Qld Xmas-in-july Case Swap 2011 - Tasting Notes

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On another note, anyone who hasn't tried my IPA, I apologise. It seems to have degraded in both aroma and flavour somewhat over the past weeks. Should have said 'DRINK NOW'. Oh well, next time :)

On another note, anyone who hasn't tried my IPA, I apologise. It seems to have degraded in both aroma and flavour somewhat over the past weeks. Should have said 'DRINK NOW'. Oh well, next time :)


Drinking it now. Very Nice. I don't have a sophisticated pallet like others. Nice strong bitterness, but defiantly well balanced. Great hop flavour and aroma. It has inspired me to re-try brewing an IPA. My last attempt was hopeless, due to a screwed up mash Temp.
My notes on Frag Dog's steam beer...

Like this style - it was Anchor Steam I was drinking the night I met my missus. Ahhhhh :D

Dark conker brown, very smooth mouthfeel. RIch and full-bodied. Great head and lingering lacing.

Loved it.
Bradsbrew's Flibberti Puck.

A good sniff of this took me back to 1983 and the smell of Sainsbury's finest Orange and Pineapple cordial. What's this? I said.

Poured an alluring tawny colour, with a fast dissipating head, but plenty of lacing.

Carbonation was absolutely spot on for me.

Taste - fortunately not like the cordial :D Rich plummy fruitiness with a lovely late lingering bitterness.

Really tasty!
Florian's German Trash.

I don't know what's going on with me but since trying nine pils back to back the other weekend i'm appreciating the style far more than usual.

I reckon you nailed this FLorian in every aspect (although mine had little carbonation). I could have knocked a few of these back quite happily.
Pocket Beers - English Mild - Bottled on swap day from fermenter Condition for 2-3 weeks (I marked the lids with 30/7 - 3 weeks).

Apearence: Very clear, dark brownish / copperish colour. Solid head.
Aroma: Slightly malty with a hint of caramel
Taste: Smooth bitterness. Great mouthfeel. Slight nutty flavour - I could be way off here. Hard to put my finger on...

Overall a easy drinking beer that goes down very well.
8. frag_dog - Steam Beer (Cal Common), Bottled from fermeter day before swap. Give it a month (at these temps....)

Whacked this in the fridge this morning, and sampled after lunch.

Sparkling clarity, beautiful dark amber colour. Good head retention despite it sitting out in the garage in the cold over the past few weeks. Malty backbone, caramel and hints of dark fruit. Hop flavour cuts through in aftertaste, and the balance is absolutely spot on. Wish I had a few more bottles as this is a fantastic session beer!

Nicely done frag_dog! Feel free to share your beers here anytime! Hope to see you at some more swaps in the future!

+1 on the comments for this beer Nick. To be honest I have not really tried or researched steam beers ( for some reason I thought they would be a hybrid lager/common/ale.
This beer has really suprised and I will be going to the crapper to grab the AABC and the BJCP guidelines and having a good read into this style.

Really impressed, top drop!!

Cheers Brad
+1 on the comments for this beer Nick. To be honest I have not really tried or researched steam beers ( for some reason I thought they would be a hybrid lager/common/ale.
This beer has really suprised and I will be going to the crapper to grab the AABC and the BJCP guidelines and having a good read into this style.

Really impressed, top drop!!

Cheers Brad

Glad people like it. Non-beer nerd friends say they like it, and I've always been a bit sceptical and think they may be blowing smoke up my arse. I always seem to taste something in my beers i don't like...

The recipe for this is straight out of brewing classic styles if anyone wants to have a crack.

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