Allergic to Chlorine, fluoride and tap water in general

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mickiboi said:
Thanks Stu. Much appreciated. Dr Carlsson Nobel Prize winning laureate. Professor Paul Connett

You're right, it's not poison, I should have called it by its correct name......TOXIC.

If you want to continue to drink fluoride be my guest. Your health is not my concern, my health is.

But I tell you one thing, I'm not putting fluoride into my body just because you say it's ok and people way way way smarter than you tell me it's not.

But you are right, this is not the right place to discuss the quality of water or the effects of fluoridation of water on your health. My only concern is that I don't drink it in my beer. What you drink in your beer is of no concern to me.

I find it strange that grown people think that something is OK to put in their bodies just because the water board says it is.

Anyway I think it's time I left this forum. Catch you all later.
I'm not saying you should put fluoride anywhere. Of course if you're allergic to it then don't have it. I'm just trying to get facts straight and remove emotive language from the equation so that other readers aren't misled or unduly influenced.

The beauty of science is that debate is encouraged. There is always some people who disagree with the popularly held opinion. And that's ok. But currently, I remain unconvinced of their arguments.

Yes, fluoride is toxic.

So is the cyanide that is naturally occurring in apples, or the air that you breath with carbon monoxide etc. And.... so is ethanol, sodium chloride, calcium chloride and a whole other host of things that we all happily consume. If you stopped consuming everything that is toxic/carcinogenic/poisonous to any degree, you'd be left with precious little. To reiterate, I applaud the fact that you've found what ails you, and I totally agree with you cutting it out.

Personally, I believe that my diet, the beer, the hazards associated with every day activities including the air I breathe and materials I come in contact with have a far greater influence on my health than Sydney Water which is renowned as world-class. Of course as you say this is none of your concern, but the whole point of forums is for discussion and sharing of opinions and information.
klangers said:
I'm not saying you should put fluoride anywhere. Of course if you're allergic to it then don't have it. I'm just trying to get facts straight and remove emotive language from the equation so that other readers aren't misled or unduly influenced.

The beauty of science is that debate is encouraged. There is always some people who disagree with the popularly held opinion. And that's ok. But currently, I remain unconvinced of their arguments.

Yes, fluoride is toxic.

So is the cyanide that is naturally occurring in apples, or the air that you breath with carbon monoxide etc. And.... so is ethanol, sodium chloride, calcium chloride and a whole other host of things that we all happily consume. If you stopped consuming everything that is toxic/carcinogenic/poisonous to any degree, you'd be left with precious little. To reiterate, I applaud the fact that you've found what ails you, and I totally agree with you cutting it out.

Personally, I believe that my diet, the beer, the hazards associated with every day activities including the air I breathe and materials I come in contact with have a far greater influence on my health than Sydney Water which is renowned as world-class. Of course as you say this is none of your concern, but the whole point of forums is for discussion and sharing of opinions and information.
Holy crap, you mean there is a town in Australia that is injecting cyanide in to their water supply? How did they sell that to the community they are doing this to? I am travelling around Australia soon and I would really like to bypass this particular town. I mean I am really scared of fluoride but cyanide really scares the crap out me. Did they tell the poor unlucky town folk that it would make their penises grow bigger or something? Or did they call the cyanide by another name and say these are the health benefits of drinking cyanide laced water? What was the population of the town before they started putting cyanide in the water and what is the population of that town now? Did they measure the IQ of this town before they started doing that to their water supply? I'm totally shocked

Do you see how absurd your argument is that cyanide is poison, comparing that to the fluoride treatment of an entire populations water supply. Every scientist in the world will tell you cyanide will kill you, find a better argument. There are more scientists now saying that fluoride is TOXIC than there are saying it is not. If you want fluoride in your water then you should add it your water. It's like second hand cigarette smoke. Just because someone wants to smoke doesn't mean that I should be subjected to the foul smelling stench a smoker creates. It's the same with fluoride mate, why should I be subjected to it just because you want it.

Ask someone from Mildura and the crap they have been through. There will be someone here from there for sure. LMW said they are going to fluoridate the water supply. The entire town jacked up. Of a population around 30,000 they got 27,500 signatures to stop it happening. You know what? It didn't matter they went ahead and did it anyway. The water filter people moved in and every one I know took this company up on their offer of $275 RO system installed. LMW put it and the people took it out at the tap. The people tried and the failed. The 2500 that didn't sign either didn't care, weren't in town or couldn't read or write. What makes you Sydney water are so smart? Wait until they say OH look chlorine is to expensive to use now, we are going to switch to chloramine. I bet you think that would be ok too?

Comparing something known to be poisonous, cyanide, to fluoride that all of Europe and China and India have now stopped using because they know it is, and we still do here so it must be ok, is a pretty piss weak comparison mate. Hell, lots of countries have stopped using chlorine and chloramine and use H2O2 and UV. France to name one. Why? Because its TOXIC and poisonous.

GalBrew said:
Alcohol is a poison too. Most things are. It's all about dosage.

What town has started putting alcohol into their water supply? I want to visit that one.
Double edit - just read back a bit more. I'm out, no point being constructive.
Just wondering why dentist are so pro fluoridation.....

