making a session IPA and my first attempt at a super-dry ale, was going to be this morning but changed to a Sunday3am timer start
100% pils malt for the full mash @ 62C add enzyme
small side mash of munich and caramunich for a bit of colour and backbone for the IPA
Perle flowers for 20ibu's
shut off the boil and run off 1 batch through large hop back of mosaic and others (15-20ibu's) - chill and ferment with US05 at 20 - dry hop with 4g/l of something for 4or5 days at 20C
fire up the kettle and add some dextrose representing .5% of total abv for the super-dry, add Hallertau for 15ibu hop burst, chill to 14 add US05 and bump to 16C