Skunk Fart Ale

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Midway through mashing my first one of this style, after some great tips from Jayse -

Type: All Grain
Date: 29/05/2005
Batch Size: 26.00 L
Brewer: Ross
Boil Size: 37.72 L
Boil Time: 90 min Brewhouse Efficiency: 75.0


Amount Item Type % or IBU
3.50 kg Pale Malt, Maris Otter (3.0 SRM) Grain 59.8 %
1.50 kg Pilsner, Malt Craft Export (Joe White) (1.6 SRM) Grain 25.6 %
0.50 kg Munich, Dark (Joe White) (15.0 SRM) Grain 8.5 %
0.20 kg Caramunich Malt (56.0 SRM) Grain 3.4 %
0.15 kg Crystal (Joe White) (72.0 SRM) Grain 2.6 %
13.00 gm Amarillo Gold [8.50%] (90 min) (Mash Hop) Hops 2.4 IBU
14.00 gm Northern Brewer [9.90%] (80 min) Hops 14.6 IBU
26.00 gm Cascade [4.50%] (30 min) Hops 8.3 IBU
13.00 gm Amarillo Gold [8.50%] (15 min) Hops 5.5 IBU
13.00 gm Cascade [4.50%] (15 min) Hops 2.9 IBU
26.00 gm Cascade [4.50%] (5 min) Hops 2.1 IBU
33.00 gm Amarillo Gold [8.50%] (20 min) (Aroma Hop-Steep) Hops -
1 Pkgs American Ale (Wyeast Labs #1056) Yeast-Ale

Beer Profile

Est Original Gravity: 1.053 SG
Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 5.2 % Actual Alcohol by Vol: 0.0 %
Bitterness: 35.8 IBU Calories: 0 cal/l
Est Color: 8.9 SRM
Hi Ross just drawing near to the end of the boil, very impressive recipe. Dumb question whats an Aroma Hop-Steep? Sounds good

After quick google found a google cached page with a reference, I guess this is flame out hops left to steep in the hot wort, after 20 minutes then the chiller is turned on. Trying it now. Thanks Ross.
nonicman said:
Hi Ross just drawing near to the end of the boil, very impressive recipe. Dumb question whats an Aroma Hop-Steep? Sounds good

After quick google found a google cached page with a reference, I guess this is flame out hops left to steep in the hot wort, after 20 minutes then the chiller is turned on. Trying it now. Thanks Ross.

Spot on Nonic - I tend to add 5 mins after flame out & then start up my chiller, as you say, 20 mins later...
First time using Amarillo & cascade...

Mmmmmmmm... how good are those Amarillo - the aroma is awesome :D

As a matter of interest, my cascade plugs had very little aroma at all & they came straight out of the suppliers vacuum sealed foil pack - I was expecting them to knock me over!!! Is this normal for cascade plugs?
Ross said:
First time using Amarillo & cascade...

Mmmmmmmm... how good are those Amarillo - the aroma is awesome :D


I used Amarillo in a APA a couple of weeks back and they smelt fantastic. Mandarin, mango and apricot was the main thing I got from them. When racked to secondary the beer tasted great. Still a couple of weeks to bottling though.
hello APA brewers,
Nothing really to add here at the moment exept happy brewing, i have had a few beers and been watching accaadacca DVDs' all nite and am incoherent. I'll try post something worthwhile tomorow.

Girls got rythmn
Just gassed up the 2 kegs of APA and drew a sample, the hop-steep addition ended up being 47g as it was the last of the Amarillo. Will be getting some more. Wow, the hop-steep has given the best aroma I've had so far. Ended up steeping for 30 minutes.
O.G 1052
F.G 1014
Thanks for the tip Ross.

had the wife looking after my APA while I'm on my travels - went into 2c CC yesterday - will keg it on my return in 2 weeks - we'll have to exchange a couple of bottles??

cheers Ross
About to start sparging my SFPA, using half cascade and half amarillo
The amarillo smells great already and it's just sitting in a bowl waiting for the boil!


Next time you'll be wanting to go all Amarillo.

Amarillo blows Cascade out of the water. :super: :super:

Warren -
I tried an APA at Elysian brewery in Seattle a few weeks ago that used SiMcoe and Amarillo together. It was awesome and will be the basis of my next few APA's.

One of the other gentlemen here has said good things about that combination, TDA. It sounds like it would work well to me, and I know that I've enjoyed the beers I've done using simcoe.
warrenlw63 said:

Next time you'll be wanting to go all Amarillo.

Amarillo blows Cascade out of the water. :super: :super:

Warren -

I've never been a fan of Cascade but Amarillo is a totally different story.

Cascade is the beaten up prototype and Amarillo is the smooth up market cousin.

Simcoe would have to be the best choice to blend with Amarillo. despite high alpha acid it is a very smooth hop.

Amarillo works brilliantly in the mash due to it high aroma qualities.

