I'll start with a small history here... for tldr skip down.
My first cider batch I considered to be a write off... used 1kg table sugar, and black rock kit, bottled (with cooper carb drops as typical for beer etc) for 1 month... resulted in extremely dry, almost apple flavoured swamp water.
It also had this..."off" apple flavour.
I let the rest be for another month but this flavour persists
Second batch:
- about 15L berri apple & pear juice
- 1kg pears, sliced thin with a very useful device found at the reject shop for like $6, seeds and stalks and all
- a few random pink lady apples, cut as above
- champagne yeast sn9
It's been sitting in bottles for 2 weeks now... cracked one tonight... a huge success over the first attempt, only a little drier than my liking, but still had this off taste, like the first one.
A week or so ago I was at potter's brewery for belated work Christmas party... they had a cider on tap. I asked about it... I was a bit drunk so all I can remember is it's their second batch, as the first was **** for some reason. They pressed apples themselves. Champagne yeast. Blah blah.
Anyway, what I find strange is their cider had this taste as well.
In fact I believe that my cider #2 was very similar to this "hunter cider", apart from subtle pear flavour...
Which gave me a boost in confidence
tldr start here: I'm basically dumb to flavour and their written description... meaning the best I can describe is "off flavour".
But does any of this stand out? I get the feeling that myself and potter's share a problem with not aging our product enough.
What do you think, internet?
Bonus question!!
I'm gonna lay down another batch similar to #2, except 20ishL juice, 2kg sliced pears, 1kg pink lady, 1kg black diamond plums...
I recently acquired a food processor! Should I puree & chuck in fermenter instead of slice? Or what's a better method w/ the processor? I don't care about a crystal clear end result, just flavour & ease
My first cider batch I considered to be a write off... used 1kg table sugar, and black rock kit, bottled (with cooper carb drops as typical for beer etc) for 1 month... resulted in extremely dry, almost apple flavoured swamp water.
It also had this..."off" apple flavour.
I let the rest be for another month but this flavour persists
Second batch:
- about 15L berri apple & pear juice
- 1kg pears, sliced thin with a very useful device found at the reject shop for like $6, seeds and stalks and all
- a few random pink lady apples, cut as above
- champagne yeast sn9
It's been sitting in bottles for 2 weeks now... cracked one tonight... a huge success over the first attempt, only a little drier than my liking, but still had this off taste, like the first one.
A week or so ago I was at potter's brewery for belated work Christmas party... they had a cider on tap. I asked about it... I was a bit drunk so all I can remember is it's their second batch, as the first was **** for some reason. They pressed apples themselves. Champagne yeast. Blah blah.
Anyway, what I find strange is their cider had this taste as well.
In fact I believe that my cider #2 was very similar to this "hunter cider", apart from subtle pear flavour...
Which gave me a boost in confidence
tldr start here: I'm basically dumb to flavour and their written description... meaning the best I can describe is "off flavour".
But does any of this stand out? I get the feeling that myself and potter's share a problem with not aging our product enough.
What do you think, internet?
Bonus question!!
I'm gonna lay down another batch similar to #2, except 20ishL juice, 2kg sliced pears, 1kg pink lady, 1kg black diamond plums...
I recently acquired a food processor! Should I puree & chuck in fermenter instead of slice? Or what's a better method w/ the processor? I don't care about a crystal clear end result, just flavour & ease