Christmas Lotto 2013

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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About 12 to go.. phew.. this is hard work !!
Lmccrone - pale ale

Appearance - pours opaque golden with a hint of red, nice tight head that dissipated to a film if white.
NB: cleared up nicely after half a glass.

Aroma: gentle citrusy hops, biscuity malt - smells great.

Taste: hop bitterness up front, a strong grapefruit bite and a piney finish. Much hoppier than I anticipated from the nose, so a very nice surprise. Hop flavour and bitterness rides in on a nice malt backbone, lightly biscuity, some sweetness.

Mouthfeel: medium to full bodied, nicely lifted by decent carbonation.

Overall: great pale ale, could knock these over all day. Top stuff.
Hi Grainer, good job on all the feedback sir! It looks like it's been a spot of work.

Glad to hear tried My Codgers Brown Ale and your feedback was fair. It was certainly over-carbed for a brown, I was still using carb drops at the time of brewing and two of those in darker style of ale is too much (I'm sure postage didn't help the situation). I hope you enjoyed it anyway.

And happy birthday for last week sir. I hope your hang-over wasn't too bad :chug:
Chestnut Pilsner

Unfortunatly,it is missing the chestnut and I can pick a few faults...

Colour: Hazy golden opaque colour.. should be nice and crystal clear.. Very low head to none.

Aroma: Citrus and flower

Taste: Not what I expected from a pilsner.. and tastes more like a golden ale.. just cause I have just made one LOL.. Unfortunatly I think it needs a little work... I would concentrate on the chestnut flavours and trying to enhance them.. although there may be residual proteins causing haze.. ..There is possibly a fermentation fault, but I can't quite pick it...

sorry for the bad wrap.. but this gives you a chance to brew more and fix it :)
Yum Beer - Aussie Pale Ale

Appearance. Chill haze clears as it warms up. Thick white head. Light golden.

Aroma. Tropical fruits like guava or paw paw. Sweet malt.

Taste. Sweet malt up front with a big hit of hops. Nice firm bitter finish with a little dry toasty malt character at the end. No discernible faults.

Mouthfeel. Medium body. Smooth, not hot or astringent.

Overall. A very good pale ale. Thanks for sharing.
Grainer said:
Chestnut Pilsner

Unfortunatly,it is missing the chestnut and I can pick a few faults...

Colour: Hazy golden opaque colour.. should be nice and crystal clear.. Very low head to none.

Aroma: Citrus and flower

Taste: Not what I expected from a pilsner.. and tastes more like a golden ale.. just cause I have just made one LOL.. Unfortunatly I think it needs a little work... I would concentrate on the chestnut flavours and trying to enhance them.. although there may be residual proteins causing haze.. ..There is possibly a fermentation fault, but I can't quite pick it...

sorry for the bad wrap.. but this gives you a chance to brew more and fix it :)
No stress mate appreciate the honesty. The chestnut flavour is not meant to be the highlight, as I was trying to clone the original. Bridge road brewers state the chestnut addition enhances fermentation and yeast health, but I don't know how to prevent the nut oils carrying through when I BIAB and dont recirculate to filter the wort. Id like you to try the kegged beer as its had 3 months lagering and is quite different to the bottled ones. I had dave at the greensborough home brewing try it from my keg and he said it was very clean tasting and didnt mention any faults.

What is the fermentation problem you refer to coming across as? Flavour, aroma or mouthfeel?

Will brew a new batch of this soon and try to harvest the original yeast from a bottle instead of 34/70 for the july case swap! :)
Thanks for feed-back grainer on the Coffee Stout - inspired to brew it again as an AG - did you ever come up with a recipe?
Yes it is in the fermenter .. last week.. really excited.. brewed about 40L
Dark Mild - RobV

Appearance : Toasty brown as one would expect small lingering head that manages to hang around. Beer has good clarity.

Aroma: Slight Malt with caramelised toffee. Low hop aroma.

Taste: Litte mouth feel, which makes it quite drinkable,, caramelised malts are very pronounced

Overall: A very easy beer to drink..however, I feel it is missing something to remember the drink by.. I have a slight lingering taste of malt but thats about it.. would have liked a deeper mouth feel being an English dark mild.
DJ_L3ThAL said:
No stress mate appreciate the honesty. The chestnut flavour is not meant to be the highlight, as I was trying to clone the original. Bridge road brewers state the chestnut addition enhances fermentation and yeast health, but I don't know how to prevent the nut oils carrying through when I BIAB and dont recirculate to filter the wort. Id like you to try the kegged beer as its had 3 months lagering and is quite different to the bottled ones. I had dave at the greensborough home brewing try it from my keg and he said it was very clean tasting and didnt mention any faults.

