What Are You Brewing - 2014

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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Quick IPA. 30min mash and boil.

5.5kg of Maris Otter
0.3kg Caramunich I
0.25kg Victory
0.15kg CaraAroma

Mashed at about 67deg for 30 mins before ramping up to mahout.
Aiming for around 1.064 SG

25gm Apollo @ 30mins
25gm Citra & 30gm Cascade @ 10mins
30gm Citra & Cascade @ flameout

No chill cube for 20mins while I clean up then into the pool overnight and pitch the next morning.

First brew in over 6 weeks, feels good to rejoin the league.
sponge said:
Brewing a mild early tomorrow morning.

83% GP or MO
7% xtal
7% victory
3% choc



18 IBUs
Found a 75g bag of styrians in the freezer so have decided to cube hop those instead of the FWH addition and bring a bit more marmalade to the table.

Just about to finish the boil..
I was gonna make a pliney the elder type thing. But decided to try use up the hops I had in the brew fridge.

Darley the Elder
21 litres 200 IBU (dunno bout that beersmith)
6 kg pale
500 grams wheat
300 grams carapils
300 grams sugar
300 grams caramalt

1.070 start Gravity
67 mash 1 hour
90 min boil
5 grams Cal sulfate

100 grams Zythos 60mins
100 grams Zythos whirlpool
50 grams Simcoe whirlpool
30 grams Nelson whirlpool

The the whirlpools are like 20 mins cause I cubed.
Ferment on M44 slurry
100 grams Zythos dry hop
50 grams Simcoe dry hop
Hoping for about 7%ABV
Brewed another gluten free beer today.

95% red sorghum malt
5% sugar
Nelson Sauv at 20 and flameout.
1.035 OG 18IBU WB-06 yeast

And what an absolute bastard it was.
Last time I brewed it was BIAB. This time in my esky.
Sorghum has no husk so after about 2L of runoff it goes hard. It was like trying to sparge sandstone.
Took over an hour to get 12L.
Add to that the fact it is red sorghum instead of white so it looks horrid. Like someone pooed in the dishwater.
Then I burnt my hand on a pot handle that, unknown to me, was kind of over the gas burner.
Got there in the end though.
36.5% efficiency today.......damn.

Uses about 300g of hops though......what a sight it was!!
Second beer in three days!
Knocked out 40litres of Munich Helles for a friend's Oktoberfest.
95% local pale malt
5% Caramunich I
Tettnang all the way to about 20IBU
Wyeast 2308 larger starter.
Pity the party is such a long ways away.
Thinking of using 30 or so gms of sugar in the keg to scavange any oxygen and help preserve the beer before long term lagering in the keg.
A porter for my square experiment

85.4% ding pils
9% Simpsons med xtal
3.4% brown
2.2% black

Challenger 60 and 10

Yeast will either be 1318 or 1469 or similar. Ferment in rectangular willow tub in term fridge and hopefully top crop a heap of yummy yeast.
I laid down a Dr smurtos golden ale. Subbed out the wheat for rye. Triple decoction on my pot belly fire. Reduced the decoction a fair bit. Not done a lot of decoction but it seemed to go well and taste great.
After my RIS and Baltic Porter are in bottles and my fermenter is free I'm thinking a Mild to actually have something to drink while waiting for the bigger beers to be ready.

Going to use up the Munich I've got. Hopefully it works in this. Am also liking throwing hops into the cube with everything now and will do the same here.

Recipe Specs
Batch Size (L): 15.0
Total Grain (kg): 2.325
Total Hops (g): 50.00
Original Gravity (OG): 1.036 (°P): 9.0
Final Gravity (FG): 1.009 (°P): 2.3
Alcohol by Volume (ABV): 3.54 %
Colour (SRM): 20.8 (EBC): 40.9
Bitterness (IBU): 23.9 (Average - No Chill Adjusted)
Brewhouse Efficiency (%): 75
Boil Time (Minutes): 60

Grain Bill
2.000 kg Munich I (86.02%)
0.125 kg Crystal 60 (5.38%)
0.100 kg Crystal 120 (4.3%)
0.065 kg Chocolate (2.8%)
0.035 kg Black Malt (1.51%)

Hop Bill
10.0 g East Kent Golding Pellet (4.7% Alpha) @ 60 Minutes (Boil) (0.7 g/L)
40.0 g East Kent Golding Pellet (4.7% Alpha) @ 0 Minutes (Boil) (2.7 g/L)

