Well my first two brews in the grainfather done the last 2 days.
First brew done was a Country trading store "saturday smasher"
Mash went well except I had a little bit of grain and some was going down overflow , will remember to throttle valve back if this happens again in the future , have a sink strainer coming for this also. Sparge all good about 15 to 20 minutes in total , temp was about 95 when I finished so not far off boil. Boil stage and this is where I noticed a hell of alot of grain floating around in the boil , starting to think bottom plate was not down correctly. I used a hop sock and was only 30g in total. Chiller stage went well and when I went to pump into fermenter in noticed a hell of alot of trub , basically threw the hole first 2 litres away. Rest went in had one hell of a cold break, I was worried I had knocked of pump filter but all was ok but was not expecting the huge amount of trub . OG was 1.50 with a target of 1.47 and checked ph with about 10 min to go in mash (is this an ok time to take it?) and that was 5.38 so within guidelines. Taste test and was very sweet so be interesting to see how it turns out . was looking at 19 litres in total and threw out 2 litres roughly and ended up with just shy of 16 lites so about 1 and a bit litres short of desired levels
Second Brew was Country trading store " Mango Pale Ale"
Mash way better than first one had bugger all grain and didnt have to throttle valve back and had a nice clear wort by end of mash. Sparge same time as last and was at 95 again by the time I had finished . Boil all good used hop sock again as alot more hops than last one . Seemed to be alot of hop matter floating around in boil so decided to use a strainer when pumping to fermenter , this gave a fair amount of trub in strainer, but one bonus was aerated wort beautifully and temp was at about 20 so pitched yeast straight away. A fair amont of trub but nothing like first brew even though it had more hops. Og was 1.056 target was 1.055 so nice and close and ph during mash was 5.29 . Taste of wort was quite bitter and I am worried with more dry hoping to come this will be vey bitter but dry hopping should only add to aroma ? , I am hoping the mango in fermenter will counter act this as IBU is only meant to be 35. Was left with about 17 litres so 2 short this time
Now for some questions I done a hop stand with the zero minute additions for 20 minutes , I am worried this is were the extra bitterness has come from due to the 60 minute additions been left in wort longer. There was no mention of hop standing in the instructions ao was I basically supposed to start chilling and pump to fermenter once 0 minute additions were added ?
If in future I add more water say a litre to try first in sparge will this weaken my wort and mean I miss my OG target , was hoping to get closer to 19 lites so I could fill up kegs but obviously dont want a weaker brew Dumb newbie question I know .
Should I not worry about the trub in the wort as it most likely will drop out when I cold crash , But I am a hater of floaties in beer so really not sure what to do here in future.
All in all was impressed with the whole grainfather process but thought my finished wort would have been clearer and once trub falls out my levels will be well short when kegging . Have 2 beautiful Krausens going when I woke up today so fermenting looking good so far Next brew will be an actual grainfather kit so will be interested to see if I come up short with finished wort levels with this one
All in all an enjoyable couple of days with my new toy