Vic Xmas Case Swap 2011: Tasting Thread

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Standing up for the Aussie Bottler
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Glenorchy, TAS
To begin

9: Razz: Bo Pils.

Pours very clear golden into a pint glass. Moussy head, slowly, slowly dissipating.

Aroma of honey and malt, slight corniness.

Carbonation moderate to low. Probably low for style but I don't like super fizzy beer - for me it coats the tongue perfectly.

Flavour - sweet malt, some bread, slight corn, lingering bitterness. Very clean, moderate body, nice lingering malt/bread flavours with a hint of grass, presumably from saaz.

Really good opener to the swap beers and great for the warmer weather. Mine has not been chilled at all so to drink a beer this clean at the temp I'm drinking it is testament to the brewer.


Did you use the Wey floor malted pils for this? I'm getting a hint of fresh sweet young corn which I tasted in my own pils and in another brewer's FM pils. It's quite nice - not a vegetal or canned/creamed corn thing at all.

I've updated the thread in terms of mine being now ready to drink. Carb is where it should be, enjoy it fresh.

8: Sibirg's Galaxy APA

Pours Golden amber with a nice fluffy head, low to medium carb but nice on the pallate.. not a big hop smack in the face but is there backed up by a solid malty backbone, got better IMO as it warmed a little, second glass seemed to have more flavour than the first...

it's beers like this that are learnin my taste buds that there are full bodied beers that arent cloying and was a pleasure to drink..

:super: :super: :super: :super:

4 head banging bogans out of a mosh pit (5)
Razz - Bo Pils

Sorry mate i got corn / diacetyl.

Foustar - APA

Nice as always mate, good malt depth

# 18 wheat / weizen

apologies i opened this to early, looked it up when drinking it and it said ready in Jan...still not to bad heaps of banana.
Foustar - APA

Very nice, has a depth to it that I have not been able to produce myself as yet. Could easily go a session of this brew. Bugger I only have 1.......

Razz - Bo Pils

Nice and smooth, I get hints of corn but do not find it unpleasant at all. Im enjoying the malt profile and the big test, the missus asked if I could brew one! Got to be filtered, may have to invest. As with Fourstars brew, I prefered it as it warmed up to just under room temp.
8. siborg - Galaxy Pale Ale

Reasonably clear burnt orange with a slight haze.
Moderate white foamy head that lasts the whole glass.

Great aroma, passion fruit/melon that persisted, some caramel becomes more apparent
as it warms.

More passion fruit/melon on the palate, slightly sweet/ slick malt
i couild go a touch more bitterness, but its pretty well balanced.

Medium body, medium low carb, very drinkable, thanks :chug:
4: Fourstar: apa

Pours hazy deep gold with a fluffy head which slowly dissipates.
Aroma of pine, some fruit, a touch of toffee and the garlic i was just chopping in the kitchen (woops).

Medium/full body, low carb (yay).

First bit of flavour is woody, piney hops, quite richly flavoured from the full body and low carb.

Hit of bitterness which lingers briefly but the piney/woodiness lingers further. Despite being so full bodied, it's not particularly sweet.

Mine is not refrigerated. Nice beer, thankyou.
The tags on my bottle say best after 24th Dec but she's good to go now. Had one last night and enjoyed it!
I'm swap #13 by the way
15. Fents - English Pale Ale

Pours a not so pale deep copper/mahogany red with a mild creamy foam which dissipates quickly.

Toast, dried fruit, somewhat fruitcake like aromas with a bready/pancake sweetness. Hops are mild, somewhat floral.

Creamy on the palate with sweet burnt toffee, nuts and toastiness. malt forward with supporting hop bitterness. Finish is quite clean, berries, grain husk and lingering hops.

Good start to the swap! :icon_cheers:
I'm just scratching my head over the contents of my case swaps. I've got 16 bottles (including my own) not 17. I've got a brown glass bottle with no markings at all and another brown glass bottle with black marker on the cap which looks like a B or maybe an 8, I guess that's Siborg's? The two numbers I can't account for are 7 Territory brew and 21 Acasta. Can anybody shed some light on these please?
in the orig thread.. Charst is the B and the other 2 were No Shows... still not heard or sighted either...

hope they are OK

though that means I have a shed load of the leftover/extra swapsies ;)
9. Razz-Bo Pils

Pours clear gold, slight haze around 6 - 7 degrees. Nice dense white head
that hangs around.

