Well I'm Glad That's Over

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I am pretty ignorant to most of this but wasn't it Duddys 2007 promise to have a national broadband system sorted within 2.5 years? now its 2.5 years later and still a single shovel has not hit dirt, as far as I can see they still don't even have a proper plan yet its just a promise they will do something to work it out. Vote for us and we will have a good think about oneday sorting something out.
I am pretty ignorant to most of this but wasn't it Duddys 2007 promise to have a national broadband system sorted within 2.5 years? now its 2.5 years later and still a single shovel has not hit dirt, as far as I can see they still don't even have a proper plan yet its just a promise they will do something to work it out. Vote for us and we will have a good think about oneday sorting something out.
au contraire mon ami they have begun the roll out just slowly. Not sure about the original time frame, the first press release (that I can find) suggests a much smaller project over five years, so I assume it has grown. Even then I'm happy for a delay as long as they get it right.

It also seems the greens are going to block the filter which makes me rather happy.
Cool, very happy to be wrong on that one, some good info there too cheers, still happily admit to being a labor hater though.
You know there's actually no difference, right?
But who's going to pay the $5K for the cable modem required (by EACH household) to access the fiber to the home white elephant that's being built? THAT'S what I want to know, don't really care who won the "likable undipenant" contest today....

I give it 9months til we're going back to the polls.

Jesus Christ some of you lot are technically illiterate.
I just had a look sportingbet.com.au & the current market is:

2010 $6.50
2011 $2.25
2012 $4.00
2013 $2.35
I live in Lyne, Oakeshott's electorate.

He has just committed political suicide. This will be his last term as an MP. He has ignored the wishes of over 80% of his electorate who voted other than the Labour/Greens alliance.

I voted for him, but it will be the last time I do.

Find it hard to understand why his electorate is so pissed :unsure: Do you not have a Liberal candidate there? Why then vote for a independent? Just can't understand people and politics.
Have a look at two bob Bob. On one hand he backs the coalition and on the other he says if Labor got over the line he would have no issue working with Gillard. But then it gets better, Mad Bob goes on to say if his mate Ruddy was still PM he may of swung to Labor. FFS does he know if he is coming or going or which way his a*se faces the ground.

still happily admit to being a labor hater though.

You conservative old ******* :lol: Would never of picked you Jayse.

But who's going to pay the $5K for the cable modem required (by EACH household) to access the fiber to the home white elephant that's being built? THAT'S what I want to know, don't really care who won the "likable undipenant" contest today....

I give it 9months til we're going back to the polls.

Oh dear, please don't tell me you've been suckered in by the Coalition's little scare campaign (helped along nicely by some ISPs, one of whom may or may not currently control the wholesale access market in the country....)

What you're talking about is not a 'cable modem' as such, but an ONT (Optical Network Terminal - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optical_Network_Terminal#ONT), which is the interface that the Fibre connects to at the premises, and (in the case of the NBN model) has around 5 Ethernet ports on it, of which one is a POTS (Plain Old Telephone System) adaptor, allowing a telephone to be plugged straight in, as well as 3 standard Ethernet ports, and an ADSL2+ Emulation port, meaning you can use your ADSL2+ modem as it currently is.

The ONT will not cost you a cent to install, unless you wanted to buy one outright. Currently, if you sign up for an ADSL2+ or Cable plan, the modem and other associated hardware are included in your contract. This will not change at all.

And I understand that $43B seems like a lot, but when you consider that of this cost, only $26B is coming from the tax payer, and that is over the approx. 7 years of rollout, it really isn't very much money, especially considering that during the same period, we will have spent at least $1.1T on welfare (some of which is handouts like the Baby Bonus (ie: Plasma's for the kids)).

Just cant believe people would vote for Abbott.... My god.

