7th July - 9th July Location: Idzy's Brewery - Ferntree Gully
Attendees (Swappers)
1. Idzy
2. Husky
3. DJ_L3THAL - English Brown - ready from September.
4. AJ80 - grapefruit pale ale (should be ready)
5. droid - Nefarious Villain; A three way blend of two RIS's and a Sour Cherry Stout
6. Midnight brew - Son of Zeus IPA blended with Harvest IPA
7. mofox1 - Monster Pale (drink now)
8.GrumpyPaul - Grapefruit Sour. (drink now) [Note there are 15 sours labelled 8 and 5 of the American Rye in this case labelled 8a)
9. mofox1 - Heady Topperish (drink now!)
10. Shortybronx
11. Whiteferret
12. Laxation - Stout, American style. Not quite ready
13. TheWiggman - Haters' Wheat© (drink now)
14. GrumpyPaul – American Rye (drink now)
15. Tahoose
16. Danscraftbeer (if I can rustle up 24 bottles of beer, I didn't plan etc

) I should be able to although they are just my standard house ale stuff, a couple of Stouts, Irish Red Ale, maybe some Saisons very well aged now.
Attendees (Swappers - Reserves)
1. QLD Crew - Discuss
Attendees (Non-Swappers)
1. Technobabble
2. Malt Junkie
3. JB - Fri & Sat
4. Micbrew
5. Nullnvoid xxx
6. MartinOC
Cubists ($40 p/c)
1. Idzy
2. Technobabble
3. Malt Junkie
5. Husky
6. AJ80
7. Midnight brew
8. Shortybronx
9. droid
10. JB
11. MartinOC
12. Micbrew
13. mofox1
14. Whiteferret
15. Laxation
16. TheWiggman
17. GrumpyPaul
18. GrumpyPaul (if Im allowed 2)
19. Danscraftbeer (if I can get 1)
Updated my two beers on the swap list. Please drink soon - this is my first go using a bottling gun from a keg. So Im not 100% confident ho well they will keep the carbonation.
Ill be dropping off tommorow some time and look like Ill only be able to stay for a bit.
see you then.