//mickiboi said:Holy crap, you mean there is a town in Australia that is injecting cyanide in to their water supply? How did they sell that to the community they are doing this to? I am travelling around Australia soon and I would really like to bypass this particular town. I mean I am really scared of fluoride but cyanide really scares the crap out me. Did they tell the poor unlucky town folk that it would make their penises grow bigger or something? Or did they call the cyanide by another name and say these are the health benefits of drinking cyanide laced water? What was the population of the town before they started putting cyanide in the water and what is the population of that town now? Did they measure the IQ of this town before they started doing that to their water supply? I'm totally shocked
Do you see how absurd your argument is that cyanide is poison, comparing that to the fluoride treatment of an entire populations water supply. Every scientist in the world will tell you cyanide will kill you, find a better argument. There are more scientists now saying that fluoride is TOXIC than there are saying it is not. If you want fluoride in your water then you should add it your water. It's like second hand cigarette smoke. Just because someone wants to smoke doesn't mean that I should be subjected to the foul smelling stench a smoker creates. It's the same with fluoride mate, why should I be subjected to it just because you want it.
Ask someone from Mildura and the crap they have been through. There will be someone here from there for sure. LMW said they are going to fluoridate the water supply. The entire town jacked up. Of a population around 30,000 they got 27,500 signatures to stop it happening. You know what? It didn't matter they went ahead and did it anyway. The water filter people moved in and every one I know took this company up on their offer of $275 RO system installed. LMW put it and the people took it out at the tap. The people tried and the failed. The 2500 that didn't sign either didn't care, weren't in town or couldn't read or write. What makes you Sydney water are so smart? Wait until they say OH look chlorine is to expensive to use now, we are going to switch to chloramine. I bet you think that would be ok too?
Comparing something known to be poisonous, cyanide, to fluoride that all of Europe and China and India have now stopped using because they know it is, and we still do here so it must be ok, is a pretty piss weak comparison mate. Hell, lots of countries have stopped using chlorine and chloramine and use H2O2 and UV. France to name one. Why? Because its TOXIC and poisonous.
What town has started putting alcohol into their water supply? I want to visit that one.
Everything is toxic
For fatal fluoride toxicity to occur at 1 PPM you need to drink approx an Olympic sized swimming pool in 1 sitting....the H2O will kill you long before the Fl
Ahhhhhhh avoid the dihydrogen monoxide!!!!!!!!
Ps. If you have a 15 year old relative studying first year chemistry, ask them to explain this stuff to you....