Hey fellas hope we're all well and downing some good brews.
I'm new to this as the thread title entails, the missus bought me a Cooper's kit for Xmas and in qld the weather is terrible for it as the first can that came with the kit was of course a lager, makes no sense for Xmas time marketing when the brews is sposed to be done at a reasonable temperature.
Either way got off to a flying train crash by adding too much water to my wort probably 2 extra litres and so far have been doing all the don'ts
It sat in secondary light through ferment and well the general temp as I mentioned before, also trying my brews early.... Whoops but in a weird twist the early ones I tried had froth and plenty of carb whereas the couple I have poured this evening have not been flat but no head (yes I know about the glasses issue) only ever had beer in the pints and only washed with laundry powder then thorough hot water rinse)
Anyway already bottled my second batch with a bit more time reading beforehand, can't wait for the ipa to be ready with a dry hop of eclipse.
I'm the type of bloke that like to jump in the deep end and experiment and learn from mistakes so from that I'm sure you'll glean I'm not so keen on rules but I understand here that some things must remain sacred,
So I look forward to getting some heavy reading done, asking questions and becoming involved in some general discussion about our highest love.... Don't tell the missus I said it
I'm new to this as the thread title entails, the missus bought me a Cooper's kit for Xmas and in qld the weather is terrible for it as the first can that came with the kit was of course a lager, makes no sense for Xmas time marketing when the brews is sposed to be done at a reasonable temperature.
Either way got off to a flying train crash by adding too much water to my wort probably 2 extra litres and so far have been doing all the don'ts

It sat in secondary light through ferment and well the general temp as I mentioned before, also trying my brews early.... Whoops but in a weird twist the early ones I tried had froth and plenty of carb whereas the couple I have poured this evening have not been flat but no head (yes I know about the glasses issue) only ever had beer in the pints and only washed with laundry powder then thorough hot water rinse)
Anyway already bottled my second batch with a bit more time reading beforehand, can't wait for the ipa to be ready with a dry hop of eclipse.
I'm the type of bloke that like to jump in the deep end and experiment and learn from mistakes so from that I'm sure you'll glean I'm not so keen on rules but I understand here that some things must remain sacred,
So I look forward to getting some heavy reading done, asking questions and becoming involved in some general discussion about our highest love.... Don't tell the missus I said it