Poor old bugger! He's never been the same since eating someone's stash Andrew. A bit like drinking Forbidden Fruit and listening to Pink Floyd, a life altering experience. Pot is poisonous to dogs and he very near died, vet had to give him twice the "dose for weight" of valium to get him off the wall. Said "if the dope doesn't kill him the valium very well might", but he lived and now at 14 is a bit (did I say bit) senile. He walks round and around the house doing "laps" every night sometimes stopping for up to five minutes staring at some point in space (maybe they're talking to him) before moving on. He goes to his food dish and goes to sleep staring into the bowl. Jokes aside, he has cancer and not long to go, has been a great family pet and we'll miss him when he's gone, so we provide him all the comfort we can until the time comes. Couldn't have boarded him in his condition so we took him along for the trip, he is actually better when his surrounds are constantly changing. Since arriving home today he has slotted right back into his old habits and has just passed the door here for about the 23rd time.
PS: Mind you seeing the "Shiatzu in a Bucket" made us feel like we were not so pet paranoid.