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was the arctic fox any good. i dont think ive tried it yet.

Didn't try it as my assumption was that it would be exactly as described above. Not a fan of lagers usually, anyway.

Straight up I had a Flying Horse Dirty Angel which I enjoyed a lot but was very embarrassed to order (what a stupid name for a beer, I felt like it should come with a complimentary Magic Happens bumper sticker). Then a 2brothers Rusty Pale Ale and it was easily one of the weirdest and most disgusting (uninfected) beers I have ever had. Truly woeful. Then I thought I'd give Mildura Storm a second chance after not enjoying it in the bottle - possibly even more boring (approaching bad) on tap. Stuck to pints of Flying Horse after that.
Straight up I had a Flying Horse Dirty Angel which I enjoyed a lot but was very embarrassed to order
yup. i just order it as dirty angel to avoid the issue

Then a 2brothers Rusty Pale Ale and it was easily one of the weirdest and most disgusting (uninfected) beers I have ever had. Truly woeful.
really? its been pretty good the times we've tried it. sure it was infected or stale? although we have had a few pints of the 2brothers where it was clearly infected or at least oxidised. Mrs Parmas in all stances have disconnected the keg in question and tapped a new one and replaced the beer. they are good like that.

Mildura Storm a second chance after not enjoying it in the bottle - possibly even more boring (approaching bad) on tap.
my memory of the storm was that it wasnt that bad. but its been a while since ive tasted it.

all sounds a little depressing bum. Mrs P's is usually a great time when we go. Asgame they didnt have the bridgeroads aussie pale on tap. thats good. you could have switched to kooi's in bottles.
Can make 12 Feb if it's an early lunch...have to go to a lecture at 1:30.
I can see why it might look like I'm down on the place but I'm not, had a good night and did quite enjoy the Dirty Angel (that's really not any better).

The Rusty seemed very odd to me - pulling in all sorts of different directions and not able to find somewhere in the middle to settle down. Horses for courses and all that but me and the two other people with me all felt the same.

Maybe I'm being unfair on the Storm but it does nothing for me and when you look at all the other taps I really don't understand why anyone would drink it.
nah the rusty shouldnt taste like that. 2 bros has been seeming to drop the ball progressivly for some reason. their wuality is getting worse. not good.

hopefully they will change the beers on tap again before 12 Feb. I wish they would get more red hill in. or a good saison on tap.
Straight up I had a Flying Horse Dirty Angel which I enjoyed a lot but was very embarrassed to order (what a stupid name for a beer, I felt like it should come with a complimentary Magic Happens bumper sticker).
The 'Dirty Angel' is named after a war memorial statue in Warrnambool, which, from certain angles appears to be performing a little bit of a "dirty" act in full public view:


Damn good beer, and they do a real nice Wit. Shame the pub itself is nothing special, apart from the very bling fermenters you can go and ogle.
The 'Dirty Angel' is named after a war memorial statue in Warrnambool, which, from certain angles appears to be performing a little bit of a "dirty" act in full public view:

Ah, it all becomes clear. Cheers for that. I really couldn't work it out. I thought they were starting to market porters to Twilight fans or something. :blink:
The Rusty seemed very odd to me - pulling in all sorts of different directions and not able to find somewhere in the middle to settle down. Horses for courses and all that but me and the two other people with me all felt the same.

nah the rusty shouldnt taste like that. 2 bros has been seeming to drop the ball progressivly for some reason. their wuality is getting worse. not good.

Dont know if they was conveyed Bum but "Rusty Pale Ale' is a Belgian Pale Ale, not your run of the mill APA. Should have peach and vanilla falvours going on.
Getting back on track with the purpose of this thread, I have only 3 more weeks until I'm back working in the city, :beerbang: .

Do we have any takers for a Mrs Parma lunch, for Friday 12th of Feb?

CM2, are you back on the horse yet?

I'm a possibility. It depends on whether or not I'm working, both before the day (so I have money) and on the day (as I won't be drinking and handling art and I'm not going to a place that serves decent beer and not drinking).

@fourstar/cm2/bum - I tried the rusty when I was at MP's for my birthday last year. I couldn't drink it and found it one of the most confused commercial beers I've tried. I'm a big fan of good belgian beers and this didn't even approach them. Tried one (can't remember which but it may have been rusty again) at a fed square showcase at the beginning of 2009 and couldn't finish that either.
@fourstar/cm2/bum - I tried the rusty when I was at MP's for my birthday last year. I couldn't drink it and found it one of the most confused commercial beers I've tried. I'm a big fan of good belgian beers and this didn't even approach them. Tried one (can't remember which but it may have been rusty again) at a fed square showcase at the beginning of 2009 and couldn't finish that either.

Hmm well you would be confused about my Jungle Witbier. Its knocked 8 points off the OG lastnight and it was tasting kinda like malty nutty flat lime/lemonade with a strage gingery spicyness (i can only assume its a falvour from the yeast in conjunction w/ the limes, pandan and lemongrass. It might end up as a saison in beerfest ;)
I like interesting flavours. The rusty I tried was like an autistic child being given a $500 shopping voucher for his birthday.

No offence intended to autistic people who enjoy shopping. I've tried their beers twice and had the same experience. I give them one more chance before I place them with Buckleys.
its obviously been too long since ive been to Mrs P's and tried it. so for purely scientific purposes i will definitely have to attend the lunch and try some beers. all for science you understand.
Dont know if they was conveyed Bum but "Rusty Pale Ale' is a Belgian Pale Ale, not your run of the mill APA. Should have peach and vanilla falvours going on.

No, I didn't know it was (supposed to be) a Belgian prior to trying it - not did I after drinking it. But I don't think I would have disliked it simply for not being in line with expectations. As a matter of fact I had no idea what the Dirty Angel was before I ordered it and I was hoping it'd be a pale ale. As usual, manticle has expressed what I was trying to get at more effectively and succinctly above.
i wonder what the chances are of organising to go to true south at blackrock instead. we all take the arvo off and go see sam and give her beers and food a belting???
I think that's a good idea, but not for 12 Feb...you back at work yet CM2?
yeah mate back this week. hence my increase in AHB activity
i wonder what the chances are of organising to go to true south at blackrock instead. we all take the arvo off and go see sam and give her beers and food a belting???

hmmmm... I like the idea of it... but I wouldn't be able to commit until closer to the date as it would depend on my work schedule at the time.

Parma's would certainly be easier for a lunch time jaunt
maybe the eastern suburbs boys can work out a day on the weekend to go and get a maxi-taxi in.

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