Interesting beer for me, having had a yarn to a few experienced tasters/judges @ the swap
on off flavours that to my knowledge i have not encountered as yet. Like whether or not i have tasted these flavours before and
if i do taste them now how much of that is power of suggestion.
So i try to keep an open mind drinking this puppy.

Aroma for me was fresh sweet corn (i love fresh corn, so not unpleasant in anyway) also
got some herbal / fresh cut grass i assume from the hops.

Taste - more sweet corn / soft doughy breadiness. I was also told that
because i love microwave buttered popcorn i should be able to pick the big D
easy. Well i did get some at first, just as the beer is sliding down my gullet
i got it in a big way, but the more i drank, the fairly prominent bitterness
came through which was cleansing / coating my tongue, some hop flavour there
as well.

Good level of carbonation for me, id say medium and medium body.

Anyway after a hard day on the turfa and angle grinder this beer is going
down a treat, quite enjoyable and i would not be unhappy if i had keg of this in the fridge for days like today.
Thank You
9 - Razz Bo Pils

Sweet malt on the nose, bready, doughy and low diacetyl. Mild hoppy aroma

Moderate creamy mouthfeel and the palate resonates the aroma. Sweet pils malt, diacetyl is moderate and well balanced bitterness w/ a pepperyness in the finish from the hops.

Great beer Razz, dont know where everyone is getting the cooked corn from, all i get is Diacetyl(which is acceptable for the style although might be a fraction high for my interpretation but great nonetheless). Strip that away and the malt seems pretty clean to me. Ive encountered cooked corn/creamed corn in beer before and i dont get it in this.*

Anyway, corn or no corn. Great beer! B)

* if you doo taste coocked corn, dont let me tell you otherwise. It's what your palate detects and if thats what you taste, well thats what you taste.
I'm just scratching my head over the contents of my case swaps. I've got 16 bottles (including my own) not 17. I've got a brown glass bottle with no markings at all and another brown glass bottle with black marker on the cap which looks like a B or maybe an 8, I guess that's Siborg's? The two numbers I can't account for are 7 Territory brew and 21 Acasta. Can anybody shed some light on these please?
Mine should have an 8 on it, but it may look like a B with my dodgy handwriting. They are in glass bottles exactly like these ones:

9 - Razz Bo Pils

Great beer Razz, dont know where everyone is getting the cooked corn from, all i get is Diacetyl(which is acceptable for the style although might be a fraction high for my interpretation but great nonetheless). Strip that away and the malt seems pretty clean to me. Ive encountered cooked corn/creamed corn in beer before and i dont get it in this.*

Anyway, corn or no corn. Great beer! B)

* if you doo taste coocked corn, dont let me tell you otherwise. It's what your palate detects and if thats what you taste, well thats what you taste.

FWIW - When i say i got fresh sweet corn in the aroma / initial taste, i mean fresh , just de husked and UNCOOKED sweet corn. I did not get any cooked vegetable flavours.

Thanks Si, I know which is yours now and will knock it off tonight. I did have a couple of bottles last night, Charst Black IPA and Husky's APA. Thanks everyone for the comments on the Bo Pils, I did my best to keep the diacetyl low, it sounds like I may have under pitched. I didn't think I did as I used a good amount of slurry in a large starter and also used oxygen in the primary. I did get a rapid start to fermentation and primary was done in 7-8 days including a 3 day D rest.

Charst Black IPA
I haven't had a black IPA but expected good hop aroma/flavour which this one certainly has. Plenty of gas on opening and I got lots of head/lace right to the end. Plenty of hop flavour up front and a lingering bitter/dry finnish that I put down to the dark grains (?) I got some puckering dryness on my lips for a minute or two after drinking this, I don't think it's astringent. Anyhow I enjoyed it Charst, I also got a fair whack of alcohol after a few minutes which went straight to my head.

Husky's APA.
Looking at the recipe it looks a lot like SN pale ale. It had most things that SN has but it's a bit underwhelming, I did enjoy it but would have liked a touch more bitterness and floral aroma and flavour.I also think there is some ester in the final flavour which may be the fermentation temp, I generally use that yeast at 15-16 and it stays very clean. Carbonation was good with a persistent head.
A couple of good beers to start off the xmas season for me.

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