Bloody hell, am I the only bloke in this forum who wasn't brought up in Qld? When NSW won a series (some time ago now...) it was a caper of "tops, we've got the crown this year". A few exchanges of words and a joke or 3 at work for a day or two and we get back to our day jobs and carry on in general.
A win for Qld results in "QUUUUEEEEEEENNNNSSSLLLAAAAAAANNNDDDDDD!!!!!" being screamed in our faces for months on end, like a loud group of cackling ladies disrupting the mood at a bar. Which has been many, many months on end now.
All good fellas, believe it cuts us inside when we lose but after about season 5 it's water off a duck's back now.
Working and living in Qld for 5 years, when I was laughed at and attempted to be ridiculed by other colleagues, they were dead-set offended when I said I was over it. "******** MATE, YOU WISH YOU WERE ONE ADMIT IT".