Brewmate Software With Added Biab Support!

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decreasing the efficiency = less extract from the crystal,which means you need more fermentables to maintain you target gravity... So to ccompensate you can increase the grain, increase the DME, or increase both...

Your imagining of the behavior is correct.

However, I've specified in my example recipe that I only want 95% of my fermentables to come from the DME. So if the efficiency drops, and I add more DME (which is always 100% efficient), I would then be getting more than 95% from the DME.

Hence my expected behavior would always be to increase the grain so it yields the required percentage of fermentables.

Edit: Spelling
Sure is, but alas no step mashing so I can't use it live on brewday. If your a single batch sparger it's the best there is.


This is what I came looking for answers to. Couldnt find it in the software. So no step mashing plans? Its the only thing stopping me using it.
Your imagining of the behavior is correct.

However, I've specified in my example recipe that I only want 95% of my fermentables to come from the DME. So if the efficiency drops, and I add more DME (which is always 100% efficient), I would then be getting more than 95% from the DME.

Hence my expected behavior would always be to increase the grain so it yields the required percentage of fermentables.

Edit: Spelling
So you are actually saying that the *percentage* of DME increases? Not just the amount? That doesn't right - sound like a bug... I was assuming the amounts of both the crystal and the DME were increasing to compensate, but the percentages were staying at 5 and 95.
G'Day Rob,

I have an issue with the way the fermentable mass is being calculated if I enter my fermentables by percentage (as I always do).

When I enter sugars or LDME or honey (items that aren't mashed), and then adjust the efficiency, the mass of sugar (etc) required is changed.

According to "Designing Great Beers" by Daniels, these extra fermentables should always be considered to be 100% efficient. Hence changing the efficiency of the mash should not change the mass of extra fermentable required.

Has anyone else noticed this? Is there some factor of the efficiency that I am not considering?


Edit: grammar.

Hey Shane,

Thankyou ever so much - you are completely correct and I apologise for the oversight on my Behalf.
I have had a quick look at the code and I believe that I have solved the bug that you have picked up
So in honour have named the release after you :)

BrewMate v1.09 - The Shane Rosenberg Rocks Edition.

It's live on the website now ==>

So if you want to give it a spin and report back that would be fantastic

Cheers Rob.

P.s. I'm a little bit pushed for time at the minute but I will reply to the other questions that have been asked in the last few posts as soon as I can.
So if you want to give it a spin and report back that would be fantastic

Awesome :D

Thanks Rob, definitely seems to be working like I expected now. Even went back to the recipes I've been working on. I had to delete and re-enter the sugars and now they're all good.

Congrats on a top bit of software mate, and thanks again for the fast update!
I get an error when not connected to the internet. The program searches for a cookie and freezes up if not connected as I have my browser set to delete cookies upon closing. Any tips?
Hey L_Bomb,

I will have a look into it for you, but for now you can turn "Check for Updates" Off and that will resolve the problem.

Settings > Program Settings > Check for Updates > Off > Save & CLose

Lemme know how it goes.

Cheers Rob.
I've recently switched from BS to BM and took my recipe folder along to the BABBs meeting. With the BS printouts people were going crosseyed and scratching their heads but the mood definitely lightened when they scanned the logical, well set out BM pages. Thanks for a fine product :icon_cheers:
Two features that i'd really like to see would be:

Boil off calculations. I always stuff this part up. I've looked everywhere to find a calculation to estimate how much is going ot be boiled off. When i was orginally looking ofr something i thought surface area of the boil would be the biggest consideration, however this is wrong when talking about boiling wort. Since the water vapour is being formed in the boil, the biggest consideration is the amount of heat being applied.

So far all i've got is that it takes 540 calories to boil one gram of water. And i know that my burner is apparently 200MJ. HOwever i don't have it on full bore and also a LOT of heat is not going into the boil.

Nochill calculations- if there was a box somehwere that you could add a nochill value this would be great. Like if you calculate nochill to add 15mins to your hop bitterness you'd put 15 in the box and then when a recipe is being formulated the 60 30 and 10 min additions would have their IBU's calculated as if they were 75, 45 and 25. Being able to set the nochill difference would be better than just having it set at ,say, 15, because depending on the weather in you local area it changes this addition.

Obviously when calculating a recipe it is easy to just change the values, but it would be an awesome feature.
Can anyone tell me which scale brewmate uses for crystal?

I've been using this software since you posted it on HB&B, Rob, and it's terrific. Feels like I'm updating it every time I open it, so you're obviously still working hard to constantly improve it. Love your work, mate.
+2 for no chill calculations.

