Whats In The Glass

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Haven't brewed for about two months. We're currently getting ready to move, so figure I'll just drain all supplies and start brewing again once settled in. :)
That looks amazing jyo, what's it like........have ya got a recipe link?
Cheers, mate. It's had a couple of months in the keg, so hops are pretty muted, but still really well balanced.

(Extra Special/Strong Bitter (English Pale Ale))

Original Gravity (OG): 1.048 (°P): 11.9
Final Gravity (FG): 1.012 (°P): 3.1
Alcohol (ABV): 4.72 %
Colour (SRM): 9.9 (EBC): 19.5
Bitterness (IBU): 43.8 (Average - No Chill Adjusted)

89.29% Maris Otter Malt
5.36% Bairds Medium Crystal
3.57% Biscuit
1.79% Acidulated Malt

2.1 g/L Challenger (6.1% Alpha) @ 80 Minutes (Boil)
1.5 g/L Bobek Slovenia (3.7% Alpha) @ 1 Minutes (Boil)

Single step Infusion at 66°C for 90 Minutes. Boil for 70 Minutes

Fermented at 18°C with Wyeast 1469 - West Yorkshire Ale
Nice looking APA. Do you have a recipe you'd like to share?
IsonAd said:
Nice looking APA. Do you have a recipe you'd like to share?
Cheers mate, it still needs some time to clear still I didn't get a chance to CC. Here's the recipe:

Mosiac Pale Ale:

OG: 1.051 IBU: 45
FG: 1.014 Size: 23L
Colour: 16 EBC

3.75kg Maris Otter (TF) - 70%
1.05kg Munich I - 20%
0.27kg Wheat Malt - 5%
0.27kg Light Crystal - 5%

12g Mosiac @ 60min
50g Mosiac @ cube
40g Dry hop

US05 fermented at 18

Mash Schedule & Boil:
Single Rest at 68, Mash Out at 78 & Sparge. Boil for 70min.
My rye belgian saison. Really love how spectacular the Wyeast 3724 - it can be a bit of a bitch during the end of fermentation but it brings great flavour. Wish I had brewed another patch before the hot weather cooled

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mosaic and citra APA with waimea as a bittering hop - interesting and earthy... and finally a move away from bittering the hell out of everything. this beer was gelatined and bulk primed simultaneously then back in the 3 deg fridge for a further few days, then bottled. definitely slower to carbonate but seems to be getting there ~ roll eyes

6 months of APA's (and AG) now here and just about ready to go back to the beginning and start again - worse things to be doing eh
Is there a massive spider swimming in your glass there ?

Other than that, it looks great. Super sharp picture too.
thanks yes easy to get one good pic when you take 20

bullant brewery yes indeed
Still cleaning out the garage after the move 3 weeks back..

Starting the afternoon with a styrian-vienna lager SMASH with 2042. Coming along nicely after a month in the keg.

A brown porter after a feast at the in-laws where I made a pils/hallertau SMASH lager for the FIL.

Really liking how this porter has turned out. Toasty, nutty with a bit of malt sweetness.


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