Hey DJ
Like the insulated MT
Is that a BrewTech or your own handy work?
20 g - Coriander, Type: Spice, Use: Boil
250 g - Orange Zest, Type: Flavor, Use: Boil
I forgot to get Coriander or Zest on the way home so I might have to do a WP addition after going to the shops in the am. What types/amounts would you recommend ?that is a heap of Zest driod. more than 3g per litre. I use < 1g per litre and the orange aroma is very very obvious.
And coriander is low, i use about 1/2gram per litre and it kicks well at that level.
will be interested to see how you fare with it.
Sorry on the phone
So 1g/l zest
1/2g/l coriander
^when ?
Sorry on the phone
So 1g/l zest
1/2g/l coriander
^when ?
I just checked my recipe and found 0.6g per litre of zest and 0.35g per litre of coriander.
At 5mins.
if you do 1g zest and 1/2g coriander you will get a good read on what you like.
With my fake blonde racked of the W34/70 yeast and the Helles 2 pitched last night at 4c for a 9c fermentation, which has kicked off in under 12hrs, I think another summer lager/pilsner is needed to make full use of this yeast.
Mosaic Pilsner
OG 1048
FG 1009
ABV 5.1%
IBU 35
EBC 6.8
Vol 20l
Eff 80%
Overnight Mash using rain water and 2-3lts of tap water for some minerals, target pH very crisp at 5.2
100% Pilsner Malt
Acidulated approx 200g and then lactic if required.
20c/180m, 50c/30m, 65c/90m, 72c/30m, 76c/180m
90min boil
Magnum @ 90m = 18ibu
Mosaic @ 30m = 12ibu
Mosaic @ 10m = 5ibu
into a no chill cube and will be pitched next weekend when the Helles 2 is done.