The New Inventors - June 11: Home Brew Sediment Reducer

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bulk buy in on and get it for 99 cents..

People having a say, trying too save a quid, and have an opinion on a commercial idea that WILL NOT go anywhere.
Relax, off your do gooder high horse and dont can people for having an opinion on THE TOPIC, alas having an opinion on the people having an opinion goes against the grain (pardon the pun) and is boring, fruitless posting.

People having a say, trying too save a quid, and have an opinion on a commercial idea that WILL NOT go anywhere.
Relax, off your do gooder high horse and dont can people for having an opinion on THE TOPIC, alas having an opinion on the people having an opinion goes against the grain (pardon the pun) and is boring, fruitless posting.


Theres a big difference between having an opion on the product and shutting someone down.
I see no market for this product, I see "China built" having an effect on the retail price yet still no market.
I would bet my brewery, "you will not see this thing hanging along side coopers bottle caps and carbonation lollies".

Fents, no one is hanging them out to dry. The concensus is no, its rubbish, overpriced.

Stagga, I tried too add more fullstops and shorter sentences. I hope this helped you understand the thread.

OK, prices (rounded to 10c)

6 pack for $26, makes $4.30ea
15 pack for $60, makes $4ea
30 pack for $115, makes $3.80ea
150 pack in 15 pack lots $600, makes $4ea
150 pack in 30 pack lots $575, makes $3.80ea

Just a FYI ;)
Well I don't give a rat's arse what the apparent "consensus" is - I think its a good idea aimed at achieving something that a lot of homebrewers want to achieve. Good enough so that I will actually be buying half a dozen of these things. You might not put a whole batch into these things, but if you want a dozen bottles that are "party ready" then putting a portion of them into this product makes sense. It certainly compares pretty well in price to putting
together a 5L party keg system based around a taylor keg. Its just not as shiny.

Why? When I could keg, or I could put up with the sediment?

Because I don't want to put up with the sediment, I don't like it - and I often make small batches that I would like to be as clear as the beers that I keg and filter, but its not practical to filter and keg a 4L batch of mead or cider or experimental beer.... these things are in fact exactly what I'm looking for because I was considering trying to actually replicate Mthode Champagnoise and was vaguely horrified at the pain in the arse it represented. Now I dont have to. As far as I'm concerned its Mthode Champagnoise for the unwashed and in its place an excellent solution to the problem it aims to solve.

Buggers me.. If I was the invetor and the dude who was just about to invest a shite load of money into manufacturing and marketing this thing, I'd appreciate all the posts in this particular thread. It just happens to be a snapshot of the opinion of the hobbyists I'm targeting with it. Of course, I would also do some market research in other areas, but if the majority response was people 'shutting me down', I'd reckon I'd thank them for saving me a shitload of time and investment dollars.

Business is business and the hard facts are you can't polish a turd no matter how much elbow grease you use. Whether this turns out to be one or not will be interesting to follow.
Good on em i say.Hope they make a few quid.
However secondary fermentation and or kegging does it for me.Clear as beer.
As a side note i like some dregs in my beers on occasion.Works for Coopers.

Big D
Well I don't give a rat's arse what the apparent "consensus" is - I think its a good idea aimed at achieving something that a lot of homebrewers want to achieve. Good enough so that I will actually be buying half a dozen of these things. You might not put a whole batch into these things, but if you want a dozen bottles that are "party ready" then putting a portion of them into this product makes sense. It certainly compares pretty well in price to putting
together a 5L party keg system based around a taylor keg. Its just not as shiny.

Why? When I could keg, or I could put up with the sediment?

Because I don't want to put up with the sediment, I don't like it - and I often make small batches that I would like to be as clear as the beers that I keg and filter, but its not practical to filter and keg a 4L batch of mead or cider or experimental beer.... these things are in fact exactly what I'm looking for because I was considering trying to actually replicate Mthode Champagnoise and was vaguely horrified at the pain in the arse it represented. Now I dont have to. As far as I'm concerned its Mthode Champagnoise for the unwashed and in its place an excellent solution to the problem it aims to solve.


Thirsty Boy,

Here you go again, towing the company line, advocating, with verbose prose, a device that does nothing for the flavour of HB but re-affirms to the masses that "clear beer is good beer".



EDIT whilst I can: Everyone in Australia knows Coopers is the best flavoured mass produced beer. Funny enough, it is cloudy ;)
It certainly compares pretty well in price to putting
together a 5L party keg system based around a taylor keg. Its just not as shiny.


But Thirsty didnt you put together a party keg thingy at G&G, if i went looking thru those post`s you mentioned IF successful G&G might stock the kit. In commercial terms, it didnt happen, not enough market. Homebrewers are not flocking too Bunnings or G&G to buy weed killing buckets too attach to the backs and head off happy their brew is cold and undisturbed.