Misc Bill
6.0 g Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) @ 0 Minutes (Mash)

Single step Infusion at 70°C for 30 Minutes.
Fermented at 18°C with Safeale S-04
Thinking some sort if pale ale tomorrow, probably MO/Biscuit grist, 100% cube hopped. Need to check my hop supplies.
Today American Amber Columbus centennial 2cubes finished.
Mash out now English pale with fuggles north down bran cross chilled 42 lts.
Good day off brewing.
52 States American Pale Ale (again)

21 batch
BIAB. NC. 69% efficiency.
5% alc. vol. 30-ish IBU

5.5kg Wey Pils
500g JW Wheat
300g Simpsons Crystal Medium
50g Wey Acidulated
>> mash @ 64-degrees for 60-mins

15g US Magnum @ 60mins for 18.5IBU
22g Vic Secret @ flame out
32g Amarillo @ flame out
>> dry hopping to be decided later

Salts, nutrient and BrewBrite added

Ferment on 008 or 090 @ 17-degrees
>> hoping to finish dry at around 1008 or 1009.
I've got about double that amount of wey pils I wanna get rid of. And the hops in the freezer. How's this beer go Spies? Good gear?
Pumped this out last night. Went back to good old batch sparge and lifted my efficiency.

One cube with MJ Burton Union (first go with this one) and the other with WY PC English Special Bitter Ale (Cheers, dent)

Extra Special/Strong Bitter (English Pale Ale)

Recipe Specs
Batch Size (L): 50.0
Total Grain (kg): 10.700
Total Hops (g): 140.00
Original Gravity (OG): 1.052 (°P): 12.9
Final Gravity (FG): 1.014 (°P): 3.6
Alcohol by Volume (ABV): 4.97 %
Colour (SRM): 11.8 (EBC): 23.2
Bitterness (IBU): 38.3 (Average - No Chill Adjusted)
Brewhouse Efficiency (%): 77
Boil Time (Minutes): 80

Grain Bill
9.300 kg Maris Otter Malt (86.92%)
0.500 kg Bairds Medium Crystal (4.67%)
0.400 kg Biscuit (3.74%)
0.300 kg Bairds Dark Crystal (2.8%)
0.200 kg Acidulated Malt (1.87%)

Hop Bill
80.0 g Challenger Pellet (6.4% Alpha) @ 70 Minutes (Boil) (1.6 g/L)
20.0 g Challenger Pellet (6.4% Alpha) @ 5 Minutes (Boil) (0.4 g/L)
40.0 g East Kent Golding Pellet (6.4% Alpha) @ 1 Whirlpool (Boil) (0.8 g/L)

Misc Bill
1.0 g Whirlfloc Tablet @ 15 Minutes (Boil)

Single step Infusion at 67°C for 65 Minutes.
Fermented at 21°C with Wyeast 1768 - PC English Special Bitter Ale

Recipe Generated with BrewMate
This one is currently boiling away (Smurto's TTL Clone). Have some Wyeast 1469 top cropped from my last ESB in a starter. second attempt at this one though I think I'm leaning towards maris otter as my preferred base malt for my ESB's.

Landlord (Special/Best/Premium Bitter)
Original Gravity (OG): 1.046 (°P): 11.4
Final Gravity (FG): 1.012 (°P): 3.1
Alcohol (ABV): 4.52 %
Colour (SRM): 11.8 (EBC): 23.3
Bitterness (IBU): 31.9 (Average - No Chill Adjusted)
95.24% Golden Promise Malt
3.57% Caraaroma
1.19% Chocolate
1.2 g/L Fuggles (4.1% Alpha) @ 60 Minutes (Boil)
1.2 g/L East Kent Golding (4.6% Alpha) @ 20 Minutes (Boil)
1.5 g/L Styrian Golding (4.8% Alpha) @ 0 Minutes (Aroma)

Single step Infusion at 66°C for 90 Minutes. Boil for 90 Minutes
Fermented at 18°C with Wyeast 1469 - West Yorkshire Ale

Recipe Generated with BrewMate
Two Recipes this weekend. First one - an Irish Red using a hop Bum recommended but haven't gotten around to trying yet.

