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brewing up a big IPA and plan on sending some to Pratty as he kindly said he'd taste test it and give me some pointers.

The Pratty IPA
2.26 kg Crystal (Joe White) (141.8 EBC) Grain 1 50.0 %
1.81 kg Munich I (Weyermann) (14.0 EBC) Grain 2 40.0 %
0.23 kg Melanoidin (Weyermann) (59.1 EBC) Grain 3 5.0 %
0.23 kg Victory Malt (biscuit) (Briess) (55.2 EBC) Grain 4 5.0 %
80.00 g Magnum [12.00 %] - Boil 60.0 min Hop 5 106.9 IBUs
10.00 g Galaxy [14.00 %] - Dry Hop 3.0 Days Hop 6 0.0 IBUs

i like malt flavour so i used a malt called crystal malt? i heard munich was nice so decided to use that too. yum! i love big hoppy beers also so i made it have a lot of hops and i like the fruity smell so am putting in a dry hop! my friend is letting me use his leftover still spirits 500 yeast because i don't have any? i will do mashing at 68 degrees and can get my fermenter to 27c in my garage!

very excited. can't wait to send it to you Pratty!

p.s will biscuit malt help make it taste like an anzac cookie beer? i hope so.
Agreed. Bradsbrew obviously had too many cones today.

Personally, I managed to knock out 44l of a 1063og IPA. Magnum and chinook for bitterness and mosaic, citra and galaxy at whirlpool. Still having efficiency woes but will figure it out soon enough.
Just a couple of cones. Thats a 170L kettle.
That's frikkin absurd!
KK has some big boy kettles; Bradsbrew, how are you filtering those guys out, surely the whirlpool doesnt pull all the hops magically to the center.
Where did you get your kettle
Im looking to upgrade my system

That's a handy Import one, has a nice thick bottom, works great. My HLT and Mash Tun are cheaky peak pots.

KK has some big boy kettles; Bradsbrew, how are you filtering those guys out, surely the whirlpool doesnt pull all the hops magically to the center.

I have a 90 deg elbow facing the bottom of the pot with the end of a bazooka firmly placed between the base of the pot and the inlet. Works a treat.
i will have to borrow that BB, thanks mate, every time i try with cones its a bloody disaster.
170 from HI? i have the 98L, pricey but v thick SS, good show i say.
i will have to borrow that BB, thanks mate, every time i try with cones its a bloody disaster.
170 from HI? i have the 98L, pricey but v thick SS, good show i say.
I also did a kilo in a 90L pot recently (after seeing Brad or possibly someone else do similar). Worked out to about 16cm deep of hop flowers at the bottom after draining.

Simple steel scrubby wrapped around the dip tube keeps any flowers out, the flowers themselves ended up acting as a great filter to keep the trub out ;-)
yeah once upon a time i would have, but the more i thought about them being used in a boil kettle for 60 plus minutes, the more i really didnt think they belonged. stainless or silicone for me. just a preference. unless there are some proper ss wool scrubs im not aware of.
brewing up a big IPA and plan on sending some to Pratty as he kindly said he'd taste test it and give me some pointers.

The Pratty IPA
2.26 kg Crystal (Joe White) (141.8 EBC) Grain 1 50.0 %
1.81 kg Munich I (Weyermann) (14.0 EBC) Grain 2 40.0 %
0.23 kg Melanoidin (Weyermann) (59.1 EBC) Grain 3 5.0 %
0.23 kg Victory Malt (biscuit) (Briess) (55.2 EBC) Grain 4 5.0 %
80.00 g Magnum [12.00 %] - Boil 60.0 min Hop 5 106.9 IBUs
10.00 g Galaxy [14.00 %] - Dry Hop 3.0 Days Hop 6 0.0 IBUs

i like malt flavour so i used a malt called crystal malt? i heard munich was nice so decided to use that too. yum! i love big hoppy beers also so i made it have a lot of hops and i like the fruity smell so am putting in a dry hop! my friend is letting me use his leftover still spirits 500 yeast because i don't have any? i will do mashing at 68 degrees and can get my fermenter to 27c in my garage!

very excited. can't wait to send it to you Pratty!

p.s will biscuit malt help make it taste like an anzac cookie beer? i hope so.

