Stopping brewing and selling up

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Mate, Actually lost 2 people in my life because of this business. And been on the train for a little while in the past but managed to get off. Never got help just managed to feel normal again. Dont believe in taking drugs just kept giving myself goals to achieve. Im glad it worked it seems a lot of people are taking meds....... Good luck to you I hope you get your life back. And I dont believe in working weekends unless I have too. Cause days off are for enjoying your life. And if you have things to do that you enjoy ( not work but that helps) Then you have a reason to be here. And that dont make you sad man.
Tony ..
Best of luck there will be a lot of people here walking beside you to help.
You have made the choice, where a lot of others haven't.
Don't tread in any Rice Gulls.
" exercise has been found to more effective than drugs in a number of studies, if you can fit it in (like Nick said 60hrs is too much)"

I can't say that I have dealt with depression but I do work 60-80 hours a week and never able to "switch off" from work... I used to exercise heaps when i was younger but had been "too busy" for it in the last few years... I was becoming very irritable, hot tempered and when something went wrong I would boil inside until I exploaded... Usually my wife or son coped the explosion.... One day recently I was so worked up that I pulled on my runners and went for a run... by the end of the run, I was clear headed and couldn't even remember what I was so worked up about 30 mins earlier.

Now I run 5 - 7 days each week.... I now "Make Time" for exercise as opposed to making excuses why I can't.... I either go for a run in the morning and am then ready for the day or I come home after a **** day and run it all off before taking it out on the family.... The added benefit is that I am happy with 1 or 2 beers each night as an act of tasting my beers as opposed to 5-6 as an act of numbing my brain.

Best of luck Tony.... Your recipes make up 75% of the regular ones that I brew and your Bright Ale is my house beer... on a selfish note I am very happy that we won't be losing your wisdom from AHB!... Brewing is not just about the drinking side of things so I hope you do make it back to a place where you can enjoy your hobby once again.
All the best, Tony. I totally sympathise, I've had problems above the neck all my life, not totally disabling but stuff that can make you feel like you've been dropped off on the wrong planet - worst is my chronic hypochondria, so far I've "had" bowel cancer, brain tumours, congestive heart failure, cardiomyopathy and mesothelioma. If I put on couple of kilos it's Ascites, if I lose a couple of kilos it's cancer. I stubbornly refuse to die, and as in your case I find that keeping busy doing things I'm interested in plus exercise really helps, as well as trying to keep socially active (for some reason when I'm with people the symptoms disappear).

I'll probably die of cirrhosis (there I go again :p ) but at least I'll know what caused that.

Not wishing to sound like vultures circling, but when you get round to publishing your "for sale" list I'll certainly see how much grain and stuff I can take off your hands if you don't get a swift response from the local Hunter lads, quite happy to drive down.

Good on you mate for choosing your own direction.

I hope you'll not turn your back on us completely though. The last thing this joint needs is to be robbed of a valued member of its brains trust.
Not good to hear, but you're on the pathway to recovery now. Just remember that light at the end of the tunnel, and keep heading towards it. You will make it, all the best.

Best of luck mate..........that black dog is a bitch!
Great post Tony. I've never suffered depression myself but know some who have.There is a website that has helped many people over here, the main man is ex all black John Kerwyn. Like I said I don't suffer from depression myself so it's only 2nd hand advice that I've heard about from others, but it may be worth a may not -

All the best mate.
I was diagnosed with Chronic depression when I had a heart attack, was put on medication but have since weaned myself back off the devils. Feeling good now but its been 18 months .
Its a hard road Tony but if I can do it so can you. Concentrating more on my business than beer has helped.
Best of luck Nev
It's a testament to both members here and to the growing acceptance of the very real nature and impact of various mental illnesses that no-one has written anything ridiculous like 'HTFU'.
As I wrote in my pm Tony, I wish you and your family all the best.
Good on you, Tony. Truly inspiring, honest and courageous to admit that. Glad to hear you will still be on here, mate.

My wife has suffered depression for 10+ years. I see her battle every day yet she finally seems to have found a workable balance with her medication. My wife's depression, stress from my work and chronic back pain has taken a toll on me in recent years. Mainly anxiety, yet st john's wort (I pronounce it wert!) decreasing alcohol consumption and exercise has really helped me. You will always have the mate who tells you to harden the **** up and quickly changes the subject Really bloody helpful. I hate that ignorant response and these 'mates' get pruned from your life pretty quickly.

Talking to a professional who knows your background and understands your situation is the key. You really become surprised at just how common it is. Good on you, Tony. Onwards and upwards, mate.
manticle said:
It's a testament to both members here and to the growing acceptance of the very real nature and impact of various mental illnesses that no-one has written anything ridiculous like 'HTFU'.
As I wrote in my pm Tony, I wish you and your family all the best.
I can be quite naive about the world and the inhabitants but I would like to think awareness of depressive disorders is now widespread. Tony, I add my best wishes to you and your family.
There is a vast difference between awareness and understanding the disease without stigmatising those who suffer from it though, mate. Many are aware of depression but will still have a HTFU attitude.

Just my real-world observation. Cheers.

goomboogo said:
I can be quite naive about the world and it's inhabitants but I would like to think awareness of depressive disorders is now widespread. Tony, I add my best wishes to you and your family.
Tony, if only you were selling all your brewing knowledge, I would buy it in a flash.

