What's Your Dog Called

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My cross cattle/collie, Maggie in her better days (she's a bit over the hill now)... actually she's more my parent's dog now

i CBF reading through 5 pages but if you have not named it i rekon call it Fuggle!

here's a picture of my co-brewer Kat (my friends say i have a sick sence of humor.... one day i'll own a cat called Spot or Rex)

she's boarder collie X Beagle


Thanks Guys for all your input. The pics were great! :super:

Well, we went from an original list of 40 names ...narrowed it down to 15, then 10 ...eventually we had a family vote on two names:

Nelson and Raymond ... the vote was close, 3 to 2 !!!

...but I'm proud to introduce,

"NELSON" The Wonder Dog ...cryin' all night and sleepin' all day, but wouldn't change it for the world!

There's just not enough puppy to go around at the moment! :D

Thanks again everyone for sharing your precious mates with us. ;)

No pics and they arent dogs.

Two cats.

Ones named Tiger.
The others named Tripsy.
new a farmer a few years ago who called his mutt, f$#% ya.
should of heard him telling it to get in the ute,come,stay,getback back etc.
bloody funny :D ...cheers...spog...
The late great Rainy. Was christened Rain but the Aussie vernacular had to add the extra syllable.

God I miss her.

That's her pawprint as my avatar.

I hear you fellas, it doesn't get much worse than losing your dog. After our last dog died at 17 (fair innings I guess), we got this little terror - she's a Staffy/Lab X, 15 months old, named Mac (Mackenzie), was a little shell shocked about the flight over from Perth, but now has her appetite back in full force. This dog will eat anything. Doesn't contribute much to brew days except for trying to lick every piece of equipment she can get her tongue to, getting underfoot (her favourite spot is always right where you are about to walk), and drooling over the smell of something that smells like it could be food (did I mention she'd eat anything?)

Mac_1.jpg Food? Is there food?

Mac_sleeping.jpg Mac sleeping last night. What a little weirdo...

Mac_in_Car.jpg In the ute/pickup on the way to the dog park

Nelson is a good choice, but you could have called her BIAB (Born In A Beef (capital))... ha :lol:
Our dog is a wiermaraner called Grace (GreyC as she is a grey dog).

This was my second choice - I wanted to call her 'duct tape'... as we were originally going to get a boxer at the same time, and the boxer was going to be called 'cardboard'... I figured that cardboard and duct tape go together well. :blink:
Here's my dopey but lovable cocker called Sam:

He's epileptic (but not too bad) with arthritis and wonky hips and he can't see too well.
This is how he spends most of his time:

I knew a bloke once who had a dog called Ted - short for barsted :D
the pickledkiwi2's dog is called wattle(short for wattle we call the f&%8en thing.
Poor old bugger! He's never been the same since eating someone's stash Andrew. A bit like drinking Forbidden Fruit and listening to Pink Floyd, a life altering experience. Pot is poisonous to dogs and he very near died, vet had to give him twice the "dose for weight" of valium to get him off the wall. Said "if the dope doesn't kill him the valium very well might", but he lived and now at 14 is a bit (did I say bit) senile. He walks round and around the house doing "laps" every night sometimes stopping for up to five minutes staring at some point in space (maybe they're talking to him) before moving on. He goes to his food dish and goes to sleep staring into the bowl. Jokes aside, he has cancer and not long to go, has been a great family pet and we'll miss him when he's gone, so we provide him all the comfort we can until the time comes. Couldn't have boarded him in his condition so we took him along for the trip, he is actually better when his surrounds are constantly changing. Since arriving home today he has slotted right back into his old habits and has just passed the door here for about the 23rd time.


PS: Mind you seeing the "Shiatzu in a Bucket" made us feel like we were not so pet paranoid.

Well brewers we can't call him anything anymore. Old Ruffnuts died at 11am today. Keep looking at his beer saucer in the shed, can't believe it, SWAMBO's not taking it well. Poor old bugger, was having trouble breathing, the cancer had spread so much.
My condolences Screwtop. I'm a cat person, but can still relate. My parent's cat passed away last week at the ripe old age of 18 1/2. She's been around for more than half my life, so it it was quite sad. Makes you feel a little better that you pamper them towards the end.
sorry to hear that screwy, i'v had animals around me all my life and it never gets any easier when a loved one dies, Kat an i will have a beer for you and your mate tonight

Doesn't life suck Screwtop, sorry to hear of your loss, and my sympathies to your wife as well.

Sorry for your loss Mike, I'll have a few for you and yours.
sad to hear Screwy, they're such loyal and devoted friends. Takes a while to get over it.
Best wishes to you and your missus.
Bummer Screwtop, me and the cat (tig) will share a beer for you both tonight. Keep the chin up.

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