Well I'm Glad That's Over

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The Point: Yes they have it now! What's your estimate on the rollout here?
up to $43 billion, not sure on the time frame. If we don't build the NBN because by the time we're finished there will be something 'better and faster' we still have the same network we do now and if we keep waiting because there will be something 'better and faster' then we'll still have the same network we do now. If we build it we will have something a lot more modern with much more scope for being upgraded in the future. I'm not an expert on telecommunications so I'm happy to be corrected but won't a FTTP network be essentially like a copper network in the sense that if we upgrade the exchanges and modems we'll be able to increase speed on the same network as were we when we went from dial up to ADSL on the copper network?
up to $43 billion, not sure on the time frame. If we don't build the NBN because by the time we're finished there will be something 'better and faster' we still have the same network we do now and if we keep waiting because there will be something 'better and faster' then we'll still have the same network we do now. If we build it we will have something a lot more modern with much more scope for being upgraded in the future. I'm not an expert on telecommunications so I'm happy to be corrected but won't a FTTP network be essentially like a copper network in the sense that if we upgrade the exchanges and modems we'll be able to increase speed on the same network as were we when we went from dial up to ADSL on the copper network?

Bang on right there Amin! Bring on the NBN... Rather my hard earner tax dollars go towards something other than 4 star hotels/accomodation for ILLEGAL queue jumping boat people...

Just slipped into flame suit...

4 star accommodation? Really? For all 1500 of them?

I'd rather my tax dolllars went into being fed a little less bullshit by people who seem to have a mental age of 6 and get paid to think up lame insults and ways to not answer questions.

The whole illegal queue jumping blah blah is a great handy smokescreen to get people riled up about nothing - meanwhile let's forget about any actual issues or government incompetence. Which actual bit of your tax goes to keeping people locked up for four years and how much of it do you think you'd get back if if it was not happening?
The whole illegal queue jumping blah blah is a great handy smokescreen to get people riled up about nothing

People are actually concerned about this. I agree with your sentiment but in this case the issue is that people are stupid and selfish.
4 star accommodation? Really? For all 1500 of them?

I'd rather my tax dolllars went into being fed a little less bullshit by people who seem to have a mental age of 6 and get paid to think up lame insults and ways to not answer questions.

The whole illegal queue jumping blah blah is a great handy smokescreen to get people riled up about nothing - meanwhile let's forget about any actual issues or government incompetence. Which actual bit of your tax goes to keeping people locked up for four years and how much of it do you think you'd get back if if it was not happening?

It is just load of blah blah, what I have the issue with is the damn people smugglers, I think the asylum seekers are ok, it's the rat bags who load them on unseaworthy hulks who should be shot.....

Flame suit? What flame suit, I don't need no stinking flame suit!

Edit: gramna
I agree - pricks who profit from others' misfortunes. Always going to happen, good to see efforts to see it get reduced.

People are actually concerned about this. I agree with your sentiment but in this case the issue is that people are stupid and selfish.

That paranoia is fed by stupid announcements like 'let's have an honest discussion' from out illustrious leader. Stir the pot etc etc. I remember a great letter to the Herald Sun immediately after JG's 'let's not get bogged down by political correctness' gem which suggested we stop ALL immigration immediately. Great way to cripple the economy completely retard. Unfortunately that kind of thinking is less rare than I'd like.

Anyway I shouldn't get involved in these kinds of discussions here. People can make up their own minds if they want to be bigoted and blinded and let newspapers and speech writers dictate which phantoms to get upset about.
dont shoot em, start up a snowy river scheme after the scholl illiteracy test`s fial and for shits and giggles lets call it the national broadband network, then those smugglers/tourist agents can join forces with all those skilled asian workers the Howard government so willinging welcomed with one hand yet threw babies in the drink with the other, then together they can access our network, prime it then sub prime it , contract it, sub contract it,then have a system like the US, fast, cheap but its gotta cost heaps of jobs. The upside being, I got faster internet than.......................... Thailand!

edit, of course the other upside is. WE ARE JUST LIKE BIG BROTHER USA.
I give it 9months til we're going back to the polls.

I doubt we'll be voting again within 9 months, there's no way Gillard will introduce any controversial legislation in that time. She'll get the balance of power in the senate when the new green senators get sworn in so I doubt she'll introduce anything the libs will vote against before July.

Who knows when they go back? the 1st question time should be the most interesting one for a while.
I agree - pricks who profit from others' misfortunes. Always going to happen, good to see efforts to see it get reduced.

There is some very good information to suggest that the overwhelming proportion of illegal immigrants arrive on 747s and A380s .
I must say, it is a sad day for any ex-defence member... This was our last chance for equality. RIP DFRDB :(
People are actually concerned about this. I agree with your sentiment but in this case the issue is that people are stupid and selfish.
Never mind the boat people what about these bloody communists i keep hearing about, they even reckon they hide under our beds.
There is some very good information to suggest that the overwhelming proportion of illegal immigrants arrive on 747s and A380s .

By 'good to see efforts to reduce' I mean any effort to stop pricks profiting from other's misfortunes (in all cases). What you have suggested is exactly why the whole 'WE'LL STOP THE BOATS' shenanigans from both parties is a waste of air.
Never mind the boat people what about these bloody communists i keep hearing about, they even reckon they hide under our beds.

I've been to Russia.... The lady reds can hide under my bed any time.... :rolleyes:
There was a good four corners episode a few weeks back of an Iraqi guy living in Indonesia who went undercover to expose the people smuggling trade. The smugglers were laughing and saying they drive the boats over, sit in jail for a few months, get fed and then get flown back to Indo to do it all over again. As much as I didnt want T.A being our next PM, I did like the policy of handing out mandatory 10 year sentences to people smugglers / crews of the boats. Surely something like this is needed to punish and discourage those pricks .... but I dont agree with punishing the vulnerable people that they pray on...

Anyway, I want my taxes going towards projects like the NBN, high speed railways, new roads, dental care, health and education and less on middle class welfare like baby bonuses, FHOG's etc. And while im at it I want more effort put on increasing our freedoms and civil liberties and no more nanny state bullshit. Im dreaming, I know. :)
Funny how when we stuff up over there they throw the book at us but when we catch them here??
Not to mention the bombers who now roam free,lets face it where scared witless of them.The libs talk a good game but it was there policy that pays them security to crack down on terrorists...now we have to keep paying that.
Don't most "queue jumpers" turn out to be legitimate refugees? I agree with locking up the bastards that smuggle them but we should take refugees in without forcing them to deal with people smugglers.

Does anyone remember the last terrorist attack in Australia? Was it an illegal immigrant who did it?

& more importantly, where did I leave my beer? If an illegal immigrant took it then I retract my previous statement.

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