Up in Lismore they have un flouridated ( but not for much longer ) and one of the highest rates of tooth decay

Every element is poisonous in high doses. But he body still needs them to function. Iron is essential in the blood but to much will kill you

Flouride has been in many water supplies for decades, and so far, no one has died from it or become gravelly ill en mass. Yes there will be the odd person who is allergic, buts its not the majority of the population

Just another question mickiboi, do you have to use non fluridated toothpaste ( legit question as I have never seen it on the shelves )
Yes mate i do have un flouridated tooth paste. Tea tree oil toothpaste and i haven't had a single thing go wrong with my teeth. Im out too.
When I worked in the Welsh Office in Cardiff in the early 1970s - more or the less equivalent to an Aussie State government nowadays - fluoridation was just coming in, and my department (Community Health) had an oversight.

They did an exercise with two small towns in North Wales. One of them had negligible fluoride in the water supply, the other one had naturally occurring fluoride to the recommended "medicinal" dose PPM.

After the five year study they found that the fluoridated town had far better dental health, especially amongst children. However they found to their surprise that the unfluoridated town also had improved their dental health over the course of the study, with less cavities etc.

It seemed that the unfluoridated town, all well aware of the study, had decided "right let's show the bastards" and went berserk on tooth brushing, flossing, carrot and celery munching etc.

edit: hey mickiboi you should be able to get unfluoridated toothpaste from Aldi ... early next year with luck :super:
mickiboi said:
Yes mate i do have un flouridated tooth paste. Tea tree oil toothpaste and i haven't had a single thing go wrong with my teeth. Im out too.
I didnt know they made a tea tree toothpaste. Tea tree having natural anti-bacterial and anti-microbiological properties would certainly be benificial to dental health
mickiboi said:
I have a severe reaction to both chlorine and fluoride. Adelaide tap water is crap, lots of people here can't drink it, don't drink it and won't drink it. I wouldn't drink a home brew made with Adelaide water if you paid me. But I won't start making an all grain home brew until I work out the water chemistry needed. So if you say go ahead and use distilled water for a can of pale ale I will. Thanks for the advice.
If its only chlorine and fluoride you are alergic to why not just use spring water you can buy from the supermarket. You can check the water analysis label to see if its chlorine free etc. (In my old Coopers DVD I got with my starter kit years ago they recommend using store bought spring water.)

I wouldn't use distilled water for fermenting the Coopers kit. Yeast need the minerals provided in the water to function properly. Sure, there are minerals in the kit, and in the yeast, but you still need a basic mineral profile in the water. Yeast makers would assume you are using natural mineralised water I would think.
Thanks feldon. This is why i asked. You say no, stu says yes. This is what happened at the local HBS when i asked there. The people in the shop disagreed with each other. So now I'm back to the start again.
mickiboi said:
Thanks feldon. This is why i asked. You say no, stu says yes. This is what happened at the local HBS when i asked there. The people in the shop disagreed with each other. So now I'm back to the start again.
There is a thread on here about whether HBS's know what they are talking about

You can brew with RO/Distilled water. But you would get better/different results if you added minerals. To say you cant is not correct. Because you can.
I've never seen a sane or well thought out pro/con argument for fluoride in water.... and I still haven't

You know those 'evil' corporations that apparently scheme to poison everyone by putting fluoride in their water, well the CEO, executives, engineers etc that all work for whatever that company might be all happen to also drink the same water.... crazy suicidal bastards
Bribie G said:
When I worked in the Welsh Office in Cardiff in the early 1970s - more or the less equivalent to an Aussie State government nowadays - fluoridation was just coming in, and my department (Community Health) had an oversight.

They did an exercise with two small towns in North Wales. One of them had negligible fluoride in the water supply, the other one had naturally occurring fluoride to the recommended "medicinal" dose PPM.

After the five year study they found that the fluoridated town had far better dental health, especially amongst children. However they found to their surprise that the unfluoridated town also had improved their dental health over the course of the study, with less cavities etc.

It seemed that the unfluoridated town, all well aware of the study, had decided "right let's show the bastards" and went berserk on tooth brushing, flossing, carrot and celery munching etc.

edit: hey mickiboi you should be able to get unfluoridated toothpaste from Aldi ... early next year with luck :super:
Thanks buddy.

Now how interesting is that? Seems that if you look after your teeth correctly fluoride is completely unnecessary. So they only fluoridate water becsuse people are too damn lazy to clean their teeth.

I am waiting for ALDI to open here. When i go somewhere that has one i stock up on their toothpaste.


I'm not being defensive. Everyone keeps saying fluoride is safe. Show me one study from a reputable university or institution that says that. I can show you reference after reference from reputable universities, institutions and credentialed academics that says its not and the only defence anyone has come up with here is Sydney water are good at what they do. Great debate.........
mickiboi said:
Thanks feldon. This is why i asked. You say no, stu says yes. This is what happened at the local HBS when i asked there. The people in the shop disagreed with each other. So now I'm back to the start again.
Well it doesn't matter who is right or wrong on that point if you can use store bought spring water. Do you think that is an option for you?
SBOB said:
I've never seen a sane or well thought out pro/con argument for fluoride in water.... and I still haven't

You know those 'evil' corporations that apparently scheme to poison everyone by putting fluoride in their water, well the CEO, executives, engineers etc that all work for whatever that company might be all happen to also drink the same water.... crazy suicidal bastards
How do you know they all drink that water? Big assumption, you have been to all of those persons houses and seen that for yourself. Once again another baseless unsubstantiated statement.
Feldon said:
Well it doesn't matter who is right or wrong on that point if you can use store bought spring water. Do you think that is an option for you?
Absolutely mate. Exactly what I'm going to do.

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