Christmas Homebrew Lottery

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its on its way Lucas!!(and parents :icon_cheers: )

everybody a happy cristmas and a happy new year,

cheers amita
Mines on its way, you can't miss it it's the one in the brown bottle.

Merry Xmas

When you open the tube to find a bottle of Marsanne, ignore the label, it is actually an AG Sparkling clone done with Burtonised water. It could use a touch more bitterness but I think you will be happy enough ;)
Mine is on it's way Lucas, congrats and Merry Christmas.

Thanks Jye for the fun.
Hey ya lucas

You will have to let us know how many turned up in one piece (hope mine does) and you can play beer judge over xmas and give us all feed back. Just remember not to spit or all our hard work goes down the drain. :)

Have a good 1
I'm told the first bottles started arriving today and I'll be up there tomorrow to get started on them :)

I probably wont be getting on the net much while I'm up there, but I'll try and remember to take some notes for you guys. I can't promise I wont forget though, with all the festivities and all.

Thanks again all, and good luck in the craftbrewer giveaway if you're entering (and if you know which day is gonna win, PM me and let me know :p)
I got mine in the post today, so hopefully it will be there Friday or Monday. It's another brown bottle, so you can tell it's mine. I can't even tell you how it's wrapped as the guy at the post office just got me to fill out the label, hhhmmmm, "I'll take care of it he said". Hope that doesn't mean what I think it might.
I'm with ya on the feedback thing this time of year, I stuffed up note-taking last years Xmas case :rolleyes:
Mine should get there ok, a Coopers PET with bubble wrap.
I think lucas has been too pissed to reply... :huh:

Let us know how they were when you get a chance.
back in melbourne today after a week of very ****** weather on the sunshine coast. what I would have given to have traded the weather in melbourne and the sunshine coast for that week. up there I had a beach minutes away, and a lovely air conditioned apartment. down here I have a very noisy single room air conditioner and a very long trip to the beach :/ could have really used all that rain down here too.

anyhow, I made a few (not a lot though, I had trouble keeping track of so many unlabeled bottles) notes along the way but I seem to have lost them all except one sheet of paper. it's only got two beers on it so it so it almost seems unfair to post feedback for just two people. I will say that generally I was quite impressed with the beers on offer. I thoroughly enjoyed all the APAs, american IPA's... mmmmmm american hops. there were a few lovely darker beers, a few nice wheat or wit beers a number of belgians (one of which got me in trouble with SWMBO).

I left my parents place (where the beers were being sent to) for the sunshine coast on the 29th, and by that time 20 of the ~27 beers had arrived. the old man gets to enjoy the last 7 by himself. for those curious about the number of beers to make it intact, there was not a single glass breakage amongst the 20 beers; in fact there were only two bottles that made it in less than perfect condition and both were PET. neither bottle broke though, it was just leaky seals. they arrived with an australia post plastic satchel around the original packaging and a sticker saying they had arrived at X in this condition with a number to call (that I didnt bother with, of course). there was about 150ml left of one of them and about 400ml of the other one so I still got to try some of them.

I'd like to thank everyone who sent beers and jye for organising it all (and sorry I didn't make time to catch up and have a beer with you). It was pretty much the highlight of my christmas :)
No labels? :blink: where's the logic in that?
Hope my PET bottle wasn't one of the leaky ones, took extra precaution and wrapped it in a couple of layers of bubble-wrap before dropping it into the sachel.
anyhow, I made a few (not a lot though, I had trouble keeping track of so many unlabeled bottles) notes along the way but I seem to have lost them all except one sheet of paper.

cant helpto say that im dissapointed................

cheers amita
anyhow, I made a few (not a lot though, I had trouble keeping track of so many unlabeled bottles) notes along the way but I seem to have lost them all except one sheet of paper.

cant help to say that i'm dissapointed................

cheers amita

What - did you keep extensive tasting notes over the Xmas period. Twenty bottles in four days, plus all that wine, scotch - I doubt the poor bugger could walk let alone write. Then a week in poor weather in Queensland, hopefully too much bed and not enough sleep !!!!!!
mine should have been pretty recognizable.. the label should have stayed on...
mine should have been pretty recognizable.. the label should have stayed on...
that it was troydo, if there was an award for best label I think your ho-garden would have it
Hey Lucas,

did you get my peat smoked amber ale? I was hoping to give you something different from the "mainstream"

Cheers - Snow.
Hey Lucas,

did you get my peat smoked amber ale? I was hoping to give you something different from the "mainstream"

Cheers - Snow.
I'm not sure I did (at least not while I was still up there). It sounds quite distinctive so I would have thought I'd have remembered it. Thanks all the same, I'm sure my old man would have had it by now though