2009 Nsw Xmas Case Swap

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Hey all,

Ive just updated my beers details on the wiki. Didnt know where to look.

I have to admit im going to be one of those people who will be bottling the night before. Dont worry you should be in for something special.

Just trying a tester bottle of my swap beer.
Bit on the murky side, (one of the last bottled) but the carbonation is decent and it seems alright to drink. Should be ready to drink straight away.
hey megs try back about 4 or so posts as i put the link in for it.
Yep, it looks like 21 are in.

The wiki still needs a bit of info from some brewers in regards to the yeast, abv etc.

What time does Thommo want us there ??

I thought a 10 or 10.30 start would suit everyone. I've left it a bit late but is everyone keen on a bbq? That's what usually happens isn't it? How many people are definitely in for swap day?
I thought a 10 or 10.30 start would suit everyone. I've left it a bit late but is everyone keen on a bbq? That's what usually happens isn't it? How many people are definitely in for swap day?

I'm in. What do you need us to bring ??
I was just thinking a few salads, bread and some meat. I can do a run to Pendle Hill meat Market to pick up some bulk steaks or something. Any requests?
hey thommo, as per previous years its not your job to feed us. so just put up a list and people will bring stuff.
personally ill put myself down for the onions and maybe something else.
hey thommo, as per previous years its not your job to feed us. so just put up a list and people will bring stuff.
personally ill put myself down for the onions and maybe something else.

Surely you don't still have left over onions from Josh??

Yep get a list going.

Any idea how many are attending, may be a good to know how much of each item to grab.

Onions- Barls
Salad 1-
Salad 2
salad 3
Cheese & crackers

Add or remove what you feel is necessary.

Cheers Jason
Any idea how many are attending, may be a good to know how much of each item to grab.

Onions- Barls
Salad 1 - mrs eyres - potato salad
Salad 2
salad 3
Cheese & crackers

Add or remove what you feel is necessary.

Hubby and I will be there. I will also try and update the wiki today.
I will be attending, however I have to be somewhere else at 1pm so probably won't be around for the bbq.. I will bring some tasters with me though!

I'll go and update the wiki now.
Any idea how many are attending, may be a good to know how much of each item to grab.

Onions- Barls
Salad 1 - mrs eyres - potato salad
Salad 2 - Gulpa - pesto pasta salad
salad 3
Cheese & crackers

Add or remove what you feel is necessary.

Ill be there but I probably wont make it until around 11:30-12pm ish. Can we establish a time for the actual swap to take place. If I can make it by then I can drop beers to Thommo later this week.

Ill be there but I probably wont make it until around 11:30-12pm ish. Can we establish a time for the actual swap to take place. If I can make it by then I can drop beers to Thommo later this week.


I'll be there 10.00am ish. Swap at midday. Lunch cooked around then too. I'll need to head off around 2.00pm to go to a piss up in Wollongong.

Anyone this doesn't suit ?

Onions- Barls
Bread - Fatgodzilla
Salad 1 - mrs eyres - potato salad
Salad 2 - Gulpa - pesto pasta salad
salad 3
Cheese & crackers
Onions - Barls
Kebabs - Jason
Snags - Vitalstatistix
Bread - Fatgodzilla
Salad 1 - mrs eyres - potato salad
Salad 2 - Gulpa - pesto pasta salad
salad 3
Cheese & crackers
nibbles - Gruntus - Chips/Dips/BBQ Nibbles
I'm planning on doing a brew in the morning and probably won't be there until later on, 1ish, so I probably won't be hanging around for food or anything of that sort.
I'm intending on chucking a sickie from work as the wife has her works xmas do the night before and the outlaws will be taking the little one for the night.....

Only issue I either need to bring said demon child with me or be back home by 1:30 to let the wife get to work...
Hey all,

The missus has pulled rank and due to a double booking I cant make it to the swap. I will be entrusting my beer to Vitalstats and bizier so they will arrive safe and sound.

Id like to thank everyone who been involved with the organising of the swap and to Thommo for holding it at his place. I was hoping to meet you all, but beer brews fast and im sure we'll all meet and get drunk soon enough.

Have fun on Sat and brewstrong.

I will be entrusting my beer to Vitalstats and bizier so they will arrive safe and sound.

Whooohahahahaha ... foolish mortal.

I think that the current plan is to build a jury-rigged Tarago-like vehicle from beer-filled milk crates, office chairs and ockey straps to get us safely out to Thommo's and back via the M4. Your beer will probably come in handy Alex.
Whooohahahahaha ... foolish mortal.

I think that the current plan is to build a jury-rigged Tarago-like vehicle from beer-filled milk crates, office chairs and ockey straps to get us safely out to Thommo's and back via the M4. Your beer will probably come in handy Alex.

Ive heard travelling in the car with a milkcrate on the lap is quite therapeutic :)
I'm planning on doing a brew in the morning and probably won't be there until later on, 1ish, so I probably won't be hanging around for food or anything of that sort.
Is there any chance you could send your case along with someone local? that way those of us who have to leave early are able to do so with a full case...

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