Nov. 26/27 Ballarat Grog Swap.

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Bottled my swap beer today....also a golden ale type thing with half rye instead of wheat (and cascade instead of amarillo and a few other tweaks on DrS's ubiquitous recipe). I should have an ordinary bitter hanging around on the day. Not sure how much of my last two AIPAs will be left by then. I'm hanging for this - seems like ages since Herbo's haha.

There is an outside chance that an aussie ale (with POR and wy1272 which is a surprisingly delightful combo) and a Mt Hood amber ale will be out of secondary and carbed up by the 26th also...I hope everyone else is having luck with their beers lately... :icon_chickcheers:
Bump.. Ello?

Not long now.. hope we are all excited. Brews bottled or kegged or whatever.
Should be a great night. Going to be a hectic morning for me as last week has been a write-off due to the death of a close friend, and this week is dedicated to next weeks exam and the handing in of my mini-thesis as well as honours application.

If I don't have time to get as much sorted out as I'd like to I will send up a flare for assistance...mostly it will be about giving me a hand with organising some tucker for a rowdy group of drunken philistines.

I'm looking forward to sampling a nice range of brews and tasting some of my own. I will scab some co2 from someone prior to the night so I can force carb two 9L kegs so I will definitely have a variety of beers to try also.
Ive recently suffered a HB'ers nightmare...

Mistake 1: Making 3 brews for SWMBO in rapid succession (at least she's happy with em ;) )
Mistake 2: Leaving an AG in the cube for a week and a half... then doing another one before adding to stocks :( ...and that one sat in a cube for a week too..
Mistake 3: Finding out that one of the brews I was saving was effing delicious....

Im not made of stone people...

erm... I have 3 crates with my Ale in em, 1 is conditioned well (this I think will have to be the supply for the 26'th) the other 2 needs a few weeks in warmer conditions than the cellar.. er...

rations :(

SWMBO however has 5 crates down there and Ive got a effing large stack of empties!! lol... I CAN potentially brew 3 at a time now so I think its time to put my logistics hat on.. lol..

I'm looking forward to sampling a nice range of brews and tasting some of my own. I will scab some co2 from someone prior to the night so I can force carb two 9L kegs so I will definitely have a variety of beers to try also.

I can drop a gas bottle and regulator at your place next week if you like. Unfortunately can't help you out in the morning prior as the wife has booked me solid.

I have the swap Saison all bottled and ready to go. Just need to crack one to make sure of drinkability. I also have an APA thing and plenty of Oatmeal Stout to bring :p
I am not made of stone either and unfortunately my keg of lovely CAP ran out tonight, no idea where that all went :ph34r:

I've got a fermenter full of Brit. IPA ready to bottle for my swap and a Simco/Cascade APA keg that needs drinking, also a 9 litre of a Brit. pale ale for hand pumping.

Lecterfan,I can be available on Saturday morning if you need a hand with food.
I can drop a gas bottle and regulator at your place next week if you like. Unfortunately can't help you out in the morning prior as the wife has booked me solid.

I have the swap Saison all bottled and ready to go. Just need to crack one to make sure of drinkability. I also have an APA thing and plenty of Oatmeal Stout to bring :p


the effort you have put in to just actually be at this event at all dictates that you must be the guest of honour. I am most grateful for the Melbourne legends for their attendance, and Wakka has to come close, but really you take the cake.

I'll probably keg the beers this weekend and maybe drop around to your place one night next week - just as easy for me if it is for you...

Cheers for the assistance offers, I'll be sure to let you know if I need help, but I'm also very grateful that so many of us are going to the effort to wrangle our personal lives to fit the shindig in at all. I am humbled to know such a genuine bunch of people (that's not just post-funeral beers speaking either haha :party: ).

Vic45: looking forward to drinking this APA of yours... :icon_drool2:
Find myself turning into a lurker more than a poster these days! That is one problem with iPhones and this site - easy to read, a bit of a PITA to post...

After some yeast starter issues, the vienna lager is now doing its thing. I'm away this weekend so its probably going to be bottled the morning of, so best to drink it around christmas time methinks!

In terms of other beer, I'll bring what's left of my saison. I'll be interested to see what people think. IMO its certainly drinkable, just don't know how 'saison-y' it is.

Richo - sorry to hear about your loss mate
Looks like I may have to miss this one fellas. Work has me going to Melbourne on the 25th with a late-ish return on the 26th.

I will still see what I can do about getting there but it's not looking good.

Sorry fellas!
No worries Matt, maybe/maybe-not...see what happens.

I tasted Mesa99's swap contribution last night and it was yum. I just tasted my AIPA and while still undercarbed I really like it, bizarre hop combo that works and huge malt underneath it.

I'll organise some pretty basic food for next weekend, but if you want something special on the bbq or have dietary requirements etc please do your best to cater for yourself.

I'll try to PM the 'definite' attendees through the week.

Cheers all.
OK, just capped my 6 swap bottles,was 6 we agreed on wasn't it? :ph34r:

The rest I put into a keg to handpump. 1069 down to 1010, should be a good session beer!

No worries.


1. Lecterfan - AIPA or an English Pale.
2. Wakkatoo - Vienna Lager
3. Beastie - Nelson Sav' Summer ale thingy
4. MaestroMatt - Kolsch or a Steam Beer
5. Billygoat - ?
6. Mesa99 cool.gif - Probably an English IPA or a Summer Ale.
7. Herbo - Something Belgian - Saison or Strong Ale concoction. May not be able to make it to the swap day but will brew swap beer anyway.
8. vic45- C.A.P.
9. Vic13 - not sure yet
10. pommie_granite - not sure yet, might be english ipa

Non swappers

1. Manticle
2. Vitalstatistix
3. iamozziyob
4. Colonel
@ Lecterfan , 12 minutes , didn't think it would take you that long. Must have gone easy on the Ballarat Bitters today?
None at all, mores the pity...maybe tomorrow hey? If they can provide them at round $0.50 per pint which I am accustomed to with decent beer I might try one.
Tried your home grown chinook AIPA last night, really good, mouth filling. Will have the other one tomorrow with vic13, report back then.

I bottled more than enough and a keg for handpumping. I don't know if the keg will be ready next weekend, if its not I will keep it for the next one.
Brewed a Weizen today and just starting the boil on an APA, probably shouldn't have started another brew but I've got all day tomorrow to clean up the huge mess I am making.
what time are events kicking off next week Lec? Was thinking of arriving time to be about noon so I can set up a base camp and then :party:

...still to be co-ordinated with the other city folk... :icon_cheers:
Nothing starts officially until 2pm - if you could make it a touch after midday that would be appreciated as I have quite a bit on that morning etc that I'm trying to get done...but if you get there 12.30pmish - 1pmish would be fine, that is when things will be finalised. The key for me (and a few of the Ballarat gang I suspect) will be pacing ourselves so we aren't asleep by 9pm haha!

I'll probably PM everyone Tuesday night at this stage.

Should be a cracker of a night, hopefully the weather will hold out and we can kick it outside by the fire.

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