What is the fermentation problem you refer to coming across as? Flavour, aroma or mouthfeel?

Will brew a new batch of this soon and try to harvest the original yeast from a bottle instead of 34/70 for the july case swap! :)
Hey mate I can only judge by my bottle.. not sure if I'm right but maybe acid aldehyde..??..just getting used to the terminology now.. everything was right but there was a lingering flavour in my glass that wasn't quite right..
Apologies to those that haven't been reviewed yet..but I was trying to save the ones I throughout would be dark till last .. also I love darker beers :) best till least ...mind you I have really enjoyed some new brews.. and even put them on my list to brew. Im sure I will be regretting opening a few.. as I will want more and more and more of it...
Fat Bastard said:
It's a two edged sword, isn't it!
I reakon I have put on 5kg from this win...damn you lotto !!!
Grainer said:
Hey mate I can only judge by my bottle.. not sure if I'm right but maybe acid aldehyde..??..just getting used to the terminology now.. everything was right but there was a lingering flavour in my glass that wasn't quite right..
Acetyldehyde? As in green apple / pumpkin flesh? If I had a CPBF I'd put one from the keg away from you and bring to the case swap for comparison as I'm interested to know if I'm just not picking it up in the keg, or the lagering truly has gotten rid of the by-products etc.

If you're in the North-East area soon or going to the keg bulk buy let me know :beer:
SergeMarx said:
Thanks for feed-back grainer on the Coffee Stout - inspired to brew it again as an AG - did you ever come up with a recipe?
PM me your address I will bottle soon..
Coopers Celebration Ale (8.9%) - DJ_L3ThAL

Appearance: Great clarity with good head that diminishes and laces the glass. Nice reddish copper colouration.

​Smell: toasty malts are shining throughout with minimal hop presence...

Taste: Nice balance of bitterness . I pick up a little caramel and nuttiness?? mind u I have just eaten a whole heap of nuts at work !!

Overall: OK and easy to drink...

#13.. Don't know who belongs to this one.. Hint labels on bottles help :)

Appearance: Cloudy copper gold with excellent head retention. Head creamy.

Aroma: Strong hoppy aroma, with pepper and intense orange peel/apricot.

Taste: Strong bitterness, this reminds me of an Strong Pale Ale / IPA.. not sure what it is meant to be tho..I think there is a little grassiness behind it due to the intense hops. This is an in your face beer, bitterness is probably a bit more than I would have expected, but tastes good. The bitterness lingers and stays with you..for me probably a little too much..

Overall: Good beer for a night after work or a saturday arvo.. mind you it would go well with some doritos to help with that bitterness

Brown Ale: Pommiebloke

Appearance: Im getting excited.. looks great in the glass.. nice head and colour, good copper brown and great clarity.

Taste: Huge malts and chocolate ... Missed aroma cause I was so eager to drink after a hard day!! Medium body, low carbonation. Medium bitterness

Overall: Great Brew.. wish I had a few in the shed...


Grainer said:
HBHB: Baltic Porter

Appearance: Looks like a glass of Coke ..LOL had it sitting next to a glass of coke and my wife grabbed it and went to drink it..Missing the creamy tan head, which is one of the only faults of the brew..Deep dark rich brown/copper.

Aroma: Medium alcohol effervescence, with roasted coffee/toffee malt

Taste:: Rich malts with dark ripe fruit and coffee/toffee. Sweet with a distinct alcohol as expected which gives a warming sensation from this medium bodied brew. Medium-low carbonation which is spot on with a little bitterness that lingers on the sides of the tongue.

Overall: Very nice brew except for the absence of that creamy tanned head, which lifts the experience
Hmmmm, filled from a CPBF too. "Bugger" must have lost a bit in transfer. Sorry about that.
Brenthor: Brown Ale

A little freaked out that Im gunn a drink a beer that had a cockroach in the boiling wort.. (I was there when he brewed it)

Appearance: Red/brown with bread head.. that laces rthe glass well.

Smell:... phew so far no mexican cockroach smells...strong aroma, although I can't quite pick the notes coming off it...mostly slight malted flavours

Taste OMG.. here goes...great mouth feel.. nice and creamy consistency with slight roasted malt profile..

overall very nice brew mate... with a twist !!