That is the funniest thing I've read on the forum. HAHAHAHAHAH. ( oh apart from the thread about Bandito... )

Actually I think that would make for a great BarleyWine if we just up the OG :bigcheers:
yeah once upon a time i would have, but the more i thought about them being used in a boil kettle for 60 plus minutes, the more i really didnt think they belonged. stainless or silicone for me. just a preference. unless there are some proper ss wool scrubs im not aware of.
I use mine till they start falling apart... Only been through two or three in a couple of years and haven't noticed any rust forming on them.
did this yesterday, milled the night before, soaked overnight and timer start at 3.30am recirc through HEX and ramped to 64.5C

closing in on Stone go to IPA's IBU's

Title: Eagle Point Pale

Brew Method: All Grain
Style Name: American Pale Ale/Session IPA
Boil Time: 90 min
Batch Size: 66 liters (ending kettle volume)
Boil Size: 80 liters
Boil Gravity: 1.038
Efficiency: 80% (ending kettle)

Original Gravity: 1.045
Final Gravity: 1.010
ABV (standard): 4.61%
IBU (tinseth): 61.02
SRM (morey): 4.62

7 kg - German - Pilsner (57.1%)
0.5 kg - German - CaraMunich I (4.1%)
3.25 kg - German - Wheat Malt (26.5%)
0.5 kg - German - Acidulated Malt (4.1%)
1 kg - Rolled Oats (8.2%)

10 g - columbus, Type: Pellet, AA: 14.5, Use: First Wort, IBU: 7.34
50 g - Amarillo, Type: Pellet, AA: 8.4, Use: Whirlpool for 20 min at 99 °C, IBU: 25.46
50 g - Cascade, Type: Pellet, AA: 6.3, Use: Whirlpool for 20 min at 99 °C, IBU: 19.09
50 g - mosaic, Type: Pellet, AA: 10.6, Use: Hopback for 20 min at 70 °C, IBU: 4.02
50 g - Citra, Type: Pellet, AA: 13.5, Use: Hopback for 20 min at 70 °C, IBU: 5.11

1) Temperature, Temp: 64 C, Time: 120 min, Amount: 37 L
Starting Mash Thickness: 3.25 L/kg

Fermentis / Safale - English Ale Yeast S-04

Fermentation Temp: 20 C

Profile Name: Light colored and hoppy
Ca2: 75
Mg2: 5
Na: 10
Cl: 50
SO4: 150
HCO3: 0
Water Notes:
Gysum 18g
Epsom 10
Cal Chl 8
Foreign Extra Stout
Grain bill:
10 kg - Vienna (73.7%) - Weyermann (no Ale malt in store, but heaps of Vienna left, so...)
2.75 kg - Flaked barley (20.3%) - Blue lake
0.82 kg - Roasted barley (6%) - Bairds

Single infusion 67 C for 90 min.
Infusion water 37 L (ratio: 2.7L/Kg)
Additions to mash tun;
Calcium chloride: 20gm
Calcium sulphate: 10gm

Water profile:
Ca2: 130
Mg2: 9
Na: 39
Cl: 207
SO4: 117
HCO3: 54

Boil Time: 90 min
Boil Size: 60 L
Batch Size: 54.5 L (Fermentor volume)
Efficiency: 92% (Mash/Sparge; ending kettle)

90 g - 2015 Brewers Gold pellets AA: 13.8
First Wort, 90 boil

Original Gravity: 1.068
Expected Final Gravity: 1.016
Expected ABV: 6.86%
IBU: ~62

Danstar - Nottingham - fresh yeast cake from 2 x Munich Dunkel (faux lager)

Fermentation Temp: 15C
did this yesterday, milled the night before, soaked overnight and timer start at 3.30am recirc through HEX and ramped to 64.5C

closing in on Stone go to IPA's IBU's

Title: Eagle Point Pale

Brew Method: All Grain
Style Name: American Pale Ale/Session IPA
Boil Time: 90 min
Batch Size: 66 liters (ending kettle volume)
Boil Size: 80 liters
Boil Gravity: 1.038
Efficiency: 80% (ending kettle)

