The New Inventors - June 11: Home Brew Sediment Reducer

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But wouldn't you loose most the gas pressure when you transfer it to the bottles; flat beer... And if you reprimed it the back to square 1.

Just a note to anyone in the Eastern Melbourne area, who is interested in finding out more about this device.

Brett Shellcot who is one of the inventors, is flying down tomorrow and will be a guest speaker at Melbourne Brewers club meeting tomorrow night, to tell us about his new device.

Address is:
Factory 11, 12 Edina Road, Ferntree Gully 3156 (Mel 73 K1)

the meeting starts any time after 7.30pm

Non members are welcome to attend ( as always ).

There will also be a club Oatmeal Stout tasting on the night.
Business is business and the hard facts are you can't polish a turd no matter how much elbow grease you use. Whether this turns out to be one or not will be interesting to follow.

well, actually, on myth busters they proved that you could polish a turd, so that statement kinda reeks!

i have bought these, infact i straight up bought 150 of them, and i reckon they are awesome. not necessarily for at home, because i can gently pour a beer that has been sitting in the fridge, without getting any sediment. however, what about when i go to a party, or to a mates house and wanna drink my own awesome beer? then they are brilliant, i highly recommend them, especially since the price has come down significantly, if you check the website, and since they are reusable, it really doesn't cost that much.

The few bottles I set aside for comps (I keg my beer) all get a thin layer/dusting of yeast around the side of the bottle, not just the bottom. There's not much on the sides, but there's definitely some. I think that in order for these things to catch all the yeast that you'd need to swirl them a few times and hope for the best.

Has anyone actually tried using one of these things?

yeah, as i said, i have 150 of them, and use them regularly, and yes, you do need to swirl them in order to clear them, but it is well worth the small effort. in fact last night i took a dozen honey wheat beers over to me mates place, and could drink them straight out of the bottle, or pour into a glass, and they were clear and delicious. my main issue with having to have clear beer is in transporting them to other placesm this solves the problem, in fact, i wish i had more money (and my wife would allow me to) and i would get some more, because they are cheap at the moment.