Hi - love browsing the site as I’m a newbie and the expertise here is *chefs kiss*
I think I may have done something silly and looking for advice!
Starting with a real basic kit (Coopers Australian Pale Ale) and got a bit carried away by adding 50g of Galaxy hops to the fermenter on day 4 (literally just dropped the pellets in thinking I was a dry hopping pro

). Question is, should I expect a monstrosity or just a very bland beer with the smell of hops without any real punch (also could be considered a monstrosity).
I am reading heaps about boiling the wort and adding bittering hops before pitching the yeast, which I will have a crack at next time..my excitement just got the better of me this time
Hi S, Good to see more Perth Brewers on the Forum.
Below is a Hop slam I made from a Coopers Pale Ale and it was absolutely delightful. Colour, Taste, mouthfeel....etc brilliant, (for me and my mates anyway).
Thought I'd share it with you as it was simple to make and as I said the result was magic.
63. Coopers Pale Ale - Hop Slam
Sunday 23 October - 27 November 2
Product details
OG = 12 Brix - 1.048 (23/10/22)
FG1 = 7.0 Brix (27/10/22) (Day 4)
FG2 = 6.0 Brix (1/11/22) (Day 9)
FG3 = 6.0 Brix - 1.014 (2/11/22) (Day 10)
ABV = 5.2%
1 and 1/4cans Coopers Pale Ale
1 x 250g Light Dry Malt
1 x 800g Dextrose
1 x 250g Maltodextrin
1 x 250g Carapils Malt
1 x 300g Quick Oats
Harvested Saflager 34/70 Gen 2.
Hops x Sazz, Cascade and Citra.
Hop schedule – 30-minute boil. At start add 15g Sazz. After 20 minutes add 10g Sazz + 15g Cascade + 20g Citra. After final 10 minutes (@ flameout) add 35g Sazz, 35g Cascade and 50g Citra.
Steeped Carapils Malt and Oats for 30 minutes @ 75°C.
After steeping began boil with wort from grains + Dextrose, LDM and Maltodextrin.
Began Hop schedule.
Oxygenated fermenter and added Pale Ale extract. Filtered Boiled wort into fermenter and added yeast topped to 26 litres.
Set Temp to 16° then after 5 hours set to 14°, following morning set to 12°
Day 4 (Thursday) Dry Hop. 40g of each Hop. (used Hop sock)
At Day 9 fermentation activity @ 6.0 Brix.
At Day 10 fermentation was still @ 6 Brix so transferred to second fermentation vessel to remain until return from 3-week trip.
Bottled (27/11/22).
This brew used 200gms/26 litres Dextrose (Dissolved in 250ml water
While Briess Carapils® (Dextrine-style) Malt can be mashed, it can also be steeped. For best results steep at 72-76°C and “dunk” or somehow agitate the grain and water to improve the extraction for 30 minutes.