Irish Red

Original Gravity (OG): 1.048 (°P): 11.9
Final Gravity (FG): 1.012 (°P): 3.1
Alcohol (ABV): 4.72 %
Colour (SRM): 13.7 (EBC): 27.0
Bitterness (IBU): 28.1 (Rager - No Chill Adjusted)

89.55% Golden Promise Malt
4.98% Caraamber
4.98% Caraaroma
0.5% Black Malt

0.9 g/L Bramling Cross (6% Alpha) @ 60 Minutes (Boil)
0.9 g/L Bramling Cross (6% Alpha) @ 20 Minutes (Boil)

0.2 g/L Calcium Chloride @ 0 Minutes (Mash)

Single step Infusion at 67°C for 90 Minutes. Boil for 90 Minutes

Fermented at 20°C with Wyeast 1084 - Irish Ale

Then something resembling an ESB I suppose.


Original Gravity (OG): 1.044 (°P): 11.0
Final Gravity (FG): 1.011 (°P): 2.8
Alcohol (ABV): 4.32 %
Colour (SRM): 11.5 (EBC): 22.6
Bitterness (IBU): 31.7 (Rager - No Chill Adjusted)

86.96% Golden Promise Malt
6.52% Crystal 60
6.52% Crystal 80

1.3 g/L East Kent Golding (4.6% Alpha) @ 60 Minutes (Boil)
1.3 g/L East Kent Golding (4.7% Alpha) @ 20 Minutes (Boil)

0.2 g/L Calcium Chloride @ 0 Minutes (Mash)

Single step Infusion at 67°C for 60 Minutes. Boil for 90 Minutes

Fermented at 18°C with Wyeast 1098 - British Ale

Everything went to plan, which was a nice change. It's been a while since I've had a brew day where every second word hasn't started with F
American Dank IPA

After debating to use a cascade/centennial/simcoe/columbus mix for the recipe......I thought Id throw a bunch of 17.5% AA Columbus in and see how it goes instead - if someone feels the 4 hop combo would be better please change my mind.

OG - 1.065
ABV - 6.3%
IBU - 65
EBC - 12

Golden Promise Ale - 53%
Marris Otter Ale - 36%
Munich Malt - 11%

Columbus @ 60m
Columbus @ 30m
Centennial @ 20m
Columbus @ Flameout
Columbus @ Dry Hop - 7days ( after Fermentation )

Ferment at 18c with Dennys Fav 1450
Deadbox Dark IPA (English IPA)

Original Gravity (OG): 1.058 (°P): 14.3
Final Gravity (FG): 1.015 (°P): 3.8
Alcohol (ABV): 5.70 %
Colour (SRM): 30.8 (EBC): 60.6
Bitterness (IBU): 40.7 (Average - No Chill Adjusted)

53.57% JW Trad
17.86% Rye Malt
8.93% Vienna
8.93% Wheat Malt
5.36% Black Roasted Barley
5.36% Crystal 120

0.5 g/L Amarillo (8.6% Alpha) @ 15 Minutes (Boil)
0.5 g/L Cascade (7.8% Alpha) @ 15 Minutes (Boil)
0.5 g/L East Kent Golding (4.7% Alpha) @ 15 Minutes (Boil)
0.5 g/L Galaxy (13.4% Alpha) @ 15 Minutes (Boil)
0.5 g/L Nelson Sauvin (11.5% Alpha) @ 15 Minutes (Boil)

Single step Infusion at 65°C for 60 Minutes. Boil for 60 Minutes

Fermented at 18°C with

Recipe Generated with BrewMate

First time using Rye and Roasted Barley. Will see how this one pans out. Planning on doing something different, and dumping it on top of a Mangrove Jacks Wheat cake. Will be interesting and educational if nothing else.
Hmm I have quite a few brews planned for my brothers wedding. I currently have a German style lager sitting in secondary for 3 weeks. Still deciding on styles (need to account for everyone) but thinking coopers sparking clone (cultured yeast), red ale, hoppy pale ale, golden ale and brown ale maybe? If I get time and can brew in the fridge than maybe stout and dubbel... Should of started the stronger ones earlier but engineering exams got in the way :( But they're over so cheers to midsem break!
I was reading here a while ago about people falling in love with rye malt, so at gabs I made a point of trying a few beers with rye in. I can see what the fuss is about. Picked some up mid week and am thinking either a rye IPA, or a DSGA with rye instead of wheat...( which I think dr smurto prefers anyway)

Looking forward to seeing the dark IPA with a write up of how it tastes in a few weeks.

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