Original Gravity: 1.045
Final Gravity: 1.010
ABV (standard): 4.61%
IBU (tinseth): 61.02
SRM (morey): 4.62

7 kg - German - Pilsner (57.1%)
0.5 kg - German - CaraMunich I (4.1%)
3.25 kg - German - Wheat Malt (26.5%)
0.5 kg - German - Acidulated Malt (4.1%)
1 kg - Rolled Oats (8.2%)

10 g - columbus, Type: Pellet, AA: 14.5, Use: First Wort, IBU: 7.34
50 g - Amarillo, Type: Pellet, AA: 8.4, Use: Whirlpool for 20 min at 99 °C, IBU: 25.46
50 g - Cascade, Type: Pellet, AA: 6.3, Use: Whirlpool for 20 min at 99 °C, IBU: 19.09
50 g - mosaic, Type: Pellet, AA: 10.6, Use: Hopback for 20 min at 70 °C, IBU: 4.02
50 g - Citra, Type: Pellet, AA: 13.5, Use: Hopback for 20 min at 70 °C, IBU: 5.11

1) Temperature, Temp: 64 C, Time: 120 min, Amount: 37 L
Starting Mash Thickness: 3.25 L/kg

Fermentis / Safale - English Ale Yeast S-04

Fermentation Temp: 20 C

Profile Name: Light colored and hoppy
Ca2: 75
Mg2: 5
Na: 10
Cl: 50
SO4: 150
HCO3: 0
Water Notes:
Gysum 18g
Epsom 10
Cal Chl 8

looks nice mate.

i'm surprised you'd get an FG of 1.010 though with a 64c mash. is it a session ipa? i only ask for curiosity. i tend to mash at higher temps to retain some body with the drop in abv.
looks nice mate.

i'm surprised you'd get an FG of 1.010 though with a 64c mash. is it a session ipa? i only ask for curiosity. i tend to mash at higher temps to retain some body with the drop in abv.
yo fletcher
1.044 - 1.008 is my spot usually. This recipe was copied from another of my recipes and altered. Not sure why it's at 1.010, maybe the oats or maybe I didn't alter the water to grain ratio. S-04 yeast? My last beer was probably getting a bit weak in terms of malt backbone tho it's very sessionable, which is what I want but it's probably time to start bringing back some body.
I'm interested in exploring the outer reaches of pale ale / session IPA - to be sure that the beer I settle on is everything I want it to be, I'm close.
I use mine till they start falling apart... Only been through two or three in a couple of years and haven't noticed any rust forming on them.
+1 for stainless scrubby, the biggest you can find, try specialist kitchen/ hospitality warehouses. I've used the same one for about five years now, its still as good as new and not the slightest bit looking like giving up the ghost.
The stainless scrubby plus the whole hops cones (includes plugs) form an excellent filter matrix for hot break/ kettle trub, can't recommend this pairing highly enough. I don't whirlpool at all, just bung the lid on, let convection currents calm and solids to settle, usually about 20 minutes, then drain gently into the no chill cube. Added bonus of minimal wort losses and never had a blocked pickup. I always aim to have some whole cones in the boil, while reserving pellets for the fermenter, within reason of course. I do wish more suppliers stocked plugs or flowers.
Well I always knew wheat beers where a bit of a bastard on my 3V, but tonight is crazy.
First my 3600w element died. I thought cool, easy recovery, cold sparge and we be sweet.
Then I had the recirculation set really slow, bang stuck, I knew because the herms vessel started to boil, opps. Tried getting the camping stove under the mash tun, I could hold my 63 degree step alright but there was no way I was going to make 73 degrees.
So now I am bastardising the fly sparge and so many dramas!
Going to put a temp gauge on the kettle and BIAB the stupid wheat beers from now on!

P.S. It is really cold at 0016HRS tonight and I haven't started the 90 min boil yet. So much for the step mashed banana rama.

2017-08-02 00.06.04.jpg
For me I've just ordered some Motueka (a new hop to me) so I'll probably muck around with a couple smashes to get a handle on it. Supposed to be lemon citrus-y? .. I've got some Simpsons golden promise and also some Gladfield Ale malt .. and some Feedbag malt so I'll figure something out.

Also (again if time allows) will put down a house stout as current supplies are running low.

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