Nor are they going to line up too purchase a very expensive bottle top. Fancy dancy beer names mean nothing, if you cant get a brew cyystal clean you aint trying hard enough.

Thirsty Boy,

Here you go again, towing the company line, advocating, with verbose prose, a device that does nothing for the flavour of HB but re-affirms to the masses that "clear beer is good beer".



Well, unfortunatley try as I might, I will never convince everybody that there is nothing wrong with cloudy beer.
I can see this invention (if it works, there's alot of anger in the room for something that's not even out yet), having it's place in my brewing.
I won't be using one in every bottle I make (which is hardly any these days), but a few here and there to take on camping trips, fishing, bbq's etc where I want to show off my beer and not have cloudy beer comments.
Jesus, the way some of you are acting it's like it's been made mandatory to use these! Chillax!

Sorry to be so
but we seem to be a minority up here in our own State. Outnumbered three to one overall (State for State) with hundreds of thousands of Fifth Columnists in our midst. :icon_vomit: We have been invaded. :(

Shape up or ship out old fella

Well, unfortunatley try as I might, I will never convince everybody that there is nothing wrong with cloudy beer.

Ah, to be born and bred a South Australian (Where beer still tastes like it should, not what multi-national companies tell you to expect)


Not going to jump in on anyone's toes about, 'drink from the bottle and you can't see the deposits'.
But did everyone open the sedex link and read the description? These seals are to be used on screwtop bottles and are reusable.
They are not $4 a pop and chuck them in the bin.
If these make it to the LHBS shelf, I would anticipate a few might end up in Dad's christmas stocking or substituted for Hankeys on Fathers Day. There is plenty of other products on the shelf that I would also never purchase myself, but as a gift, sure I would give them a go. Good luck to them.
My last couple of Coopers Kit brews have been bottled in 2L PET bottles a-la-ALDI. I just buy the 2L Regal Cola bottles at 99 cents each by the carton, pour them down the laundry tub with massive fish kills in Moreton Bay.... :p

There is an urban myth that PET will allow gas to permeate over a year or so, recently when moving house found a bottle of Dr Pepper - yech - that was about 4 years old at least, in the laundry cupboard and it was as fizzy as.

However what I do notice, as opposed to the old Tallie (long necks to the Southerners) bottles is that because the PET bottles have several 'roots' like molar teeth, the yeast settles down into those areas and tends to solidify there so that when you decant into the 2L jug there is less sediment carry over than using the glass bottles.
sorry fents first time i got to disagree with you, yes its a good invention. no one bagged that, but at $5 per reducer and avg of 28 bottles per 21L brew, should have 4 brews bottled at anyone time to enure supply thats $560 in sediment reducers. thats just silly. at $0.99 maybe but at its current price no.
Ah, to be born and bred a South Australian (Where beer still tastes like it should, not what multi-national companies tell you to expect)



I can't argue with that!

Well I don't give a rat's arse what the apparent "consensus" is - I think its a good idea aimed at achieving something that a lot of homebrewers want to achieve. Good enough so that I will actually be buying half a dozen of these things. You might not put a whole batch into these things, but if you want a dozen bottles that are "party ready" then putting a portion of them into this product makes sense. It certainly compares pretty well in price to putting
together a 5L party keg system based around a taylor keg. Its just not as shiny.

Why? When I could keg, or I could put up with the sediment?

Because I don't want to put up with the sediment, I don't like it - and I often make small batches that I would like to be as clear as the beers that I keg and filter, but its not practical to filter and keg a 4L batch of mead or cider or experimental beer.... these things are in fact exactly what I'm looking for because I was considering trying to actually replicate Mthode Champagnoise and was vaguely horrified at the pain in the arse it represented. Now I dont have to. As far as I'm concerned its Mthode Champagnoise for the unwashed and in its place an excellent solution to the problem it aims to solve.


I'm thinking along the same lines as TB.. they would be good for clearing up a few bottles of your finest for presentation purposes as gifts etc and taking to parties. However don't think I'd outlay the cash for every single empty that I own, perhaps only a dozen or so would be required.
i can... they dont have a rugby league team. (it seemed to be the way the thread way headig!).

TB is exactly rifht about it replicating the Mthode Champagnoise. nothing wrong with that just the price. Darren. F*ck me, how is he "towing the line". ive never known him to do that. he honest in his eval of beers etc and his employer. gees your keen and you wonder why some guys dont like your posts....

It would be an advantage if you could use it on a 5L bottle as TB said at least then you could cut down cost. I have a lot of magnums etc and once drained I will be using for beer so something like this could be useful. except that my beer is ok without sediment reducers and I dont mind a cloudy beer. besides live yeast is fgood for cleaning out the guts..... but thats another topic