Hmmm, a quick MA:
Maybe 1500Ag brewers in OZ, maybe 70% using liquid yeast, maybe 30% not yeast banking and using first gen yeast. Say a round 1000 AG brewers and maybe 1000 kit brewers using liquid yeast making on average 15 beers each per year with first gen liquid yeast. So sales of 40,000 units at 100% market share at retail $9.00 per unit = total sales AUD270,000
Assumptions: Market share 20%
Gross Sales: AUD54,000
Direct Expenses:
COS: Raw Materials 10%
Other: 10%
Gross trading profit AUD43,200
Operating Expenses:
Total ex marketing 38%
Marketing 10%
Nett Before Tax Operating Profit AUD17,280
Add back interest costs etc, less borrowing costs, lets say a nice income of $20,000 noice :lol:
Not viable as a stand alone business, would be a long journet to BE point.