At the PO they were queuing out of the doors into the street so I fronted up to the counter waving a couple of baggies and said "I've got about a hundred of these in the car". Sweet as, they allocated a staff member to meet me round the side door and I wheeled in 5 fully loaded Woolies trolleys
and within a few minutes the back room smelled like a brewery
However the lassie was quite pleased to get the job of checking them off, it got her off the counter dealing with the old fart Bribie Island public for half an hour or so.
One 3k satchel had 3 bags of hops in it, it weighed in at 3016 grams and got rejected, I've boxed it up and posted it separately - it's local Brisbane. That was one that slipped through the system but it goes to show that Ross was dead right early on in the piece regarding what size satchels to use.
Anyway, doing an all Cluster XXX shortly
One 3k satchel had 3 bags of hops in it, it weighed in at 3016 grams and got rejected, I've boxed it up and posted it separately - it's local Brisbane. That was one that slipped through the system but it goes to show that Ross was dead right early on in the piece regarding what size satchels to use.
Anyway, doing an all Cluster XXX shortly