PS: I voted for neither of the idiots ;)


PS: Not having a go at you specifically, Thomas :)
PS: I voted for neither of the idiots ;)


PS: Not having a go at you specifically, Thomas :)

Had to have a quick look to see where Nanango QLD was situated. For a minute there I thought it may have been far North Qld :lol: As far as I am concerned there is another iditot up there as well :ph34r:

Had to have a quick look to see where Nanango QLD was situated. For a minute there I thought it may have been far North Qld :lol: As far as I am concerned there is another iditot up there as well :ph34r:


LOL, thanks BYB ;)

But really, the Katter in the Hatter is not as stupid as people make him out to be.... He's ended up siding with the Coalition, so he can save face with his more conservative constituents, but has still said he won't block any of the reforms or funding for Regional Australia that Labor puts up for vote in the HoR. He's a wily old bugger - let's face it, he would have disappeared a long time ago if he weren't...

And no, not FNQ here mate, I'm unfortunately in a 'safe' Liberal seat. Was very disheartening counting the votes on election day....the Libs pile was a lot bigger. Made me cry on the inside ;)

And I understand that $43B seems like a lot, but when you consider that of this cost, only $26B is coming from the tax payer

A lot of people don't seem to realise that Govts don't have any money. In order to spend money they need to receive money (royalties, excise, govt fees/charges, AKA taxes) so it all comes down to corporate and private taxpayers to fund ............ everything.

A country such as this, chock a block with raw materials imposing a tax rate Corporate of 30% and Personal around AVERAGE 28% (Max $180,001 and over - $54,550 plus 45c for each $1 over $180,000%) plus a consumption tax GST smacks of mismanagement. Bahraine - heaps of raw materials OIL but no personal income tax.

Employers and workers pay social insurance contributions: Employers pay 10% of salary for old-age, disability and survivor protection. Workers pay 5%

Unemployment insurance: A 2% tax, paid for equally by the employer and the employee supplemented by a government contribution of 1%.

The problem with Elections.................... no matter who ya vote for, ya still get a Politician :lol:
Never mind the boat people what about these bloody communists i keep hearing about, they even reckon they hide under our beds.

Joolya is a commie. :unsure:
LOL, thanks BYB ;)

He's ended up siding with the Coalition, so he can save face with his more conservative constituents,

And no, not FNQ here mate, I'm unfortunately in a 'safe' Liberal seat. Was very disheartening counting the votes on election day....the Libs pile was a lot bigger. Made me cry on the inside ;)


That's my exact point. He new damn well the other two were going labor. Now they face the rath of their electorate while ol' Bob still gets his chocolates :lol: BTW I have the same situation here, Blue Ribbon liberal seat. Can still hear my old mans answer when I first asked who to vote for, why Liberal of course. Thats State and Federal! Me, and I will admit it, went GREENS. First time ever! If Liberals had of been as swift with Howard as Labor were with Rudd, Rudd may have not gone to the lodge.

I live in Lyne, Oakeshott's electorate.

He has just committed political suicide. This will be his last term as an MP. He has ignored the wishes of over 80% of his electorate who voted other than the Labour/Greens alliance.

I voted for him, but it will be the last time I do.

That is a good outcome! If yours and the other two electorates had have voted for one of the major parties in the first place...
You can't win any friends discussing politics. So my couple of bob then out of this one.

Politics: - believed to be a contraction of the two words - Poli derived from the Latin for many, tick small mindless bloodsucking parasite.

Ok I suppose I could live with a shandy sipping reactionary as PM (not going to like it) but Barnaby Joyce FFS read some of what he has to say.

I was surprised Labor & the coalition of the useless got up. Everyone I know voted Liberal, but then again I tend to have intelligent friends.. :icon_cheers:


You can't win any friends discussing politics. So my couple of bob then out of this one.

Politics: - believed to be a contraction of the two words - Poli derived from the Latin for many, tick small mindless bloodsucking parasite.

Ok I suppose I could live with a shandy sipping reactionary as PM (not going to like it) but Barnaby Joyce FFS read some of what he has to say.


On the Greens Environmental Policy "If you were going to go to the Greens to devise an emissions trading scheme, you are going to have a piece of policy that comes direct from the manic monkey caf of inner suburban Nirvanaville straight to you.

You know there will be no more economy." - ABC Radio The World Today, June 2009

What's wrong with that little gem? :p