Just to join the Amarillo love in... I won't be going back to Cascade in my APAs after using Amarillo. I've never used Simcoe, (or even seen it here in Newcastle!) but can vouch for a Northern Brewer - Amarillo mix, bittering with NB, and Amarillo for everything else. Very happy with this combo. :)

Amarillo also goes will with a high aa hop from new zealand called southern cross
Alien boy said:
Keep us all posted on this TL, some of us are very interested to see how this turns out.
I 've just racked a 10 litre ,extract plus caramunich apa type beer.Cascade s from start to finish.Smells fantastic!

Jayse you are a legend.
Long live the cult of SFPA ,and all its derivatives.


For those of you interested in trying out a part mash version of Jayse's now famous SFPA, I had a bottle sample of the brew I did (see earlier posts and my Promash recipe of 13 May). Bottled on 31 May, it's had a few weeks to settle out and IMHO its very good. Excellent mouthfeel, and the pale crystal, munich and wheat really give it a malty but not cloying aftertaste despite it being a pale ale. Head retention is excellent thanks to the Carapils and carbonation is ok, but I expect it to improve over the next couple of weeks. It is an excellent pale ale and is crystal clear - thanks for the tips, Jayse!

The Northern Brewer (Yakima) hops give a nice bittering note - its woody and spicy and complements the Cascade well - next time, I'll use Amarillo in lieu of the Cascade and up the bittering levels - hop aroma and flavouring is fine.


Edit: Spelling...
I made a version of this fantastic recipe and I would like to say a huge thanks to Jayse for putting this up
this is by far the closest to LCPA of the many APA attempts I have made

here is the recipe I used

SF Pale Ale

A ProMash Recipe Report

Recipe Specifics

Batch Size (L): 25.00 Wort Size (L): 25.00
Total Grain (kg): 5.50
Anticipated OG: 1.051 Plato: 12.70
Anticipated SRM: 5.4
Anticipated IBU: 38.4
Brewhouse Efficiency: 75 %
Wort Boil Time: 90 Minutes


% Amount Name Origin Potential SRM
72.7 4.00 kg. IMC Ale Malt Australia 1.038 2
9.1 0.50 kg. TF Torrefied Wheat UK 1.035 2
9.1 0.50 kg. Weyermann Carapils (Carafoam) Germany 1.037 2
9.1 0.50 kg. TF Caramalt UK 1.034 19

Potential represented as SG per pound per gallon.


Amount Name Form Alpha IBU Boil Time
70.00 g. 2005 Perle Plug 3.20 27.1 60 min.
14.00 g. Cascade Plug 4.50 2.0 15 min.
14.00 g. Centennial Plug 8.60 2.9 10 min.
28.00 g. 2005 Cascade Plug 5.60 3.2 5 min.
28.00 g. 2005 Cascade Plug 5.60 3.2 1 min.



My grain bill might be a bit strange, but I have lots of carafoam and I bought some 2.5kg bags of torrified wheat and TF Caramalt. due to some AR/OCD characteristics I like all my malts to be nice round amounts :)

as Jayse said in earlier posts this beer is not really about the malts its all about the hopping schedule.

this took a couple of weeks to ferment at ~16deg due to the cold wetness of perth. I kegged it yesterday, fined with gelatin and she is already crystal clear !

This is the best beer I have ever made ( and for anyone who had to drink my ESB at the WCB comp I actually mean it this time :) )

thanks again Jayse a super recipe

cheers from Perth

Kegged this yesterday, tastes bloody gorgeous - Again thankyou Jayse for all the great advice:

3.50 kg Pale Malt, Maris Otter (3.0 SRM) Grain 59.8 %
1.50 kg Pilsner, Malt Craft Export (Joe White) (1.6 SRM) Grain 25.6 %
0.50 kg Munich, Dark (Joe White) (15.0 SRM) Grain 8.5 %
0.20 kg Caramunich Malt (56.0 SRM) Grain 3.4 %
0.15 kg Crystal (Joe White) (72.0 SRM) Grain 2.6 %
14.00 gm Northern Brewer [9.90%] (85 min) Hops 14.7 IBU
26.00 gm Cascade [4.50%] (25 min) Hops 7.5 IBU
13.00 gm Amarillo Gold [8.50%] (15 min) Hops 5.5 IBU
13.00 gm Cascade [4.50%] (15 min) Hops 2.9 IBU
13.00 gm Amarillo Gold [8.50%] (90 min) (Mash Hop) Hops 2.4 IBU
26.00 gm Cascade [4.50%] (5 min) Hops 2.1 IBU
33.00 gm Amarillo Gold [8.50%] (20 min) (Aroma Hop-Steep) Hops -
1.00 tsp Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) (Mash 90.0 min) Misc
1.00 tsp Table Salt (Boil 90.0 min) Misc
1 Pkgs American Ale (Wyeast Labs #1056) Yeast-Ale

Beer Profile

Est Original Gravity: 1.053 SG
Est Final Gravity: 1.013 SG
Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 5.2 %
Bitterness: 35.1 IBU
Est Color: 8.9 SRM

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