Good luck with the road ahead. It's a big call, but obviously the right one.
jyo, I think you're right on the money. I guess that's where I trip on my naivety, jumping to the conclusion that awareness means understanding even though I know it really isn't the case. I feel for anyone who has ever encountered the 'just get over it' attitude. I hope I didn't offend, that definitely wasn't my intent.
all the best for the future Tony,took a lot of guts telling all here about your troubles,by doing so you have taken the problem head on and obviously wont back down.
guts you have... ..cheers...spog..
goomboogo said:
jyo, I think you're right on the money. I guess that's where I trip on my naivety, jumping to the conclusion that awareness means understanding even though I know it really isn't the case. I feel for anyone who has ever encountered the 'just get over it' attitude. I hope I didn't offend, that definitely wasn't my intent.
I don't think you've offended anyone, mate. :beer:
It must have taken a lot of courage to start this thread Tony, lots of respect mate.

I'll text you regarding the Grain and Hops.


Tony said:
Howdy folks

Well, after almost 10 years of brewing, i have sadly had end to it.

I have suffered from depression all my life and spent the last couple decades doing my best to hide it from everyone, including myself, riding along in a nightmarish grey cloud, too down and blind to it all to seek help.

In recent years it has taken its toll on my family, and on the verge of losing them and a nervous breakdown, i went to the doctor and asked for help. I will never forget sitting in the waiting room...... shaking i was so scared. They diagnosed me with cornic depression, booked me in for counceling and gave me a script for anti-depressents. I also stopped drinking all but the odd beer now and then. I felt great for a change.

After a few months on the happy pils, they arnt working any more. I'm all over the place, cant sleep, cant concentrate, cant work, up, down, happy, sad, friendly, angry...... and i have gone back to knocking back a fair few pints every night and more than a few on weekends.

So i made the decision i needed to make, to get myself back on track and bring some positive change in my life.

I turned off my Kegorator, tipped almost 100L of beer down the drain including an american amber that had just finnished fermenting, and went dry!

That was a week ago and i must say i feel great! I dont wake up every 30 min at night, in fact i sleep right through, My upset guts have settled down. The wife says i have completly stopped snoring and i can concentrate, i can work, my mood is stable.......... seems the alcahol and the pills wernt mixing well :p

I have had withdrawls but its not from the alcahol....... i have about 15 bottles of single malt at my bar and i felt no compulsion to touch them, It was from the enjoyment of pouring a quality home brew and looking at it as i drank it thinking.... i made this and its bloody tops! I missed that satisfaction factor of drinking quality home made beer. I also felt a loss for the hobby that had kept me half sain over the years. I have emersed myself in the brewing process as a place to go when i felt like crap. It gave me something to emerse my thought in and hide behind. But every day now, i feel better, and every day i see that i dont need to drink to escape the horror and emptyness of depression. I started to feel like i was drinking so i could brew, and brewing so i could drink. It hit me like a sledge hammer and i thought bugger it..... i need to change. If i dont im not going to see 40.

Sooooooooooo now that i have shared my deepest darkest secrets with AHB ( well not all of them...... there was this one time at band camp.........) Im selling all my brewing ingredients and some of my brewing gear.

I will put a post up tonight in the buy and sell section listing all my Malt and Hops.

I will state now that it will be pich up only. I work 60+ hours a week and dont have time to go pachaging up stuff to post all around the country. I live in Rutherforn in the Hunter Valley NSW for anyone who doesnt know.

I have about 118 kg of base malt, 27kg of specialty malt and 6.5kg of hops to sell, all but base malts kept vac sealed, and i have priced it well. I will big time prefer a bulk purchase of all of it. As i said i dont have much spare time with a busy job.

As a final note.......... anyone out there who sufferes from depression......... and you know when you do, (and no amount of people growing a mustache or patting you on the shoulder saying "you'll be right mate" will help)........ go and see a doctor. The worst part is having to admit to yourself that your not as perfect as you would like to be. Having to swallow your pride as a human being and admit to a stranger that your a taqd broken.

Once you get past that step, and start to get better....... you look back in horror and what you have lost. I lost my youth to submersing myself in 80 hr weeks at work, 5 bottles of bundy and 3 cartons of tooheys draught a week.

Its different for everyone, you dont have to do what i have done, but if you know you suffer from it....... and if you do......... YOU KNOW...... do something about it!

No better time than now!
cheers tony...i also suffer from the dreaded black used to living with it now but yes all cudos to you brother.....i wish you all the best.......I used to run the commercial hotel in Branxton many many years ago......nice place the Hunter. take care and regards to the family.cheerrs Ned
All the best. As with any big change, it'll take time and willpower. My old neighbour is a doctor,
He had two lines he always trotted out;.

"No-one on their death bed ever says "I wish I spent more time at the office"" - so ease up on the work hours if you can.
"Exercise cures more than we give it credit"

Nothing that hasnt been said already, but I know I feel so much better after some quiet days and get the chance to ride my pushie with the kids or go for a bushwalk.

Thanks for your help over the years. Keep it up if you can.
BTW your LCBA clone is still my house beer!