I have read chapter and verse on this topic and was so encouraged that I have hopefully invested in a good brewing system,
however my early attempts are not encouraging.
In order to get a feel as to how the system works I decided to do a 'dry run' so to speak, that is running the system without grain.
My strike water for the trial was 20 litres, I switched on and was quite impressed with the temperature rise and the controller going through it,s various steps.....initially I was using a brown pump and recirculating at a measured 4 litres per minute, did the job nicely.
Now...with confidence, I decided to do a brew using a 5 stage mash.
Doughed in, pumping very slowly, discovered not enough wort going through the mash to pump at 4 litres per minute so partly closed the ball valve, the HEX was supplying wort at the set temperature, however when I checked the grain bed temperature I found that this was 6 degrees lower than the set mash temperature.
I was disappointed at this but never say die I carried on, took what seemed to be ages to get to mashout I have fermented the wort that I produced but am not really happy with the system and am looking for solutions to these and hopefully some HERMS expert can put me right.
To give an indication of what equipment I employ for my general brewing this is it :
a. 2 roller grain mill
b. Mill gap 1.3 mm
c. 12" diameter false bottom
d. 20 litres per minute pump...upgraded from brown pump.
e. HERMIT controller
f. Various s/s disconnects.
g. 1/2 inside diameter tubing
The answers that I am hoping that someone can provide are :
a. How to get the flow rate through the mash....have tried various mill gaps, makes no difference.
b. Has anyone measured the variation in mash temperatures, I get a 6 degree variation
c. Does anyone agitate the mash or stir the mash in order to get the flow.
I invested in the HERMS system because having read this topic I felt that nobody had any problems, I am just wondering how many brewers have the same problems as me and either are not aware of them or totally disregard them,after all I can brew good beer with a single infusion mash and have now completed my 73rd all grain brew with single infusion, I was hoping to make some progression with the HERMS and further enhance my skills.
2013-08-21 09.55.22.jpg
2013-09-24 12.02.09.jpg
Just a couple of pictures to show where I am at....sorry no bling !