weighs about 2-3kg from memory, so can go in the luggage. Didnt bother with hops or anything like that.
Not sure about a therminator, but I'm interested in a blichmann conical...
I read in the sydney morning herald yesterday, some economic guru was predicting it to max out in the high .90's by the end of the year,

Those guys are usually self serving twats who perpetuate economic myths to keep the status quo going and themselves in jobs. You got to dig deeper to find the truth
using the USPS postage calculator looks like up to 4 pounds should be $13.45 US so if you are going to do more might be cheapest to do 2 orders that way it might be only $27 US for up to 8 pounds.

does this sound right. pretty cheap.
I read in the sydney morning herald yesterday, some economic guru was predicting it to max out in the high .90's by the end of the year, Those guys are usually self serving twats who perpetuate economic myths to keep the status quo going and themselves in jobs. You got to dig deeper to find the truth

Nasty !

OT but ... In simple terms for non economic types, it's the demand of Australian minerals that's making the dollar so high, hurting Australian agriculture, making our food exports more expensive abroad. In other words, the Liberals and the Nationals are shitting themselves - which of their core constituents do they want to dish out on most ! Don't hear much about it from Tony Abbott and his Coalition .. do we ??

Back to thread - you want to take advantage of the dollar parity, go for it and import your hops. Please though, don't dish out on local resellers who have to cover things such as finance credit to prepay for stock they won't get a return on for several months, large freight bills, cold storage costs, rent, staff wages and on costs and bugger me, try to make a profit so they can accomodate, feed and clothe their families. Don't whinge about local suppliers being too expensive unless you understand their situation. Simplistic answers to complicated problems are fine for beer talk but don't work in practice.

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