Rob, i love your software fella! Have switched over from one of the big boys software to yours and i must say i much prefer yours.

an auto calculator for no chill would top it all off for me.
+3 for no chill calculation. It is a great program for the BIAB'ers ... brilliant.
Is there even any formulae from which they could factor in no-chill hop isomerisation? I'm yet to have seen one. Unless you are all just saying "put in an option that makes your timer feature subtract ten minutes from each hop addition" I don't understand what you're asking for.
Is there even any formulae from which they could factor in no-chill hop isomerisation? I'm yet to have seen one. Unless you are all just saying "put in an option that makes your timer feature subtract ten minutes from each hop addition" I don't understand what you're asking for.

For me to use a feature like having a no chill option, it wouldn't have to be super accurate. I'd be really happy with a drop down box, or a checkbox or something that adds on a variety of times depending on whether you chill, slow chill, or no chill at all.
Maybe if it had a selection of times that you could choose based upon what your system and environment is like, so you could then repeat with some degree of consistency, a (roughly) expected result.

At the moment, i'm slow chilling/no chilling. If i have a recipe that has half a dozen hop additions (smurtos golden ale for example), instead of tweaking each of the times of the hop additions to resemble the bittering profile, if you could have one button that applied a selected amount of time to the recipe without changing the recipe times, this would be awesome. The alarms would still go off at the times you want them too, but your bitterness would be much easier to deal with in the final product.


Can anyone tell me which scale brewmate uses for crystal?


Hello Proudscum,

The Crystal was originally entered in SRM (Standard Research Method)

you can also add & edit fermentables to suit what ever you are using (Edit / Fermentables)

Cheers Rob.
Two features that i'd really like to see would be:

Boil off calculations. I always stuff this part up. I've looked everywhere to find a calculation to estimate how much is going ot be boiled off. When i was orginally looking ofr something i thought surface area of the boil would be the biggest consideration, however this is wrong when talking about boiling wort. Since the water vapour is being formed in the boil, the biggest consideration is the amount of heat being applied.

So far all i've got is that it takes 540 calories to boil one gram of water. And i know that my burner is apparently 200MJ. HOwever i don't have it on full bore and also a LOT of heat is not going into the boil.

Nochill calculations- if there was a box somehwere that you could add a nochill value this would be great. Like if you calculate nochill to add 15mins to your hop bitterness you'd put 15 in the box and then when a recipe is being formulated the 60 30 and 10 min additions would have their IBU's calculated as if they were 75, 45 and 25. Being able to set the nochill difference would be better than just having it set at ,say, 15, because depending on the weather in you local area it changes this addition.

Obviously when calculating a recipe it is easy to just change the values, but it would be an awesome feature.

+1 for no chill option for auto correcting IBUs :icon_cheers:

+2 for no chill calculations.

Rob, i love your software fella! Have switched over from one of the big boys software to yours and i must say i much prefer yours.

an auto calculator for no chill would top it all off for me.

+3 for no chill calculation. It is a great program for the BIAB'ers ... brilliant.

Is there even any formulae from which they could factor in no-chill hop isomerisation? I'm yet to have seen one. Unless you are all just saying "put in an option that makes your timer feature subtract ten minutes from each hop addition" I don't understand what you're asking for.

For me to use a feature like having a no chill option, it wouldn't have to be super accurate. I'd be really happy with a drop down box, or a checkbox or something that adds on a variety of times depending on whether you chill, slow chill, or no chill at all.
Maybe if it had a selection of times that you could choose based upon what your system and environment is like, so you could then repeat with some degree of consistency, a (roughly) expected result.

At the moment, i'm slow chilling/no chilling. If i have a recipe that has half a dozen hop additions (smurtos golden ale for example), instead of tweaking each of the times of the hop additions to resemble the bittering profile, if you could have one button that applied a selected amount of time to the recipe without changing the recipe times, this would be awesome. The alarms would still go off at the times you want them too, but your bitterness would be much easier to deal with in the final product.



Hey Guys,

I'm loving the discussion on adding a No-Chill option to BrewMate. I for one think it is a great idea and have done a fair bit of experimentation myself and even tried and
to develop a continuous isomerization calculator, some of the suggestions about having a tickbox and a user defined variable of extended time with a column could just work...
If enough people were to experiment with it we could have some ball park default values that people could tweak to their system.

Another Suggestion I have had for No-Chill Brewers from a user was to add Paturization Units calculations, so Homebrewers can be sure their No Chill Cubes wont have nasty bugs in them .
There is some formulas for that here

Cheers Rob.

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