Good work tony, Depression runs rife in my Family and my Wifes also, my wife was at me for years about going to see someone as i was drinking myself to sleep every night @ 27. We have 5 Children and they are the only thing that used to make me smile.....
I hated my job, i hated colluges, i pushed away mates, family and my wife...... sometimes you need to make some big changes in your life to make it better, I now have a new job and i'm bouncing out of bed at 6am to get there rather than sleeping in and dragging my ass through the door to do the daily grind.....
After seeking treatment, Going Dry for 12 months and getting the meds sorted (It takes a long time for them to regulate) i can now stay very balanced and i know when iv had enough to drink.
I wouldn't say you will ever have a Miracle cure, but learning how to deal with it and notice when you need to go have a chat with someone to put things into perspective is the best! Councillors are tough, i had a really good one who retired, when i tried to go back when i was struggling a bit the guy who took over her position just wasn't for me..... so i couldn't talk or open up at all..... iv tried 3 others and finally found someone who i am comfortable enough to talk too and who's advice i trust and agree with....
All the best mate, and if posting something like this can make one more man take the plunge and seek help, then you have helped not only the person but everyone around them....
you guys out there, Don't be too proud to seek help, every day you put it off is 2 more it will take to fix......