Edit: note that there are strikethroughs in the post below that allude to humour on a desktop but make me look more arrogant than I actually am mobile.
laxation you were well and truly ready for bed, you were standing there at one stage with your glass at about 40° spilling a bit more out of it every time you spoke and you had no idea. Spiked with homebrew and nothing else.
I'd like to echo the above thoughts, was a very enjoyable weekend in excellent company. Great to get away from the daily grind and hang around with some like-minded folk talking all types of crap and home brew with scarcely a care for the outside world. Good times had by all I'm sure, save for
Highlights -
Beer of show:
Wiggman's Westy 12 Tough. I've split into categories:
- Shock factor: That 9% Saison
- Intrigue factor: Banana wine, wtf?
- 'Back for more': DJ's Mosaic pale
- Balls-and-all punch: Idzy's barrel RIS, wow was that intense
Chilli roo stew Pulled pork was underrated, hit the spot. Ed: Danny's chilli sauce, brilliant. Seriously I want to buy some and am pissed I didn't steal a jar when I had the chance.
Best and Fairest: tied between Mofox and DJ
Lack of any real hiccups
Rain held off for the most part, made for a pleasant shower when it didn't
Usual sours and variety, cubed grain had me thinking for about 20 mins before I understood that grains were added to the cube. I think, I still don't understand.
Lowlights -
Stuffed brew controller
Cockies on the Sunday morning, what obnoxious *****. Why? What is the purpose of setting up on a busted-arse tree and going SQUARK at 150 dB at 8 AM in the morning? Wanted to shoot the **** out of them, seriously **** those ******* birds.
Mofox's 60 min addition of 300g of EKG... at whirlpool
Following DJ into the loo Sunday morning (recommendation for caterers for next swap - air freshener).
Not enough oats in beers (except for techno's)
Looking forward to the next swap. After the cold shoulder I've been getting I might have to pass on summer to save my marriage but will definitely make every effort for next winter. Another special mention to Idzy/parents for putting the place up and inevitable cleaning afterwards, many thanks.